1500 Miles So Go Run


2024 January (Read 9 times)


    Happy New Year Everyone!!!!!


    Last year I ended up with just over 1,100 miles, and while not close to the 1,500 this group shoots for I figure it's still probably a lot more than most people in the world.


    Still a bit tentative about what I will be able to do this year, so I am setting my goal at 1,200 miles and will adjust as the year progresses.  I am just starting my slow training build-up for my Half Marathon in the Spring, but it is going to be a really slow buildup.  This week I am alternating between one mile and 1.5 mile runs, and will build those 1.5 mile runs up by .5 miles every 10 days.  It should get me plenty of mileage for the half marathon by May so I'm not concerned about that, just testing out the knees to see how they hold up during the slow increase in mileage.


    Best of luck to everyone this year.


      Thanks for starting us off, JeffD. Congrats on your 1100+ miles for 2023!


      I'm hesitant to design a plan because I keep getting derailed. Maybe I'll just plan one week at a time for a while. I believe I'm close to my PMR going into remission. I'm left with muscle and tendon weakness and sensitivity to increased workload. That's how the glute strain happened - a case of too much too soon in that one TM workout. So I'll try to be more cautious going forward.


      MTA: No time like the present to test the waters. Walked on the TM for a mile with some 30-sec pick-ups towards the end. Seemed okay, so I went outside with the stroller and did 2 miles of 2-min Run / 3-min Walk.  No glute pain, although the SI joints started hurting in the last rep. Susan comes back soon from Arizona and then I'll have a buddy to try running without the stroller. I can't wait! I've been SO stable on my walks lately, so I'm def ready.

      Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. 

      Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.


        Good start guys and gals.  Very key thing is to take things slowly.


        I'm really finding that out again.  I have a nagging desire to run one more marathon, so I can say I ran one in my 60s.  But, dang, I can't even fathom running that far again.  I ran 16 today in beautiful, perfect weather - sunny and about 50 deg, so no excuses - and I was so tired during miles 15 and 16.  Had to take a walk break during those.  If I ever want to run a marathon 16 needs to feel like a piece of cake.


        I really don't have a mileage goal, like last year, I will just take it week by week keeping in mind maybe a marathon sometime in the future.  That may not be this year or ever but I need to try to do what I can.


          marathon training - with your racing history, kcam, you know all the ins and outs I'm sure. I agree with you on the 16'er requirement. To my mind, that's the starting point for marathon training. Your recent experience could have just been an off day due to any number of things. Line up your ducks again and see how you feel next time.

          Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. 

          Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.


            Tomorrow I run 2 miles (which is my long run in my slow build up workout plan - sad, I know), but it is literally the longest I've run in over a month now so I am a bit nervous.  I'm hoping that a lot of the snow we got this weekend is melted and I can actually do it outside instead of on the treadmill - even if I have to go find a cemetery or someplace that is well plowed and melted.


            Now I'm debating whether to run the whole two miles or to take a short walk break at the mile marker.  Prior to me taking this break I was doing walk breaks every mile during my longer runs.


            Wish me luck.


              Sending you all the Good Luck Vibes, JeffD!  I guess you need to ask yourself what would be the purpose of the walk break for tomorrow's 2-miler?  If you think it will minimize stress on the knee - that's a question for the PT. If it is to stave off fatigue as you build endurance, that's certainly valid. There was a time when I would walk the first minute of every mile of my long runs as I was building endurance. I hope you find a cleared path to run outdoors.

              Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. 

              Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.


                Ugh.  No path to run outside today so I was on the treadmill again.


                I did take a 30 second walk break after the first mile - mainly looking to reduce stress on the knee occasionally.  I did get some pain/instability around 1.75 miles but I still can't really figure out why, but I ran through it (reduced pace slightly) and it went away after a minute and it felt fine for the last couple minutes of the run.  The pain has of course moved to somewhere new and is now on the inner part of the quad right above my knee.  Going to try some foam rolling today and tomorrow to see if maybe I just have a knot in my quads somewhere that needs to be worked out.


                One mile tomorrow and then we'll see how it holds up on another 2 miler on Friday.  I still have high hopes that I will be okay - think I just need to work out some kinks.


                  JeffD The location of your discomfort may have just moved further up the adductor. This is one of the inner thigh muscles and attaches to the inner knee. Have you tried this stretch? It would be interesting to see if the one leg is tighter than the other.

                  I couldn't find just a photo - all YouTube videos come up. Basically on all fours, stretch one leg out to the side. Option to sit back to intensify.




                  Google "adductor function in running" and you'll get a wealth of links from running websites all about what it does.

                  Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. 

                  Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.


                    Thanks Happy,  I'll give that stretch a try to see if it helps.  I ran a massage stick over my quads a few times today and definitely felt some tender spots on the inside adductor area - hopefully I can work this out over the next few days.  Maybe I'll also try using the adductor machine at the gym to strengthen it as well.


                    JeffD The location of your discomfort may have just moved further up the adductor. This is one of the inner thigh muscles and attaches to the inner knee. Have you tried this stretch? It would be interesting to see if the one leg is tighter than the other.

                    I couldn't find just a photo - all YouTube videos come up. Basically on all fours, stretch one leg out to the side. Option to sit back to intensify.




                    Google "adductor function in running" and you'll get a wealth of links from running websites all about what it does.


                      Quick update on today's run - was able to run outside now that the snow is gone.  I just did my planned two miles and while I did have the pain hit my knee/lower quad once on a downhill it was just a quick hit of pain and then went away.  On the treadmill that pain was coming and staying for a couple minutes, so it seems running outside is preferable while building up - perhaps it will also help strengthen that area to eliminate this issue.


                        Ugh.  Snow sucks.  Not only do I have to go and run on the treadmill, which does seem to cause more pain in my knee than running outside.


                        But shoveling destroyed me yesterday.  By the time I was done everything was so sore - mainly my knee.  Luckily I got a good nights sleep last night and it feels better this morning.


                          JeffD  what a relief to feel better after all that shoveling! Thinking about your TM experience vs outside, it might be worth experimenting with the TM incline.


                          Here's my story: Awhile back when I first tried introducing running I had knee pain (from weak muscles). It pretty much only happened on the TM and not outdoors.  I prefer the TM incline at 2.5 to 3%, but found that reducing it to 2% eliminates any knee pain.


                          We've had a cold snap and a few inches of snow and ice, but not enough to need clearing. We hit a new overnight low of 1F last week. In all the time we've lived here, we've only dipped into the upper teens twice that I recall. So this single digit stuff is a shocker.

                          Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. 

                          Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.


                            I might try that.  I've been running mainly with it set at 0.5% incline and getting to about 1.75 miles when I feel the pain.


                            Today I had it set to 1% and made it to 1.95 miles before the pain.  Maybe next time I run I'll set it to a bit higher, like 2% and see if that helps.


                            I am set for a mile tomorrow and then a long run of 3 miles on Saturday.  I'm hoping to be able to do that outside, but we might get a bit more snow tomorrow so I don't know what will happen yet.  The pain is pretty severe when I get it and I know I shouldn't run through pain but I'm a bit curious to see if I can get my run outside and get it but try to run through it for a minute to see if it goes away.


                            I do feel like that tendon on the inside of my thigh is kind of tender lately.  I've been stretching and strengthening that area more the last few days but can't tell if that is helping.


                              JeffD  Just curious - when you saw your doc and they recommended PT, did they order an X-ray? What did it show? (In my 15 years of ortho office work, an X-ray was standard part of the assessment.)

                              Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. 

                              Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.


                                I got an MRI and it showed a small tear in my meniscus.  But he basically said that if there was not much pain from it and it didnt stop me from doing the things i wanted to, he didnt recommend surgery.


                                And I was fine for a while, but lately the pain is different, starting above the knee - feels like the tendon is really tight on the inside of my thigh so i dont really think this pain is caused by the meniscus.  Depending on how this weekends running goes, I might reschedule another appointment with the ortho next week to have him look at the whole leg (knee, thigh, and hip) because I feel like maybe I'm completely out of balance on that side and when one thing gets fixed it is throwing something else off.


                                JeffD  Just curious - when you saw your doc and they recommended PT, did they order an X-ray? What did it show? (In my 15 years of ortho office work, an X-ray was standard part of the assessment.)
