3650 Miles in the Hurtlocker

I'm going to hurt myself (Read 3386 times)

Prince of Fatness

    I have not run a PR in 6 years.  Nobody on here can provide better competition than I've already made for myself.


    Having not started racing seriously until I was in my mid 40's, I still think that I can make a run at a few PR's.  My PR's were all set within the last several years, and aren't all that low.  At almost 49 I figure that I have maybe 3 or 4 years left before I start looking at those stupid AG charts.


    For those looking for and AG calculator I use this one....



    Not at it at all. 


    Will Crew for Beer

      I'm still building fitness so if I don't break all of my 2011 PRs I'll be pretty disappointed. My 5K PR is pretty soft, so if we were to do anything based on previous PRs it would probably be more fair to calculate a time based on my November half. With just an age based adjustment I'm slower than all of you, but that's OK. I'll give it a go.

      Rule number one of a gunfight, bring a gun. Rule number two of a gunfight, bring friends with guns.


      old woman w/hobby

        I'm in for what ever you all choose.




          I'm still building fitness so if I don't break all of my 2011 PRs I'll be pretty disappointed. My 5K PR is pretty soft, so if we were to do anything based on previous PRs it would probably be more fair to calculate a time based on my November half. With just an age based adjustment I'm slower than all of you, but that's OK. I'll give it a go.

           Continue what you've been doing the past 3 months (even minus that Dec stunt) through spring and summer and all your goals will be kind of easy come fall.  You can go back to my 2008-2009 log to see the proof, HM PR from 1:59 to 1:51, 5K from 27+ to 24:30.   Kind of stalled out since, as I probably need more/different stimulus (emphasis on faster varied workouts) and I plan on working on that this year.



            Switch something up and find that other gear....


            Busted out a good one tonight. He'll yeah. 4 mile tempo in 21:38 (5:25 pace). That's just what the doctor ordered. Thanks for the kick in the you know what.

            Prince of Fatness

              4 mile tempo in 21:38 (5:25 pace).



              Not at it at all. 

              Feeling the growl again

                Busted out a good one tonight. He'll yeah. 4 mile tempo in 21:38 (5:25 pace). That's just what the doctor ordered. Thanks for the kick in the you know what.


                You're welcome.  Now I have a target if I ever get to do one outdoors.

                "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


                I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills


                  Good for you.  I managed one today too - 8k tempo in 34.46 (4.21 per km or 7min miles) Happy with that.  Coach says it was too quick.  Sometimes I can't get anything quite right!

                  Prince of Fatness

                    My tempos are up over 7:30 pace, but I'm fat so that's the best that I can do.


                    I'm feeling OK but am unmotivated.  I haven't taken a day off in over two months and am thinking that maybe I should.  Not today though.

                    Not at it at all. 

                      Busted out a good one tonight. He'll yeah. 4 mile tempo in 21:38 (5:25 pace). That's just what the doctor ordered. Thanks for the kick in the you know what.

                      That's one hell of a kick in the butt you got!

                      "I want you to pray as if everything depends on it, but I want you to prepare yourself as if everything depends on you."

                      -- Dick LeBeau

                        OK, I'll admit that it was faster than a prescribed tempo pace but it felt comfortable and I could have kept going at that pace for another mile or so easy.  I'm really looking forward to next weekend now.  Just hope the weather cooperates.

                          I'm in for whatever too Smile that is if my calf keeps cooperating. I've got back to back 5k's the second weekend of Feb. Though's ought to be interesting lol

                          Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson

                            It doesn't pale in comparison to many of you but I finally hit a new run streak last Friday.  Broke the barrier of 42 days that I got back in May/June 2010.  It seems as if there is always something that pops up between work or family so I'm excited to be able to keep the streak alive. 


                            All in all, streaks really don't matter too much to me as I would rather have the consistency of real miles in there.  It is a little motivator though that has gotten me out there in times when it's easier to say I'd rather do this or that or I'm just not feeling it today.  In most cases, when I get back from one of those runs I'm always glad I sucked it up and laced up the shoes for run.


                              OK, I'll admit that it was faster than a prescribed tempo pace but it felt comfortable and I could have kept going at that pace for another mile or so easy.  I'm really looking forward to next weekend now.  Just hope the weather cooperates.


                              The weather looks perfect. 40degs. I don't know what the winds will be doing but with the way the course is layed out the wind isn't going be a huge factor.

                                The weather looks perfect. 40degs. I don't know what the winds will be doing but with the way the course is layed out the wind isn't going be a huge factor.


                                Have they changed the course layout over the last couple of years?  From CCC, I know we went up to either 5th, 6th or 7th Ave S and turned to go East.  A couple of years ago there was a pretty good wind from the West and coming back down one of those roads you had it in the face for a few blocks.  Other than that, yeah the wind shouldn't be a huge factor.