3650 Miles in the Hurtlocker

May Racing Thread (Read 1824 times)


Will Crew for Beer

    I'm spiking your beer with vodka at the beer mile....


    Heh. Probably not necessary. I'm pretty sure I'll face plant before the final lap.

    Rule number one of a gunfight, bring a gun. Rule number two of a gunfight, bring friends with guns.

    Ostrich runner

      Saw this posted on the Indyrunners FB page in case you change your mind.

      Geist Half-Marathon put up a last minuet code that saves you $20 PromoCode: "INDISTANCE"


      Motherfucker. I just registered 10 minutes ago.


        Ice Age 50 Mile


        Ran too fast the 1st 10-12 miles.  Regrouped my burnng legs to cruise control to recover and eat up mile until 9.8 miles to go then ran hard again to the finish in just under 90 minutes.   I ran most of the 1st 37 miles with flatfooter and off and on during that time with JJameson - Nice Day.  Drank beer with same group + Coorland and WG + miscellanseous other people.



        @ 4,000 calories consumed in race

        10 beers


        Congratulations on beating both goals DB!  After my race this weekend, I just drank by feel, but I'm pretty sure I was up near 10. Way to finish strong - the drinking and running!

          Mr. Miyagi never quite got on board for this one but I PRd by 1 min. Finished in 1:31:09 25/5563 and 2nd Masters. Sorry I can't impress anyone with a beer total. I need to get on that right now.


          Nice job Wannabee! Congatulations!  Hopefully you've had time to catch up on the beer total. Smile

            Well...I knew I wasn't ready for another 50k, but I had a good time. I ran until the 25.2 refreshments, sat for a few and ate, ran a half mile down trail, turned back to the rest stop, and called it a marathon. There was a section of road for a bit and that was what did in my feet and calves finally. I ran in NB101s which felt good for quite a few miles, but the lack of cushioning finally got to me. I felt really good until right before the bonk though. When I saw the sign at the rest area that said 25.2, I really expected it to say 27 or 28. I knew I was good for 3 more, but 6...well, I didn't want to completely bonk alone in the woods. Oh well. I think next weekend I'm going to do either the Geist Half again or Run With the Foxes. I'll probably decide in the next couple days.


            Sounds like a tough day, but it seems pretty strange to cut a race short to "only" run a marathon. LOL! Good job!

              Yup, I won! Smile


              I ended up going with my coaches advice of just running what I could tolerate. Looking more at the big picture and what not. It was easy to do on the first half with the 30 mph headwinds. I went out conservatively and figured if I felt like it I would pick it up. Going out conservatively, and at what felt tolerable, I still hoped that would maybe land me under 1:30. I was laughing and joking with the pace bike the entire time and talking back to spectators (I led for the whole race, the 2nd girl finished 55 seconds or so behind me) and at mile 10 I decided id try to start trying a little harder. So I did, but that was probably a little too late to be able to get under 1:30. Ben had ran out to meet me about a half mile from the finish and I was drilling him about how he did...he told me to finish my race. I've never been that coherent at the end of a half. I definitely left a lot on the course, which of course makes me a little frustrated with myself even though it was what I was told to do. I guess what im going to take from it is that last year when I ran my 1:30 PR, a 1:31 would have been a tougher effort than it was yesterday.


              I did run my 25k PR pace though Wink (MTA: Actually, no I didn't. I ran 1 sec per mile slower than my 25k pr pace)


              They are saying the course is long, so if they adjust the times then that will put my real time at 1:30high-ish. But im not counting on them doing that.


              I won $175...and having got in for free, that's pretty awesome. Ben won $75, which really just doesn't seem fair...that, and they listed him as MY husband in the article instead of vise versa. I guess props go to the winners over the 2nd place people even if their times were much, much much more impressive. I am so proud of Ben (it was a 40ish second PR for him):



              Congratulations Candice, that's awesome!  Congrats to Ben too - PRs are tough at his level, so I know that's huge.

                I was able to muster 4:35/mi pace over the final 400m 


                Awesome.  I ran a 200 at that pace once. LOL! 

                  Give me a DNS.  I know that it is still days away but if I can't finish a tempo run without my leg starting to go numb I shouldn't be racing I guess.  That and I am extremely frustrated and demotivated.  For now I am just going to try to maintain base while I see if I can't get this thing straightened out.  13 months and counting.  WTF?


                  Sorry MrPh, injuries are tough. I hope you heal up soon.


                    Saw this posted on the Indyrunners FB page in case you change your mind.

                    Geist Half-Marathon put up a last minuet code that saves you $20 PromoCode: "INDISTANCE"

                     figures. Glad my training went in the shitter. I can't even run a good 40 right now. 


                    Great racing Candice and Ben.



                    shit, piss, fck and all the other holy 7. I need to run.

                    "He conquers who endures" - Persius
                    "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel


                      Rev3 Knoxville Half Ironman - This will be my second half ironman, on a tougher course than the first (bike course is hilly, and part of swim is upstream).  Under 5:36 will be a PR, but I'd really like to go 5:30.  If I fry my legs on the hills, I could miss my goal by quite a lot.  I'll have to have a really good day on the swim, bike AND run to go 5:30... so that's my goal.  5:30.


                      Missed my goal ridiculously.  Total time 6:05 (Swim: 53 min, Bike: 3:05, Run: 2:00)


                      Swim: 53 minutes, but got to experience getting dolphin kicked in the face and more contact in the water than ever before.  People who do lots of these all said the swim was long...I believe it, and a LOT of it was upstream.  


                      Bike was quite a bit more hilly than I expected, but the worst part was the blind turns on all the downhills kept me from making up as much as I would have liked.


                      Run - I MISSED a water bottle at the last aid station on the bike and about a mile down the road realized what a stupid mistake that was...I got to think about how stupid for 13.1 miles.  My left quad started cramping up in the first mile.  The only positive - I passed 3 guys in my age group after mile 8 when I started feeling a little better (and drinking coke at the aid stations).  Last guy I passed was less than a mile from the finish.  I saw him ahead and was reeling him in when he started walking.  I picked up the pace to try to look strong when I passed so he wouldn't try to chase me down.  He finished 25 seconds after I did, so I'm glad I didn't let up (or look back).


                      26 of 28 in my AG on the swim, 13 of 28 on the bike, 13 of 28 on the run, which gave me 17th of 28 for the race.

                      Feeling the growl again


                        Swim: 53 minutes, but got to experience getting dolphin kicked in the face and more contact in the water than ever before.   



                        Things like the cramping happen in those long races....sounds like you gutted it out and gave it your best shot anyways.  And swimming upstream in a tri?  WTF?  I can't swim downstream.


                        When I got out of college I had not figured out that I could be a much better runner yet so I thought I'd do tri's instead....until I did one....and got kicked, clawed, pummeled, bruised, swam over, and generally molested on the swim.  Seriously, one guy grabbed my ankle with one hand, planted his hand in my back as his next came around, and purposefully, pushed me as far under water as he could to get by (over) me.


                        I've thrown a few elbows in races before, but it turns out swimming is like the internet....since you can't see faces you'll do things to people you would never do if you'd have to face up to them.  Besides me being a lousy swimmer that was enough to detract my interest.

                        "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


                        I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills



                          I've thrown a few elbows in races before, but it turns out swimming is like the internet....since you can't see faces you'll do things to people you would never do if you'd have to face up to them. 


                          I laughed out loud.


                          I did tris for a summer in 2008. Turns out im terrified of cycling. Otherwise, I was okay.


                          Sorry you didn't meet your goal Tony, but it sounds like you gave it a really good go. Cramping sucks.



                            Missed my goal ridiculously.  Total time 6:05 (Swim: 53 min, Bike: 3:05, Run: 2:00)


                            Swim: 53 minutes, but got to experience getting dolphin kicked in the face and more contact in the water than ever before.  People who do lots of these all said the swim was long...I believe it, and a LOT of it was upstream.  


                            Bike was quite a bit more hilly than I expected, but the worst part was the blind turns on all the downhills kept me from making up as much as I would have liked.


                            Run - I MISSED a water bottle at the last aid station on the bike and about a mile down the road realized what a stupid mistake that was...I got to think about how stupid for 13.1 miles.  My left quad started cramping up in the first mile.  The only positive - I passed 3 guys in my age group after mile 8 when I started feeling a little better (and drinking coke at the aid stations).  Last guy I passed was less than a mile from the finish.  I saw him ahead and was reeling him in when he started walking.  I picked up the pace to try to look strong when I passed so he wouldn't try to chase me down.  He finished 25 seconds after I did, so I'm glad I didn't let up (or look back).


                            26 of 28 in my AG on the swim, 13 of 28 on the bike, 13 of 28 on the run, which gave me 17th of 28 for the race.


                            Tony, I see you've really thought about the race, and not just the number at the end.  Tony is wise and will be back. I hope you enjoyed yourself.  

                            "If you have the fire, run..." -John Climacus

                              West Essex Foundation for Education 5k

                              goal: PR

                              "If you have the fire, run..." -John Climacus

                                Spring flowers bring racing powers.



                                mbehr -- 5/1 -- Still Shuffle 5K -- <17:00                                                                    15:59  (short course, 3.0 GPS?)

                                NaderAlfie -- 5/1 -- Long Brand HM -- sub-1:30                                                    1:35:11

                                rockenmamof5 -- 5/1 -- Leigh Valley HM -- 1:47

                                MandyS -- 5/7 -- Univ XC Relays 3.9K -- 17:30                                                         17:56

                                MrPHinNJ -- 5/7 -- NJ Spring Trail Series #3 HM -- 2:17                                       2:08:09

                                NaderAlfie -- 5/7 -- Newport 10K, Jersey City -- sub-41                                           44:49

                                rabutler -- 5/7 -- Indy Mini HM -- 2:30                                                                         2:20:50

                                smalcolm -- 5/7 -- Lost Lake 50K -- don't die, maybe top 3                                    didn't die, got lost

                                wannaberunner - 5/7 -- Komen 5K -- didn't see one?                                               20:14, 4th OA 1st Master

                                Candice S. -- 5/12 -- MN mile -- 5:43                                                                          5:44 and wasted the chunky chick

                                Dopple Bock -- 5/14 -- Ice Age 50 Mile Trail Race -- sub-8 hrs, >8 beers           7:47 an 10 beers

                                NaderAlfie -- 5/14 -- Shepherd's Lake 5K -- PR

                                CandiceS -- 5/15 -- Rockford HM -- 1:26-1:28                                                          1:31:45

                                TonyP -- 5/15 -- Knoxville Half IM -- 5:30

                                wannaberunner -- 5/15 -- Pittsburgh HM -- listen to Mr. Myagi                              1:31:09, PR by 1min

                                mbehr -- 5/22 -- Seven Bridges 10-miler -- <57

                                MandyS -- 5/27 -- Vossier Shield 5K  -- 26:00 

                                MrPHinNJ -- 5/28 -- Run For Derek 5K, Easton PA -- 21:30                                   DNS

                                NaderAlfie -- ?? -- West Essex 5K -- PR

                                 Whoops. I keep doing that. 


                                NaderAlfie -- 5/21 -- West Essex 5K -- PR

                                "If you have the fire, run..." -John Climacus