3650 Miles in the Hurtlocker

June Racing Thread (Read 1282 times)


    You better be running a 2:55 if your going to wear that shirt @ New York! 


    I was going to get  this shirt: http://www.chicked.com/?page_id=455 


    But then I was afraid i'd have to get a running skirt to go with it, so I didn't.

    Long dead ... But my stench lingers !



      Will you pace me?




        Funny - I would consider the gig - but I have no desire to ever set foot in NY.


        If you would tuck in behind me the air flow from this big horse would pull you along like a Ford Fiest 3 feet behind a semi. 


        Will you pace me?

        Long dead ... But my stench lingers !





          If you would tuck in behind me the air flow from this big horse would pull you along like a Ford Fiest 3 feet behind a semi. 

           Yes, that's why I asked. There would be absolutely no chance of a headwind! Wink


          I don't think i'll be able to run 2:55 anyway. Since I am delusional though, i'm hoping for 2:59:59. Something in the 2:58's would sound better though...i'm gonna need a strong tailwind.




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            UPCOMING RACES


            Jun 29 - hope to race the mile, hope to PR -- thunderstorms predicted, however, so we might have to call it off

            Jun 30 - will race either 400 or 3000 - undecided which - will shoot to PR whichever - 3000 would be easier (and is probably a once-in-a-year opportunity at the distance)


            Weather held off for us. DW & I ran warmup in pretty hot, sunny weather, b/c we were there before any of our volunteers had showed, and we're at a track, so what else are we going to do except run....


            Near disaster in the fast heat of the 400, b/c I timed it using a printing stopwatch, but forgot to turn on the printing, and none of us remembered how to recall the times from the console -- but I figured it out -- although I had to step manually through a previous set of results with over a 100 splits in it.


            Finally the fast heat of the mile. I asked someone to time, and someone to start, but forgot to ask someone to record positions, so afterward we had a huddle to reconstruct the finish order, but I think that all went okay.


            Actual race: I went out slow (so slow DW was next to me at first, but then we pulled ahead of her), and felt good but a bit boxed through two laps, then finally summoned the energy to swing side and pass two of my running buddies who were side-by-side. I should have passed them earlier - I gained nothing by waiting. Then I closed on another guy, passed, and found myself in the depressing situation of being in front. I hate that--I much prefer chasing.


            But final result was good -- 5:10.91 -- a 3 second PR. Plus at least one of my running buddies plans to shoot to break 5:10 next time, so I might have some really helpful competition, if he can manage that (but not leave me in the dust).

            It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.


            Will Crew for Beer

              rabutler -- 6/28 -- Tuesday Night Trail Series 5K, Eagle Creek Park, Indianapolis, IN --  <31:00


              Well, this course was a whole lot harder than the one I ran two weeks ago. The previous course was a single track bike trail. It had plenty of ups and downs and twist and turns, but no real obstacles. Last nights course was a different story. Steep and slippery ups and downs, fallen trees, low hanging branches, ravines, sink holes. I passed several people that were faster than me, but were having problems keeping their footing in their road shoes. I even stopped at one point to help someone up.


              My time was 33:02 which put me in the same finishing spot as the previous race. Even though it was a heck of a lot harder, I had a blast. It was like being a kid again running through the woods back behind our subdivision. Leaping logs and ravines, scrambling up and sliding down hills, dodging branches and sloshing through the mud and water. Fun stuff.

              Rule number one of a gunfight, bring a gun. Rule number two of a gunfight, bring friends with guns.

              Feeling the growl again

                Well, this course was a whole lot harder than the one I ran two weeks ago. The previous course was a single track bike trail. It had plenty of ups and downs and twist and turns, but no real obstacles. Last nights course was a different story. Steep and slippery ups and downs, fallen trees, low hanging branches, ravines, sink holes. I passed several people that were faster than me, but were having problems keeping their footing in their road shoes. I even stopped at one point to help someone up.


                My time was 33:02 which put me in the same finishing spot as the previous race. Even though it was a heck of a lot harder, I had a blast. It was like being a kid again running through the woods back behind our subdivision. Leaping logs and ravines, scrambling up and sliding down hills, dodging branches and sloshing through the mud and water. Fun stuff.


                In Eagle Creek??  I assume they weren't using the established trails then? 


                BTW, no-go for me tonight.  But I am going to order the beer mile keg....priorities...

                "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


                I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills



                Will Crew for Beer

                  In Eagle Creek??  I assume they weren't using the established trails then? 


                  BTW, no-go for me tonight.  But I am going to order the beer mile keg....priorities...


                  On the west side of Eagle Creek Park off of Fishback Rd where the soccer fields are.


                  What beer did you decide on for the keg? I'm trying to talk a friend from Louisiana into making the drive up.

                  Rule number one of a gunfight, bring a gun. Rule number two of a gunfight, bring friends with guns.

                  Ostrich runner

                    That is a fun race, although I didn't go because it has bad ankle sprain juju on it from last year. Hopping a creek and taking a turn simultaneously did not make for a happy 6 weeks.



                    Will Crew for Beer

                      I'm really surprised I didn't injure myself. I was jumping and leaping like an idiot. It was fun.

                      Rule number one of a gunfight, bring a gun. Rule number two of a gunfight, bring friends with guns.

                      Feeling the growl again

                        On the west side of Eagle Creek Park off of Fishback Rd where the soccer fields are.


                        What beer did you decide on for the keg? I'm trying to talk a friend from Louisiana into making the drive up.


                        Ah, never been to that side.


                        I was supposed to order it last week so I could get a start on it this weekend over fireworks but it didn't happen due to my heavy work travel...just got home again last night...almost stopped off to order it then but thought better of it.  So I will be looking at the catalogue and deciding on the spot.  You will all drink what I buy and like it or BYOB, hahaha.  No cheap shit from me though.


                        I am not sure what night yet but my buddy needs to light off the small military arsenal stored in my shop building this weekend as he has moved to Tennessee and can't take it with him.  I'll let you know when I know what night in case you and the fam are interested.  If not we will be the bright glow to the west of you where all the cops and firetrucks are headed.

                        "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


                        I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills


                        Feeling the growl again

                          Wow, this was a tough one.  Most of the goals got hit this month....


                          Not only did AP hit most all his goals this month but more than one of them was damn impressive.  This beer's for you, AP.

                          "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


                          I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills






                            TMorin -- 6/11 -- Bow Lake Dam 15K,  NH --  <60:00                                                                                              59:28


                            TMorin -- 6/25 -- 26 X 1 Marathon Relay (1 mile), Medford, MA -- <5:10                                                                   5:11

                            TMorin -- 6/26 -- Mcguiggans Pub 5K,  Whitman, MA -- <Whatever I run on 6/5                                                      18:40(ran 18:03 on 6/5 dso I didn't meet this goal.)


                             Sorry about getting these results in so late. I have trouble keeping these things up to date when I'm not running as well as I would like.