3650 Miles in the Hurtlocker

BEER (Read 2196 times)

Prince of Fatness

    I do give out 5s but try to be stingy with them.  I few pop to mind which stand out of even that group.  New Glarus Chocolate Stout that DB shared at C-Rs, and Dark Lord, for example.  Most real Belgians would score a 5 in my book, maybe a few stragglers in the 4s.  


    The Dark Lord was very good but I would not bribe anyone to get into the lottery for it so I could get more, so it gets a 4 from me.


    Rare, one off beers are an exception to the search all ends of the earth rule.  I search all ends because they are rare and hard to obtain, not necessarily because I enjoyed them.


    Oh, and this is my beer store.  24 taps.  Cripes.

    Not at it at all. 


    Will Crew for Beer

      I mostly agree with the ratings, although I'm probably more liberal with my 5 ratings. If my uneducated palate really likes a beer, whether it deserves being called word class or not, it gets a 5. My ratings are purely for my own benefit and if anyone incorrectly bases their beer buying on my opinion of a beer, well, sorry about that.

      Rule number one of a gunfight, bring a gun. Rule number two of a gunfight, bring friends with guns.


      Good Bad & The Monkey

        Same beers are different on different days and different palates. The mango swill actually was quaffable, not a drain pour. It was as good as an MGD or PBR, better than a Mich Ultra and Miller lite. So it did not go down the drain. I was maybe also already a bit unsober when I had it.


        Dark Lord, when I drank it, was flatly NOT a 5, was barely a 4. You really almost need a second scale for difficulty to obtain.

        Prince of Fatness

          The mango swill actually was quaffable, not a drain pour. It was as good as an MGD or PBR, better than a Mich Ultra and Miller lite. So it did not go down the drain.


          See I could not finish it, at all.  Different palates, we have.  Then again, I was never a fan of the mango flavor so that has something to do with it.


          That's why I sometimes take the BA ratings with a grain of salt.  It always cracks me up when I see someone trash say, a fruit beer, then the last words are "I am not a fruit beer guy".  I tend to pay more attention to the ratings when a) it's a pretty popular style (stout, pale, IPA) and b) there are a decent number (hundred plus) of reviews.

          Not at it at all. 

          Feeling the growl again

            Dark Lord, when I drank it, was flatly NOT a 5, was barely a 4. .


            For you.  Wink


            Personal preference is huge in this.  For example, you Trent would across the board rate fruit beers and IPAs higher than me.  I am partial to Belgians, stouts, and non-bitter reds.


            The only thing that comes to mind that I would give a 0 was the sour I tried once.  An $8 bottle down the drain after 2 sips.


            Heck, when I go to Montana we drink Busch Lite by the case.  In that context it goes down well.  But I would never bring it home to meet the parents.

            "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


            I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills



            Will Crew for Beer

              For you.  Wink


              Personal preference is huge in this.  For example, you Trent would across the board rate fruit beers and IPAs higher than me.  I am partial to Belgians, stouts, and non-bitter reds.



              Malt > Hops

              Rule number one of a gunfight, bring a gun. Rule number two of a gunfight, bring friends with guns.


              Good Bad & The Monkey

                Earlier this summer, hops > malts.


                I am so over hops after the huge list of IPAs I have had. Now, malts ~ hops


                Spanspan, what was the fruit beer you poured?



                  Spanspan, what was the fruit beer you poured?


                  Was it that bottle of Ephemere I brought that one time. Not a good choice.


                  But then I did try and finish the sour at Heatmizer's. It was good.

                  "He conquers who endures" - Persius
                  "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel


                  Feeling the growl again

                    Earlier this summer, hops > malts.


                    I am so over hops after the huge list of IPAs I have had. Now, malts ~ hops


                    Spanspan, what was the fruit beer you poured?


                    It was a New Belgium Lips of Faith series, La Folie IIRC.  Absolutely disgusting (to my palate).  My wife is no stranger to sour things given her heritage, and she couldn't stand it either.

                    "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


                    I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills


                    Feeling the growl again

                      Was it that bottle of Ephemere I brought that one time. Not a good choice.


                      But then I did try and finish the sour at Heatmizer's. It was good.


                      I don't recall that one, which means I couldn't have strongly disliked it, at the very least.  I will remember a disgusting beer, but an acceptable one may get lost in amongst the others.

                      "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


                      I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills


                      Prince of Fatness

                        I am so over hops after the huge list of IPAs I have had.


                        Not yet for me, although I am starting to get the urge for Oktoberfest style beer.  I still have some IPA's and summer type beer in my stash to go through.  If I don't get through them by Labor Day I may say "screw it" and box them up for next spring.


                        Oktoberfest season is nice, but what I am really looking forward to is stout and porter season.  Yum.

                        Not at it at all. 

                        Prince of Fatness

                          La Folie IIRC.


                          I remember you complaining about that one.  La Folie does have some funkiness to it.  If you are not ready for it I could see where you would say WTF.  I have a bottle of that from 2011 in my fridge.  Maybe this weekend.....


                          Don't give up on sours spaniel, there are many that are less in your face than La Folie.

                          Not at it at all. 


                          Good Bad & The Monkey



                            La Follie is fairly spectacular stuff.




                              x2. good stuff. Hope it does not affect weigh-in overly much tomorrow.

                              Feeling the growl again


                                La Follie Old Rasputin is fairly spectacular stuff.





                                "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


                                I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills