3650 Miles in the Hurtlocker

Who had a good workout this week? (Read 2359 times)

Feeling the growl again

    Two minutes, which seemed like a lot.


    Methinks you need to race a 5K and stop sandbagging your PR.  No way that workout would be easy or even comfortable at 5sec/mile under your true 5K ability.

    "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


    I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills


      Sean, that 2 min rest was it jogging or walking?  It makes a difference to me.


      I think I can pull off that workout ( 5 X 1200 at slightly under 5K pace) without a 5K PR being automatic.  Something about the track (maybe other dudes lapping me?) makes me run faster.  Maybe I am sandbagging the races a bit, I haven't run a 5k in a while though.


        Methinks you need to race a 5K and stop sandbagging your PR.  No way that workout would be easy or even comfortable at 5sec/mile under your true 5K ability.



        Well to be fair, all the 5ks I've raced recently have been on a very hilly course. I think I need a flat and fast 5k to find out what I can really do.

        Have you qualified for Boston? I want to interview you!

        Message me!





          Sean, that 2 min rest was it jogging or walking?  It makes a difference to me.


          I think I can pull off that workout ( 5 X 1200 at slightly under 5K pace) without a 5K PR being automatic.  Something about the track (maybe other dudes lapping me?) makes me run faster.  Maybe I am sandbagging the races a bit, I haven't run a 5k in a while though.


          recovery was actually just wandering around in a daze on the side of the track, so walking I guess, but not even very much walking.

          Have you qualified for Boston? I want to interview you!

          Message me!




            Monday sucked. First time I've done anything but 'easy' or 'easy trails' since mid march.


            5 x (200 m / 200 recovery / 400 m / 400 recovery)


            200's were on the suggested pace by Daniels and I was a ~4 seconds slower on the 400's.   It was 95+ degrees, baking sun and high humidity so I'd say things look decent for the fall racing season.


            I'm going to say it was a good workout because I actually got off my duff and started to train.

              On pace for two decent weeks.  79 miles last week with one day off (daughters B-day) and I'm on pace for a little better than this week.  Had a good progression run on Tuesday.  9 miles total.  Started out at close to a 6:50 mile and decided to bring it down 10 sec each mile.  Went 6:46, 6:28, 6:28, 6:20, 6:08, 6:01, 5:50, 5:41, 5:30.  I was happy with the pacing effort as I didn't have the GPS watch.  Just went with the mile markers that a friend put down on the path.  With exception of Mile 2 (suppose to be 6:40), I was pretty much right on the whole way!

              Prince of Fatness

                I fartlek'd again this week.  Heh.

                Not at it at all. 

                  <h6>Had 2 AWESOME workouts this week. Tuesday I did 6   .65 of a  mile  intervals and today I did 13  .25 of a mile  intervals with 75 second rests. One problem. I felt AWESOME after the intervals and even felt great while running the cool down UPHILL towards home (intervals were done on a soccer field). Got a PCR run on Saturday. Enjoying my first week of anaerobic phase of training plan</h6>

                  Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson

                    5 x 1200 at 5k pace tonight. My 5k pace is a 7:05, but I did these reasonably comfortably at 7:00. Maybe I'm faster than I thought?

                     Sounds like my  Tuesday  workout went though mine was  6 x 1000 meters at around 5 seconds faster than my 5k pr pace. BTW I hadn't planned on running it at that pace, I was SUPPOSED to run them 5 seconds slower however I was going by effort and not worrying about time. Wore my HR monitor to gauge things

                    Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson

                      Nice work, people.

                      "If you have the fire, run..." -John Climacus


                      Will Crew for Beer

                        I've had a pretty good month. First month over 100 miles. I know my 5K time has improved. My last 5K I ran in April was a 9:21/mile pace and I'm pretty sure I could run a 9:00/mile pace now. I'm looking forward to running a 10K this Monday to see if there's any improvement in the longer distance. I ran a 6 miler in July at a 9:41/mile pace and I should be able to run a 9:30/mile pace for the 10K.


                        I've started doing some trail running and have really enjoyed it even though I tend to get lost and attacked by evil bastard bugs. Long runs have been getting better. Earlier this year leading up to the Indy Mini Marathon all my long runs had walk breaks. I'm up to 10 miles now with no walk breaks and should be up 12 shortly with the possibility of running a half on October 2. My thought would be to take it easy and finish with no walking and then do another half on November 5 with a goal time of 2:15:00.

                        Rule number one of a gunfight, bring a gun. Rule number two of a gunfight, bring friends with guns.

                          Another decent week last week - 77 miles with a decent progression run.  Starting this off week right with a 12 miler yesterday and just finished up doubling for the day.  2nd run of the day was a 6 mile tempo.  Averaged 5:44 with miles ranging from 5:38-5:51.  The first two were the slowest and the last 4 were all between 5:38-5:43.  Feeling good!


                          Options,Account, Forums

                            DW failed a workout this evening which seems surprisingly aggressive to me.


                            It is from http://www.runningplanet.com/training/5K-training-program-advanced.html


                            Week 11, Tuesday


                            Tuesday - Standard warm up. Run 5 x 1600 meter repeats at 5 seconds per mile faster than 5K pace. Jog for 400 meters between repeats. Run 4 x 400 meters at 15 seconds per mile faster than 5K pace. Run for 200 meters at an easy pace between the repeats. Cool down with 800 meters of jogging.



                            Never mind the second half -- the 5x1600 at 5K-5 w 400jog seems aggressive to me - what do you think?

                            It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.

                              Tuesday - Standard warm up. Run 5 x 1600 meter repeats at 5 seconds per mile faster than 5K pace. Jog for 400 meters between repeats. Run 4 x 400 meters at 15 seconds per mile faster than 5K pace. Run for 200 meters at an easy pace between the repeats. Cool down with 800 meters of jogging.



                              Never mind the second half -- the 5x1600 at 5K-5 w 400jog seems aggressive to me - what do you think?


                              5 x 1 mile @ faster than 5k pace is a killer, borderline undoable workout for almost all us rec runners. 400m recovery is longish but thats a lot of volume at 5k pace. Thats not even including the 2nd half.

                              Feeling the growl again

                                DW failed a workout this evening which seems surprisingly aggressive to me.


                                It is from http://www.runningplanet.com/training/5K-training-program-advanced.html


                                Week 11, Tuesday


                                Tuesday - Standard warm up. Run 5 x 1600 meter repeats at 5 seconds per mile faster than 5K pace. Jog for 400 meters between repeats. Run 4 x 400 meters at 15 seconds per mile faster than 5K pace. Run for 200 meters at an easy pace between the repeats. Cool down with 800 meters of jogging.



                                Never mind the second half -- the 5x1600 at 5K-5 w 400jog seems aggressive to me - what do you think?


                                When in really good shape I could do the 5X1600...though it was probably 2-3 seconds per repeat faster than I should have done it.  And this is if the 400 jog was VERY slow to get my 3min recovery.  For someone running like 6+min miles rather than sub-5 I should think the workout impossible....the body knows time, not distance, so slower runners doing the same recovery will have more issues holding that pace.


                                So if I'm running 4:55 1600s for a 15:30 5K....that's doing like 1:08-1:09 400s for the second part?  Doable, barely, after the 1600s.  


                                Unless you are at least a sub-16 5K runner I think this is borderline idiocy....and if you are, it's still sounding like a hero workout and not a real one....something you just do to impress your friends.

                                "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


                                I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills