3650 Miles in the Hurtlocker

I'm going to hurt myself (Read 3386 times)

I look my best blurry!

    OMG I can't read anymore! We are falling apart. I can't take!!! Shins, Achilles, piriformis, hit by a car???? I'm staying on the Alter G where it's safe and I can run with my eyes shut without stressing anything, falling or getting hit!

      so you have one good leg ?


      I dont see a problem.

      I like this advice.  I will give it a go. 

      "If you have the fire, run..." -John Climacus


        So now I have 3 injuries in the same leg.  Dammit.

         And you can still drop me like 3rd period French.


        oh and what A1 said. Heh.


        With all this damn injured reserve crap, I'm worried about posting in here since I am feeling solid.


        So heal up people. We have PRs to set and races to run.

        "He conquers who endures" - Persius
        "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel


          With all this damn injured reserve crap, I'm worried about posting in here since I am feeling solid.


          So heal up people. We have PRs to set and races to run.


          +1 - its getting scary posting round here!

            Every time I read the title of this thread, I think about something that happened when I was just out of high school.  My friends and I were hanging out, talking about what kind of trouble we were going to try to stir up, or whatever it was we talked about those days, and a guy we knew, but not so well, drove up in his truck.  It was clear he'd had too much, then at least two more.  So, in a really slurred voice, he makes the announcement, "I'm gonna go get a DUI."


            Then he proceeds to do 2 or 3 donuts in the parking lot, jump the curb and exit the parking lot into the street through the grass, burning what was left of the rubber off his tires, and he merged perfectly in front of a police car.  Blue lights on. Mission accomplished.


            That's about all I've got. Other than I hope everyone heals up quickly.  


            Oh yeah...don't drink and drive.

            Feeling the growl again

              so you have one good leg ?


              I dont see a problem.



              "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


              I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills


              RunningAhead's Steepler

                70 miles in a week, first time ever. Hopefully will hold this untill the end of march sometime.

                Pr's 400: 51.5 800: 1:59 1600: 4:27 3200: 9:48 5k: 16:06 10k :36:12 HM: 1:24 Marathon: Coming in 2015-2020

                  Congrats Bambi!


                  I have good news I think lol. Dr. gave me a prescription for a "real" anti inflammatory  (I've been using Aleve) and was told a couple days of this and the inflammation should be down. Keeping fingers crossed!

                  Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson


                    I am having second thoughts abount changing my stride - Even though I am not injured - I am not well. 


                    After years of heal striking all of my little support muscles along with the major 3 - quads / hams / calves are all built to heal strike.  For now I have moved from moderate forefoot to flatfooted foot slapping to barely forefoot and there is a definate difference in feel. 


                    Forefoot - I always feel loaded tension in my calves and quads - I am never just relaxed and free flowing in easy runs.


                    Flatfooted - maybe a little heal or a little forefoot - I am smooth, running easy becomes so confortable it is as easy as breathing and I run faster with less effort.


                    After try to run 2500-3000 miles moderate forefoot - I would have thought I would have transitioned past uncomfortable.


                    I am thinking of consulting the stride guru in Madison at "The Runners Clinic".  I naturally have some major deficiencies in my right leg stride - I might even get the right exercises to get it more efficient or at least less goofy looking.


                    Either way - I am moving back to what ever feels the most comfortable until further review

                    Long dead ... But my stench lingers !



                    Feeling the growl again


                      Either way - I am moving back to what ever feels the most comfortable until further review


                      If it feels that wrong it probably is.


                      It doesn't just matter where on your foot you land but where your foot is in relation to your center of bodyline when it takes weight.  If you land forefoot and it is in front of you, it will load your calves etc as you describe.  Flatfooted is probably feeling better because you are landing directly under you.  


                      I'd just go with it.

                      "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


                      I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills



                        Plus - even if I could train my body to accept the other way - For my goal races I have to be able to shuffle fast - Which can only be achived through the path of lesat resistence - I still should get off my ass and see the stride guru -

                        Long dead ... But my stench lingers !



                        Prince of Fatness

                          I'm going to set a modest goal of running 45 mpw and be 175 pounds by the end of February.  I am at 35 mpw and 182 now.


                          Progress is slower that I would like, but it is there.  I am at about 40 mpw and weighed in at 179.5 on Friday.  It's funny that I have not felt completely motivated, but at the same time I've only taken 7 days off this year, less than a day a week.


                          The leg still bothers me but shows slow improvement, so I am hoping that I can just keep moving forward, albeit slowly.

                          Not at it at all. 

                          Ostrich runner

                            Just had a full on hamstring cramp. That means I'm doing some things right and some things wrong. 


                            Feeling the growl again

                              Progress is slower that I would like, but it is there.  I am at about 40 mpw and weighed in at 179.5 on Friday.  It's funny that I have not felt completely motivated, but at the same time I've only taken 7 days off this year, less than a day a week.


                              The leg still bothers me but shows slow improvement, so I am hoping that I can just keep moving forward, albeit slowly.




                              I'm not hurting myself but still hurting.  I don't feel bad at all about the 10K yesterday now; today I slept 11 hours overnight, was up for <2 hrs before passing out for a 3hr nap, tried to go for a very easy 12-mile run but cut it short to 5 miles and I was light-headed afterwards.  Took another 2-hr nap in the afternoon.  This virus fucking sucks, I can't stay awake.  I am going to be pissed if I travel all the way to Nashville to blow up in a HM from a dumb fucking virus.  I'll take it easy tomorrow again and hope that is enough to get it to pass.

                              "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


                              I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills


                                I'm hopeful. Did a slow 15 mile trail run today that was awesome. Screw PT, acupuncture, and RICE. The trails are my therapy. Let's keep this up heel!

                                It's supposed to be hard. If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The hard is what makes it great. ~ Jimmy Dugan