3650 Miles in the Hurtlocker

Ultra talk (Read 738 times)


    Not sure what carrot you are looking for.


    Being part of a world competition?  This year 136 miles @ Northcoast is gonna get a spot on the Team ... 136 = 10.58 minutes per mile!


    The open 3 spots have a last place spot of almost 154 (153.89) = 9.35 minutes per mile


    Most people on the Team run under 100 miles per week


    One idiot on the Team runs more than that


    One female on the team occassionally runs more than that. 




    Just think of it as cross-training for the beer mile. 


    Hang in there.  You will recover and train again.  It is hard but the comeback is easier if you keep focus on the comeback and hold the weight down.  When I started again last year I had over 10lbs to lose, which for me was a lot and that took a lot of my energy.  Now I am only 3-4 lbs over the upper end of my ideal range starting this cycle so it is much easier - both physically and mentally.


    I would run an ultra, including a 100-miler or a 24hr.  I just need a big enough carrot.  Somebody find me a carrot.

    Long dead ... But my stench lingers !




      Spaniel when you are serious about it - I would be happy to give you my thoughts - They involve your endocrin system, finding your most efficient "Easy ... All Day" pace and also learning to consume a good amount of calories while you run.


      After that is is all just pacing and race day electrolyte, hydration and calorie startegy.  The toughest thing to learn is to recognize race day issues and to improvise and or tackle them on the fly.

      Long dead ... But my stench lingers !



      Feeling the growl again

        Not sure what carrot you are looking for.


        Being part of a world competition?  This year 136 miles @ Northcoast is gonna get a spot on the Team ... 136 = 10.58 minutes per mile!


        The open 3 spots have a last place spot of almost 154 (153.89) = 9.35 minutes per mile


        Most people on the Team run under 100 miles per week


        One idiot on the Team runs more than that


        One female on the team occassionally runs more than that. 




        A WC Team is plenty of carrot.


        So you need to hit the 135 mile minimum, AND be Top three at the national championship, to get an automatic qualifier right?  And then you're saying that so far getting an open spot requires 154 miles based on what has been run so far?

        "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


        I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills


        Feeling the growl again

          Well hell.  This is in Cleveland for the next two years?  That's a day drive.  September is perfect timing as I have no big plans for a fall marathon.  Great time to do something incredibly stupid.


          DB you ran the math like me  on the pace, but I am well aware that this is incredibly misleading.  That is the part that scares me, how to pace/fuel such a beast.

          "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


          I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills





            I would NOT be working up to the distance via races.  Maybe one or two very long training runs.  I am not an ultra runner and will not be dedicating a lot of time to it.  I would just be willing to put it on the line once and see how I do on current training and guts alone.


            I think you need 4 maybe 5 longish runs over a 3-4 month period.  These runs are less about building stamina, but more to learn pacing, eating while running and stressing your endocrin system.  I have ideas on how you can accomplish this in 4-5 hours every time.  So if you are serious I would want to see a committment of 4 sessions over 3-4 months of 4-5 hours. 

            Long dead ... But my stench lingers !




              Well hell.  This is in Cleveland for the next two years?  That's a day drive.  September is perfect timing as I have no big plans for a fall marathon.  Great time to do something incredibly stupid.


              DB you ran the math like me  on the pace, but I am well aware that this is incredibly misleading.  That is the part that scares me, how to pace/fuel such a beast.


              It is all about discipline and sticking to a so slow it is torture pace for the 1st 12 hours.  This is while 3-4 top guns continue to lap you over and over again during that time as you are running 8:30 pace and they are running 7:00 - 7:30 pace.  Its easy to run your pace when you are leading, but it does not feel too good to continually be made to feel like you are standing still.


              Reality is 3 out of 4 will usually die - and 2 people running a patient race will get spots ... Although this last year all 3 made the team - 2 died horribly, but there was no one running a good patient race to clean up in the last 4 hours.

              Long dead ... But my stench lingers !



              Feeling the growl again



                I think you need 4 maybe 5 longish runs over a 3-4 month period.  These runs are less about building stamina, but more to learn pacing, eating while running and stressing your endocrin system.  I have ideas on how you can accomplish this in 4-5 hours every time.  So if you are serious I would want to see a committment of 4 sessions over 3-4 months of 4-5 hours. 


                This would be pretty easy to commit to.  This is what I had in mind -- a few focused workouts but not a large amount of time specifically dedicated to it across the week.


                If I get serious you bet I will be picking your brain.  I know an expert when I see one.

                "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


                I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills



                  Hell. You run with me so painfully slow ain't no problem for you.


                  South Bend is Oct 15 

                  "He conquers who endures" - Persius
                  "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel


                    Wow, you almost got em committed!  Are we going to change this thread from "Ultra talk" to "Crazy talk"?  Besides, Ultra = Crazy anyways.  It certainly takes discipline and smart pacing to get through it.  One I'm good at, the other I'm not.  The most I've done in a day is 36 mi.  Because my pacing sucks, my quads were busted.  I do like the thought of trails though.  I do miss those.

                    Ostrich runner

                      I registered.  I'll either be redeemed or injured by Saturday evening.



                        You might need more than that in August.... I'm planning to make you work hard. Wink

                        I just checked your log. Run more, plan less.




                          fyi, everyone. Don't forget this one. You only need to run a relaxed 7 minute pace for 7 hours, with minimal nature and fuel stops. The first two hours will feel easy. 4 hours seems doable. More seems stupid. I actually can't ever remember feeling comfortable after 90 minutes of running. Running is stupid.

                            DB, You still doing icebreaker in Jan? Iwas thinking of doing the half but am not sure at this point. My Achilles seem to be fine but I've been dealing with a stupid knee twinge that doesn't want to seem to get better. Because of that I've been on the sideline holding out until it is better to start running again.

                            Self anointed title

                              I just checked your log. Run more, plan less.


                              Don't rub salt into the wound. I can barely get out of bed at the moment - and then it is only to either puke or shit.




                              Self anointed title


                                thats cute.


                                Cute? I'll give you fucking cute.