3650 Miles in the Hurtlocker

I'm going to hurt myself (Read 3386 times)

     Hoping for the best for you Pam.


    And You can keep those 20's CR!  It's going to be in the low 30's here tomorrow morning and 

    I'm dreading it!

     Thanks Tea! I'm hoping to still be able to run long tomorrow, speaking of GOOD LUCK tomorrow!!

    Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson

      Not the kind of hurt I want but my right knee is driving me f-in nuts.  I have this tightness on the inside of the knee down by the calf.  There a tight pull there when I try to do a hamstring stretch and sometimes I can feel a tendon rubbing or clicking over when I flex my leg.  It's been there for a couple of weeks but usually doesn't hurt after I warm up.  It's been more tendor lately and has a consistent ache all the time. 


      12 stupid weeks being consistent and I get this.  Going to take a few days off and give it a little TLC.  Or maybe I'll do the elliptical or bike, which I really don't care for or have any desire to do at this point. 

        Heart and Lungs, whatever. Did the doc say anything about your swollen belly?


        A reason for calcium to be low is because it is fine but a blood protein called albumen, which carries calcium, is low. A low albumen and a swollen belly makes me wonder about your liver... Did you get liver tests?


        Course, I'm sitting here with my second drink of the day. Maybe I should wonder about my liver.

         so protein and calcium were low. Doctor is doing more tests though he doesn't seem to be more worried, at least not as worried as the doctor that called me. Guess me being an "endurance athlete" means my numbers can be skewed and be totally normal for me.

        Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson

          Not the kind of hurt I want but my right knee is driving me f-in nuts.  I have this tightness on the inside of the knee down by the calf.  There a tight pull there when I try to do a hamstring stretch and sometimes I can feel a tendon rubbing or clicking over when I flex my leg.  It's been there for a couple of weeks but usually doesn't hurt after I warm up.  It's been more tendor lately and has a consistent ache all the time. 


          12 stupid weeks being consistent and I get this.  Going to take a few days off and give it a little TLC.  Or maybe I'll do the elliptical or bike, which I really don't care for or have any desire to do at this point. 

           Grrrrr! Hope the few days off is what you need to get rid of that!  Hope to hear everything is feeling MUCH better after some rest!

          Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson


            Need to get at root cause - In the past I had a terrible outside of knee issue that moved to my calf - It turned out I had a hip that was pretty out of alignment - Once back in alignment the other issues disappeared immediately. 


            Not the kind of hurt I want but my right knee is driving me f-in nuts.  I have this tightness on the inside of the knee down by the calf.  There a tight pull there when I try to do a hamstring stretch and sometimes I can feel a tendon rubbing or clicking over when I flex my leg.  It's been there for a couple of weeks but usually doesn't hurt after I warm up.  It's been more tendor lately and has a consistent ache all the time. 


            12 stupid weeks being consistent and I get this.  Going to take a few days off and give it a little TLC.  Or maybe I'll do the elliptical or bike, which I really don't care for or have any desire to do at this point. 

            Long dead ... But my stench lingers !




            old woman w/hobby

              Not the kind of hurt I want but my right knee is driving me f-in nuts.  I have this tightness on the inside of the knee down by the calf.  There a tight pull there when I try to do a hamstring stretch and sometimes I can feel a tendon rubbing or clicking over when I flex my leg.  It's been there for a couple of weeks but usually doesn't hurt after I warm up.  It's been more tendor lately and has a consistent ache all the time. 


              12 stupid weeks being consistent and I get this.  Going to take a few days off and give it a little TLC.  Or maybe I'll do the elliptical or bike, which I really don't care for or have any desire to do at this point. 


              I hope that you get it strait quickly.




                Need to get at root cause - In the past I had a terrible outside of knee issue that moved to my calf - It turned out I had a hip that was pretty out of alignment - Once back in alignment the other issues disappeared immediately. 


                Not sure what the root cause is in this case.  I had a similar issue two winters ago and after frequent massaging and rolling of the calf and inner thigh, it seems to loosen up and work itself out.  This time is slightly different as it seems to be more in the upper calf to almost behind the knee.  I've been rolling it out and massaging it.  It feels much better today but is still not right.

                Ostrich runner

                  I ran today. First time in a month. I've been saying I wouldn't start back until I was ready to stick with it again...so I guess I have to stick with it. It's nice being a simpleton.


                  Prince of Fatness

                    Need to get at root cause


                    How do you do this?  I have tried for 2 years and have had enough.

                    Not at it at all. 

                      How do you do this?  I have tried for 2 years and have had enough.


                      If you knew, life would be easy.  Like you. I've spent years chasing different things from random hamstring to achilles issues.  About the only thing I have figured out is the achilles problem.  For some reason I'm stupid enough to keep hammering at.  Why?  I don't know.  I guess it's the never ending chase of what could be.


                      The only other thing I can offer is that what you feel as the symptom is rarely where the root cause is.


                        I have never had something hand on long enough to pull the trigger - But this is the guy I would see if I needed to.




                        He is know as a guru in the Fox Cities (Madison is 2 hours away) that has helped everyone that has seen him and most get to keep running.


                        How do you do this?  I have tried for 2 years and have had enough.

                        Long dead ... But my stench lingers !



                        Prince of Fatness

                          The only other thing I can offer is that what you feel as the symptom is rarely where the root cause is.


                          This part I get, completely.  It all started as a torn left hamstring tendon two years ago.  Now it is a numb right leg.  My right side has always been tighter and I think that the torn hammy was a consequence of that.  Honestly I think that most of my my issues are from working a desk job for the last 25+ years.  My commute has been an hour each way most of that time, too.  I have run most of my adult years, but not any kind of volume until I hit my 40's.  I sit.  A lot.  I guess that you cannot reverse the effects of that overnight.


                          I have not run since Sunday and I don't care.


                          I have been to several doctors, chiros, etc.  Some have helped more than others.  But none have given me the answer that I am looking for which is if you do this, you will be healed.  Hell I'd even settle for managing it.


                          I am really considering giving up the thought of racing.  I am almost 49 and the time I have left to chase lifetime PR's is getting shorter.  I might just go back to running 20 - 30 miles a week just to stay healthy.  There are a lot of trails around here and I can hit them on weekends.  I am just really tired of fighting this thing.  It's a shame, because my kids are pretty much out of the house and I now have the time to run a decent amount of mileage.

                          Not at it at all. 


                            Just remember old washed up road racers can migrate to and enjoy the heck out of ultra running - Don't need that long (Hamstring stretching) stride - Just little steps that keep on coming.

                            Long dead ... But my stench lingers !



                            Feeling the growl again

                              Just remember old washed up road racers can migrate to and enjoy the heck out of ultra running - Don't need that long (Hamstring stretching) stride - Just little steps that keep on coming.


                              DB won't stop until we are all corrupted...

                              "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


                              I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills



                              old woman w/hobby

                                Hmm, I've been enjoying the heck out of the podcasts at  http://ultrarunnerpodcast.com/  that fatozzig linked here:





                                Obviously I can't insert  a link.
