3650 Miles in the Hurtlocker

Who had a good workout this week? (Read 2359 times)


Hold the Mayo

    Finally hit a workout where I wanted last night after several weeks of not doing enough to warrant a good workout.  I tried two weeks ago to get a similar one in, but just couldn't hold the pace.  (My previous attempt was a progression of 3, then 2, then 1 mile @ ~tempo pace, with 1/4 recoveries.  I had to bail partway through the second ON effort, just couldn't hold the pace. I ended up doing the rest @ easy pace.)


    Last night, however, even with some extra residual soreness from increased core work I've started, I hit the pace and distance I wanted, without feeling like I was killing myself to do it - 2 miles warmup, then 4 @ ~tempo pace, then 2 easy as a cooldown to finish our regular Wed night 8 mile club course.  4 miles tempo doesn't sound like much now that I think about it, but considering it's felt like a real struggle to hit that pace and hold it in the past couple months, I was pretty satisfied with it and felt a renewed vigor for the next several weeks of training. I'd like to move this up to 6, maybe 7 miles of tempo as the fall approaches.


    So, to celebrate this morning I went out and rolled my ankle HARD, about 3/4 of a mile in to a planned 4.  Been icing on and off all day, and taking ibuprofen.  It feels much better now, so I'm going to go off and do something stupid, and see if I can finish the 4 miles while at our Kids' Summer Track Series races tonight. 


    MTA:  Idiocy wins out - finished another 3.5 on the track, with no further pain!

      No spectacular workouts, but a solid week so far. Looking like it could be 140+. (Which is probably the kiss of death...)


      I just tried to look at your running log summary page on my crapberry and it crashed because apparently your log was too large.  I guess it's only used to dealing with mine.

       "Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow.  Don't walk behind me; I may not lead.  Just walk beside me and be my friend."


      Self anointed title

        No spectacular workouts, but a solid week so far. Looking like it could be 140+. (Which is probably the kiss of death...)


        Indeed it was the kiss of death. Now suffering neck pain after my car was hit from behind. The big week is out of the window.



        Feeling the growl again

          Indeed it was the kiss of death. Now suffering neck pain after my car was hit from behind. The big week is out of the window.


          Shit, other than the sore neck are you ok?  What happened?

          "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


          I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills



            Indeed it was the kiss of death. Now suffering neck pain after my car was hit from behind. The big week is out of the window.

             The hay is in the barn, so just make sure your back and neck are OK. That sucks, though.

              Purdey I hope you are OK.  


              Don't know WTF is wrong with people with these hit from behind accidents.  Had 2 of them last year, one was kind of nobody's fault as some dip-shit decided he wanted to turn left across double yellow lines (into a  fast food joint)  on a very busy road, and the people who crossed a busy intersection at the top of the hill could not see the cars stopped behind this guy until too late, but the other one was a traffic light, been sitting there for a while behind a big line of cars when someone just rammed into my car.  Fortunately, both times I was in a big SUV, would have gotten hurt bad if I was in my little car.

              Feeling the growl again


                Don't know WTF is wrong with people with these hit from behind accidents.  


                Two of my coworkers have been hit that way this year.  Both were at stoplights, both offenders were on cell phones and never touched the brakes.  One was traveling fast enough that 5 cars were damaged (each one rammed into the one in front of it).

                "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


                I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills



                Self anointed title

                  Been cleared to run. Nothing structurally wrong with my spine - just some big muscles spasming in my neck and back. Good news. Muscles aren't a problem. I am very glad that I was in a large solid piece of German engineering. Her Peugeot 105 was crumpled. I think she also dropped her iPhone.



                  Feeling the growl again

                     I think she also dropped her iPhone.


                    Called it....


                    Glad you are ok....

                    "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


                    I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills



                      Sorry to hear about the collision - I hope you have no lingering tweaked body parts - Maybe a bit of forced taper - Taper is such a funny thing when you never really got to train ...


                      I had a good week with 4 good hill days - Main focus on the down part of hill running.  Between the 4+ hour trail run Friday night and the Nothing But hills workout Sunday - I ended up tweaking my right calf a bit.  Should go away with taper.


                      The thing I never really got to do training for Leadville is walking at incline on my TM - I had planned to block up the thing and walk at 25% ish.  Hell I never walked much at 15%.


                      A Leadville finish will come from mental strategery to go out a the exact easiest pace to not burn my less then adequately trained body out too soon.  When you are in prime shape you have a much larger margin for error.

                      Long dead ... But my stench lingers !




                      Self anointed title

                        Too true. I am only planning a 7 day taper - but this week will be a bit easier than normal. A 3 week taper (as some do) would be ludicrous for me at the moment, I don't have much fitness to lose... but most of it would go in 3 weeks.



                          Purdey, glad to hear that things are OK and you're cleared to run.


                          We had a good trip up to the UP but I came back broken.  For no apparent reason at the end of a decent run through the Seney Wildlife Refuge last week Wednesday, my left leg shot back at me.  I was about a quarter mile away from returning to the visitor center after about 8.5 miles of good running and I felt this bad pull in my leg.  It was on the inside leg back towards the hamstring. 


                          Then on Friday, I was minding my own business watching the kids play at a beach in Pictured Rocks when some stupid guy and his kids row up in a canoe.  We were at the edge of the beach were a small river discharges into Lake Superior.  There was a pretty decent current going through there with a rock wall on one side.  As they came up, the canoe started taking water and basically sank.  They weren't too far from getting to the beach but they thought it would be a good idea to come up along where the river comes out.  A couple of us help pull the canoe up and flip it over.  In that process I jacked up my lower back.


                          So, the last week and half wasn't the best for training and here I am 8 weeks out from the marathon with a limp leg and a bad back.  This sucks!

                          Feeling the growl again

                            We had a good trip up to the UP but I came back broken.  For no apparent reason at the end of a decent run through the Seney Wildlife Refuge last week Wednesday, my left leg shot back at me.  I was about a quarter mile away from returning to the visitor center after about 8.5 miles of good running and I felt this bad pull in my leg.  It was on the inside leg back towards the hamstring.  


                            Are there trails through Seney or just the logging roads?  As many times (dozens) as I've been through there I can't say I ever did much but lashed the steering wheel so I was going straight, set the cruise control to 80mph, and took a half hour nap.  The one time I got out of the car in the summer in the refuge we were almost devoured by biting flies instantly.  A college buddy had a Deliverance-like experience at the gas station in Seney once.


                            I always wanted to organize a marathon from Munising to Seney that would run whatever direction the wind was blowing (usually west to east) and call it the "Seney PR Marathon".  Hard to imagine a flatter, straighter point-to-point course.

                            "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


                            I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills


                              Are there trails through Seney or just the logging roads? 


                              There's a driveable route called the Marshland Wildlife Drive.  It started at the visitor center and looped around a bunch of the ponds for 7 miles.  It came back out to the highway so I had to run back up to the entrance road and back to the visitor center.  There was a nice breeze so it kept the bugs down.  In a few spots where trees blocked the wind, the flies were right there.  Had there not been a breeze, the run would have been miserable with the flies.  Saw loons, swans and cranes (and yes, some geese).

                              Ostrich runner

                                Taper is such a funny thing when you never really got to train ...



                                I'm trying to decide what to do with this...I'm out of shape, 25lbs overweight, and my good weeks have been 30 miles lately. Saturday I'm doing my first timed race for 8 hrs. No idea what to do this week or on Saturday.
