3650 Miles in the Hurtlocker

Who had a good workout this week? (Read 2359 times)

    quarters.. halfs.. you guys are killing it.


    I tried 3 x 3 miles with a mile jog in between. Almost made it all the way through, and was battling in the second rep. but just couldn't will myself that last mile. Anyway, all considered.. Im pretty pleased.

    I've seen 3 x 2 miles and 2 x 3 miles but not 3 x 3 miles.  Wow, that's a tough, long workout.  Nice job keeping it all under 6 too.

    Feeling the growl again

      So a week after our last track workout, the boy and I hit the oval again. Nothing special 8x400s but now we're under 1:30 and 4x200 blasts under 40. 1 mi wu and cd. The kid can go. 800s next week. I hate 800s.


      Outstanding workout.


      And, you'll thank me sometime after you're done cursing me.  Big grin

      "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


      I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills


        5 mi tempo in 27:52 (5:35 pace). Felt great with the effort and was happy to see that the time was faster than when I last raced that distance (~3 yr ago).  The 5k tempo earlier in the week was slower than last time but I'm contributing that to doing it in the dark at 5:30 am.


        It's been a good week so far. Just need to get a long run in tomorrow to make it a really solid week.

        Feeling the growl again

          I see I have my work cut out for me on our little wager. Nice effort.


          5 mi tempo in 27:52 (5:35 pace). Felt great with the effort and was happy to see that the time was faster than when I last raced that distance (~3 yr ago).  The 5k tempo earlier in the week was slower than last time but I'm contributing that to doing it in the dark at 5:30 am.


          It's been a good week so far. Just need to get a long run in tomorrow to make it a really solid week.

          "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


          I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills


            mbehr, I saw the 3 x 3 in the Hansons book. Plus, one of my friends does this workout and similar ones. Just seems like ive been working the 5k pace lots the past few years. Time to switch something around.


            Btw, I fully respect your early morning runs. Those are really hard to get out the door for.

            And we run because we like it
            Through the broad bright land


              mbehr, I saw the 3 x 3 in the Hansons book. 


              Its also attributed to Daniels in the August issue of Running times as a workout he had Janet Cherobon-Bawcom doing.  Short rest too, IIRC.

                Not a single workout, but think I just ran highest 7 day total mileage (62) in my running career.  Hope I can keep this up for the next couple of months.

                Feeling the growl again

                  very nice!


                  Not a single workout, but think I just ran highest 7 day total mileage (62) in my running career.  Hope I can keep this up for the next couple of months.

                  "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


                  I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills


                    Some serious workouts going on here....


                    mbehr, a 5 mi tempo in 27:52 is scary - you are ready to take a big chunk off that half PR.

                      Well, I hobbyjogged 4-5 miles yesterday, with only minimal groin pain.  Things were kinda sore later in the evening, though.  (And my freaking left hamstring is a freaking guitar string today.  Grrr.)


                      But every day, in every way, ...  Cool

                      "I want you to pray as if everything depends on it, but I want you to prepare yourself as if everything depends on you."

                      -- Dick LeBeau

                        7 x 1 mile.. blah.. feeling tired and unmotivated. I think more tired than anything else. That and the hamstrings are whispering to each other. Not sure I have any more excuses.

                        And we run because we like it
                        Through the broad bright land

                          9 mile tempo/progression run.  At least I confirmed my legs still work.  I may be able to get some real workouts in next week.


                            12x536m intervals. Yes that means 1/3 mile intervals. It added up to 4 mi of speed. Averaged 4:44 pace; an improvement from my 16x400 workout from the year before at 4:44 pace since the distance was a bit longer each interval!


                            Kudos to all who ran their asses off this week.

                              Not a single workout, but think I just ran highest 7 day total mileage (62) in my running career.  Hope I can keep this up for the next couple of months.


                              Nice work Happyfeet!  You've been putting in the work and have been building up nicely since July.  Should be no problems keeping the trend going.

                                7 x 1 mile.. blah.. feeling tired and unmotivated. I think more tired than anything else. That and the hamstrings are whispering to each other. Not sure I have any more excuses.


                                Ahh, welcome to the monotony of training.  Dude, you've been putting down some serious workouts.  If you need motivation, I'm sure there's many here that would be happy to give you a kick in the pants.  Truthfully, your motivation is all in your log.  Just look back a month or so and compare to where you are now.  Sure, there's been some "fails" in your workouts but you should be able to compare some of your 5 mile tempo efforts and see that you're getting stronger and faster.  It's those little victories that you need to keep reminding yourself that you are improving and making progress.