3650 Miles in the Hurtlocker

Pro running discussion (Read 108 times)

    Im not sure what will be more interesting.. NCAA mile indoor championship or Ryan Hall vs. LA Marathon (and the heat)

    Christian Soratos has been everywhere.. articles.. podcasts... track shack.. Good grief.. when does this guy train?


    Here is a little peek at the depth from Salinas.. Estrada, Soratos and Lyon (CA Community College XC Champ., committed to Montana State)

    And we run because we like it
    Through the broad bright land

    Feeling the growl again

      Im not sure what will be more interesting.. NCAA mile indoor championship or Ryan Hall vs. LA Marathon (and the heat)

      Christian Soratos has been everywhere.. articles.. podcasts... track shack.. Good grief.. when does this guy train?


      Here is a little peek at the depth from Salinas.. Estrada, Soratos and Lyon (CA Community College XC Champ., committed to Montana State)


      Sadly, probably the mile championships.  I have given up hope for Hall to regain form.  Don't get me wrong, I want him to succeed...it's just been so long without a positive sign.

      "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


      I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills



        I'd go with LA (and I love the Mile).  I have my fingers crossed for Hall but with the expected weather I don't think you can expect a fast time even if he were in good (for him!) shape. Sara Hall is making her marathon debut at LA.  Should be interesting to see how she handles the race but, again, the weather may be too much of a factor for her to make a good debut.

        Feeling the growl again

          Hall = DNF


          Those who bet on the mile win...unofficially the last K was the second fastest K every run in NCAAs???

          "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


          I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills


            That was stunning. Both Halls looked very pedestrian. Its looking more and more like we could at least two new Olympians for the marathon. Maybe Meb, Ritz and Ward (who turned in another stellar performance)? There is sort of a blender full of guys that could be up there.


            Hall = DNF


            Those who bet on the mile win...unofficially the last K was the second fastest K every run in NCAAs???

            And we run because we like it
            Through the broad bright land

              Blake Russell.. the secret to winning LA..


              Russell’s weekly mileage has always hovered around 100, low for an elite marathoner. By adding a second run in the evening—a workout she used to skip because she didn’t want to shower again—her mileage rose to 115 to 120.


              I looked at her splits.. she was actually slowing after 25k. The course is pretty flat from there with the last 3kish downhill. Jared Ward, by contrast, might have had the best day (of anybody). He ran mostly the same pace the whole way. But closed with his fastest 5k of the day.

              And we run because we like it
              Through the broad bright land


                OK guys tell me about Mo Farah's 59:32 .... was that a good result?!     Wow.  This guy is just killing it, hopefully there'll be some video I can watch.

                Feeling the growl again

                  OK guys tell me about Mo Farah's 59:32 .... was that a good result?!     Wow.  This guy is just killing it, hopefully there'll be some video I can watch.


                  I would say so.  A minute off the WR but they were never on pace to even try that.  European, British record..not shabby at all.


                  Since everyone loves the comparison, Geb's PR is 58:55.

                  "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


                  I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills


                    Yup.. hes still pretty good.


                    Do you know Portuguese? I always wonder what regular people are thinking when pros like Farah fly past them.


                    OK guys tell me about Mo Farah's 59:32 .... was that a good result?!     Wow.  This guy is just killing it, hopefully there'll be some video I can watch.

                    And we run because we like it
                    Through the broad bright land

                      This weekend....

                      Prefontaine Classic.. The steeple is stacked. Slowest PR is 817. And that was by the World JR Champ.

                      Carlsbad 5000.. Estrada looking for a CR. Guy is rolling right now. He ran 13:30 last year and is training at 10 seconds / mile faster this year.

                      oh yeah.. and there is that whole World Cross thing.

                      And we run because we like it
                      Through the broad bright land

                        This weekend....

                        Prefontaine Classic.. The steeple is stacked. Slowest PR is 817. And that was by the World JR Champ.

                        Carlsbad 5000.. Estrada looking for a CR. Guy is rolling right now. He ran 13:30 last year and is training at 10 seconds / mile faster this year.

                        oh yeah.. and there is that whole World Cross thing.


                        That's all there is for this weekend?  Should at least provide us some entertainment keeping up with the news feed.

                          Pretty good Diego Estrada interview. Training talk starts around 25-27 min. mark. His easy pace is 540-600 and hes running tons on the track this year... the 1500? Interesting training / racing from him.

                          And we run because we like it
                          Through the broad bright land

                          Feeling the growl again

                            Cheat in running by doping?  2 year ban.


                            Cheat at chess?  15 year ban.


                            Seems chess has this figured out...

                            "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


                            I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills


                              haha.. I heard about that the other day too.


                              Or you could be Pete Carroll and take your PED team to the Super Bowl... or Melky Cabrera and sign a monster contract. Track might be the only group that cares about PEDs. Its been gross hearing about Alex Rodriguez and Barry Bonds.

                              And we run because we like it
                              Through the broad bright land

                                Nate Jenkins.. via Runners World


                                Jenkins is realistic in his goals for Boston.

                                “I feel like a sub-2:15 is possible,” he says, “but I feel like it’s unlikely.” The math teacher says there’s a 25 percent chance of that. There’s a 50 percent chance he runs between 2:15 and 2:18. And that leaves a 25 percent chance he runs slower than that, which he says will be a bad day.

                                And we run because we like it
                                Through the broad bright land