3650 Miles in the Hurtlocker


Flats (Read 1842 times)

    How do you like the 101's Sara??? I'm thinking those may be the shoe for me come my March 50 miler. The kinvara's just aren't cutting it. I have a callous on the ball of one foot that has cracked. Boy does it hurt after a few miles in the Kinvara's. Weird cause it feels just fine in my Vibrams.

    Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson

      How do you like the 101's Sara??? I'm thinking those may be the shoe for me come my March 50 miler. The kinvara's just aren't cutting it. I have a callous on the ball of one foot that has cracked. Boy does it hurt after a few miles in the Kinvara's. Weird cause it feels just fine in my Vibrams.

       I really like them. A lot. I have mostly been wearing them on soft, muddy, semi-technical, wet trails and they are great. Traction is good, they are light and comfy, and they drain water really well. I haven't worn them on anything too rocky, but I don't imagine I would like them as much for that kind of terrain. At most I will run a 50k in them this year, just because it's taking some time to get used to. Not sure they will ever be a 100 miler shoe for me...my feet took a good beating in beefier shoes.

      It's supposed to be hard. If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The hard is what makes it great. ~ Jimmy Dugan

      Hawt and sexy

        Hmmm... I just looked at the 101s. They look like just the ticket if I wanna do that 50k this spring (assuming the terrain is as advertised). Gah. The last thing I need right now is another pair of shoes. I gotta get my mileage back up to where it was so that I can justify buying more shoes.

        I'm touching your pants.

           I really like them. A lot. I have mostly been wearing them on soft, muddy, semi-technical, wet trails and they are great. Traction is good, they are light and comfy, and they drain water really well. I haven't worn them on anything too rocky, but I don't imagine I would like them as much for that kind of terrain. At most I will run a 50k in them this year, just because it's taking some time to get used to. Not sure they will ever be a 100 miler shoe for me...my feet took a good beating in beefier shoes.

          Thanks for the input.


          Ya I'm still planning on wearing my Cascadia's for my 100 in July due to the rocks. Made a mistake the first year and wore trainers. THAT won't happen again lol

          Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson

            I used the Brooks Racer ST's for most of my training runs and the last two marathons I've done. I might get another race-specific pair, but I wasn't getting the mileage out of them (300 or so) that I could out of, say, Asics DS Trainers (400 or so). I've had trouble finding a trainer with a flexible sole which will not inhibit my stride, as well as one that is not too squishy. The ST's felt pretty good.


            I've also marathoned in the Adizero Manas... I would have sprung for another pair but the current generation of them is a really hideous shade of blue (function over form? You betcha. But color is something else entirely). I like the Manas and maybe by the time I need shoes again they will have changed the color. Or I'll just get over it.


            I also have a pair of Piranhas, but I don't think I'd run over a 5k in them. There are people out there with thicker callouses on their feet than the sole of the Piranhas. BUT.....they are a really fast shoe. I think Nobby runs in Piranhas.



            MTA...the Brooks shoes I was running in were Racer ST's, not T6's. I changed it above. Oops. Heh.

            I look my best blurry!

              I use DS's for all my running.  1160s for day to day, DS Trainers for tempos and HM upwards and Tarthers for shorter races


              Worth considering the Tarthers if thats your only issue with the DS range.  They don't have the arch insert that the rest of the range have.  I'm really starting to like them.


              I was using DS trainers but now my Tarthers are my choice most days. I love them on the treadmill, fartleks, and tempos. I just bought a pair of Asics Speedstars, a little more cushiony than Tarthers but I haven't gotten past trying to keep them clean yet. Wondering how my Newton Distancias would fit on the list. Ran my last marathon in them and lost 3 toenails. Ugh. I'm training in them some but hesitant to wear them again in Boston. I'm planning on wearing the Speedstars on my next long run with dry roads to see how they work out. They're pink, they're cute. What can I say?
                I was using DS trainers but now my Tarthers are my choice most days. I love them on the treadmill, fartleks, and tempos. I just bought a pair of Asics Speedstars, a little more cushiony than Tarthers but I haven't gotten past trying to keep them clean yet. Wondering how my Newton Distancias would fit on the list. Ran my last marathon in them and lost 3 toenails. Ugh. I'm training in them some but hesitant to wear them again in Boston. I'm planning on wearing the Speedstars on my next long run with dry roads to see how they work out. They're pink, they're cute. What can I say?

                I tried some speedsters out on the treadmill at the running store and I swear I could see wear from just that short run. Decided right then and there those wouldn't last me long even if my feet did like them.



                MTA: course they are probably great for the "short" distance stuff

                Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson

                I look my best blurry!

                  Yeah, hopefully they'll be fine for my wimpy little marathons, huh?

                  Feeling the growl again


                    MTA.  I think I am going to order a pair of T6s so I can try them now and still have time to find something else if they will not work.


                    HOLY CRAP.  I ordered the shoes right after this post yesterday...they arrived at my house by 5pm today, about a 26-hour turnaround.  Way to go Zappos (free shipping to boot!!!).


                    I busted out the kitchen scale.  These T6s are 1/4-1/2 oz lighter than my coveted Cubatos (T6's are 7oz for a men's 10.5).  They don't feel quite as ""flat", t'he toe is constructed differently and allows for more drop as the foot rolls forward but I'm not sure that it's a bad thing.  It'll be awhile before I actually run in them but I am very optimistic.


                    Thanks.  YOu boobs are good for something.

                    "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


                    I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills


                    Hawt and sexy

                      You listened to us? What an idiot. heh

                      I'm touching your pants.

                        IImarunner/wannaberunner and Mandy...how well (or badly) do you think your Tarthers are wearing?  I've just got some, and have only taken them out for a slooooow 4 miles, but wasn't sure how they would last?  The black tread circles make me think that I won't get a lot of miles out of them, but that's only guess work.  I tend to get a lot of wear on the outside of the forefoot in all my shoes, and the tread on the Tarther makes me think they may well be quite short-lived, but you two may have noticed how hardwearing the rubber really is.


                        I found that my DS Trainers seemed to wear quite quickly to begin with, but then have kept on going so was wondering if the Tarther would be similar.  My Mizuno Precision and Inspire seem to take longer to show any wear  compared to the Asics (as do the Adidas Tempo).  However even the worn looking DS don't feel like they need replacing, but then they only have just over 300 miles on them.  I haven't run in the Musha enough, but they aren't really showing any obvious wear (other than some loss of texture on the forefoot) after 60  miles or so.

                         "Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow.  Don't walk behind me; I may not lead.  Just walk beside me and be my friend."

                          My Hyperspeeds were great, but I wore through the sole (to the foam) quickly. I can still use them for fast treadmill runs. I moved to the Tarther as a road flat, and love them. Put around 900 to 1,000 miles on them, and they've held up well. Only problem: they seem way too slick on the treadmill. I never get decent feel with them, always feels like I'm running in sand (but only on the treadmill, roads are fine.) They're just now starting to wear my feet down a bit when I run more than 10 miles in them, so I just bought these:



                          The new Speedstars. And yes, my wife got a pair too. And yes, my legs look terrible, especially in comparison to hers.


                          I just did 5 on the treadmill with them, at a mixed range of paces (5K pace, half marathon pace, marathon pace, and easy pace). Seemed good, but definitely more shoe than I've worn in a while. But with the longer miles I'm trying to put in between now and Tahoe, thought I could use something a little more.

                            Where are the other Saucony shoe reviews?  I've been using the Fastwitch flats and have liked them.  I've used them the last few years for all races as well as interval and some tempo training runs.  They've worked well for me for all distances from 5k to marathon and roads and trails (limestone paths, not "real" trails).  The T6's looks good.  If the Fastwitch weren't still in good shape, I'd think about upgrading.


                            As far as trainers, I've found the Brooks Defyance 3.  I was told they were discontinuing and being replaced by the Ghost so I picked up a couple of pairs on clearance.  Like most others, I've found when more aches and pains appear, it's time to ditch the shoes and go for a new pair.

                            I look my best blurry!

                              IImarunner/wannaberunner and Mandy...how well (or badly) do you think your Tarthers are wearing?  I've just got some, and have only taken them out for a slooooow 4 miles, but wasn't sure how they would last?  The black tread circles make me think that I won't get a lot of miles out of them, but that's only guess work.  I tend to get a lot of wear on the outside of the forefoot in all my shoes, and the tread on the Tarther makes me think they may well be quite short-lived, but you two may have noticed how hardwearing the rubber really is.


                              I found that my DS Trainers seemed to wear quite quickly to begin with, but then have kept on going so was wondering if the Tarther would be similar.  My Mizuno Precision and Inspire seem to take longer to show any wear  compared to the Asics (as do the Adidas Tempo).  However even the worn looking DS don't feel like they need replacing, but then they only have just over 300 miles on them.  I haven't run in the Musha enough, but they aren't really showing any obvious wear (other than some loss of texture on the forefoot) after 60  miles or so.


                              Well here is a pic after 275ish miles.  I have run approximately half of those on a treadmill.  It probably tells you more about how I push off with my right toes more than anything but I think they are wearing pretty well relative to the other pairs I wear pretty regularly.  They are probably my favorite shoes right now.  



                                IImarunner/wannaberunner and Mandy...how well (or badly) do you think your Tarthers are wearing?  I've just got some, and have only taken them out for a slooooow 4 miles, but wasn't sure how they would last?  The black tread circles make me think that I won't get a lot of miles out of them, but that's only guess work.  I tend to get a lot of wear on the outside of the forefoot in all my shoes, and the tread on the Tarther makes me think they may well be quite short-lived, but you two may have noticed how hardwearing the rubber really is.


                                I found that my DS Trainers seemed to wear quite quickly to begin with, but then have kept on going so was wondering if the Tarther would be similar.  My Mizuno Precision and Inspire seem to take longer to show any wear  compared to the Asics (as do the Adidas Tempo).  However even the worn looking DS don't feel like they need replacing, but then they only have just over 300 miles on them.  I haven't run in the Musha enough, but they aren't really showing any obvious wear (other than some loss of texture on the forefoot) after 60  miles or so.


                                Really too early for me to say.  I only use mine for racing so they don't get much wear.  At the moment you wouldn't be able to tell that they weren't new!
