50 and over 5k and beyond

August Runs, Workouts and Excuses... (Read 11 times)

NH Runner

    Saturday, 8/14... 6 miles of rowing the trike on the trail this morning.


    Altair5... good deal on yesterday's 4 miler.  Seems to me you're between a rock and a hard place with running, so it's probably best to run when it's convenient, but not stress about your mileage.  Make it about staying healthy, a half hour a day, 5 days a week is the recommended minimum for weekly exercise.  And it doesn't have to be running, whatever you can work into your schedule.  And don't worry about responding to my posts, not while your free time is so limited.


    Art... you're probably too old to join the Foreign Legion anyway, so it's just as well you love your car more than life in the military...Lol   And yes, yesterday we hit 101 and humid, so we're both bitchin' about the weather.  Are you running at all lately?  I remember the doc said the issue with your knee is Arthritis...


    Runs in the rain

      Rich - 101 and humid? It only got to 89 degrees here. The catching up with comments is something I wanted to do, perhaps part of the stuborn determination that makes me a distance runner. Anyway, I just give a brief reaction to whatever interests me, after all we can learn by sharing information. As for me just running a half hour 5 days a week, well I consider 20 minutes 3x a week as the minimum running just to maintain some fitness, but running is not all about fitness for me. I enjoy being outdoors and that is why I like to share photos of what I see on my runs. Plus I like the quiet contemplation of long runs and I want to get back to running 12 or more miles at a time. Right now I am limited by my fitness level and lack of time to train, but I'm trying to gradually improve my distance. Last week was bad with only two runs, but at least one was over four miles and perhaps I'll do a five miler next week.

      Long distance runner, what you standin' there for?
      Get up, get out, get out of the door!

      NH Runner

        Sunday, 8/15... 7 mile trail run this morning, the kind of run where you feel good the whole way.  Starting temp was 58 and 65 when I finished, the heat and humidity is gone!  After watching the arm swing of both Olympic medalists Eliud Kipchoge and Molly Seidel, I tried copying their arm swing during today's run and like it.


        Altair5... my outdoor thermometer has two pieces, a censor that's outside and installed under the eaves so it's always in the shade, and a monitor inside receiving signals from the monitor.  It's never more than a degree or two off with what local weather shows for a temp, so it's pretty accurate.  The local tv station predicted we would hit 100.  Maybe you get a cooling effect from the big lakes over you way, eh?  Good luck getting your mileage back up to an acceptable level



          I used to have my own little weather station with wind and a rain gauge that downloaded the data daily but it ended up breaking so now I just have one that gives me outdoor, indoor, humidity and barometric pressure.  Since we are 2 hours away from the local station none of their "predictions" are very accurate for us.  For the most part I just look out the door to know what it is for the time I'm likely to be outside.  Since I'm working from home again that's not much.


          This weekend was a bust for any walking as I did not feel well at all.  I'm coughing and sneezing but I'm sure it's just allergies as they finally cut the hay.  I'll have to see how I feel later today to see if I get in a walk or not.  I did do the 30 min but I really wasn't feeling it and still would just rather take a nap than work.


          AZ I think some of the water problem was a long time coming and self inflicted.  The desert should not have green lawns and when I was in Vegas and then Mesa a few years back I was shocked at the number of house with lawns.  When I lived in El Paso our front yard was rocks and I liked it that way.  We did not water the back yard either.

            Happy Monday! I'm still around.....been very busy with loading stuff into the trailer. The weight set, bench, and power tower takes alot of space but hoping we can take all the boxes. It's actually not alot since our last move back from AZ, I only brought back what I thought we needed and what we can sell or donate. Then we are cleaning off the rust that accumulated on a few of the aluminum sidings. I count that as cross-training, LOL! And filling in the flower beds and in the front area with mulch. DH puts up the canopy for some shade and rest breaks with frozen fruit bars (that I made). DH took his Buick Super to a car show in Park Rapids on Saturday.


            Wed (8/11): Finished 6.5 miles. The annual county fair began on Wed and ended yesterday (Sun). Even tho I have been running early mornings inside the county fairgrounds, I didn't run due to the few campers camping along my running route. Respecting their space. I drove to the state park instead. Left Bones at home. It felt great to run up and down a couple of hills, 4 times each, albeit short.

            Fri: Another run in the park, early morning, nice easy 5 miles. Weights and PiYo at home. Finished with stretching and foam rolling.

            Sat: 5.5 miles in a different area of the park.

            Sun: Rest day.

            Today: got up late and didn't run. Already too warm by 7 am. Will be back running at county fairground. A sweaty PiYo and weight workout instead.

              Altair: An ineffective leadership can create a toxic work environment and demoralize its workforce which includes unreasonable work schedules that can affect the health of its employees. You should have a life outside of work. It sounds like you are staying aware of the situation and taking some effort to not let it totally affect your overall health. It's still a very difficult situation to be in. The state's health benefits certainly plays a role in your future and retirement. Like I keep saying, it's amazing how you even find the energy and time to get in a run, no matter the distance.


              Di: Yay!! You can get in alot in 30 minutes, good for you! Allergies didn't use to affect me till my 50s. But I can't complain too much because it's nothing and more seasonal compared to many who have it really bad throughout the year. Working from home does have its benefits for you, that's great! I check my phone the evening before for the weather temps/conditions if I'm planning on running in the mornings. Then, in the mornings, I go outside and check mainly for air quality. Then, I lick my finger and put it in the air for wind direction.......just kidding!! 


              NH: Both the men's and women's 400 meters hurdles were exciting!! I watched those events in real time. I compared the 400 meters hurdles time and 400 meters run time........ blazing fast times. Gardiner won gold in the 400 meters run with a time of 43.85 and Norway's Warholm won gold in the 400 meters hurdles in 45.94!!  Why was he trying to tear open his shirt? ha! The women's 400 meters hurdles was a nail biter to the end, and U.S. won gold and silver! I do watch certain events over again.

              Looks like you are being more consistent with your running and tryke riding.......with no problems. woohoo!! Yesterday's run is what we always want every run, right? The arm swing is more of a 'winging' of our elbows for balance and control on uneven terrain in technical trail running. But, like in road running, there is not much crossing of arms in front. I try to keep in mind what you observe when I run on paved or dirt roads. It makes a difference in enegy efficiency.


              Art: I reminded you to say "hey' now and then, and then I'm gone for days, LOL!! We've been watching the weather in AZ and glad to see the rain. The water crisis is so critical now that the farmers are being told to cut back. Lake Mead and Lake Powell are drying up.

              NH Runner

                Monday, 8/16... 2 mile walk at a brisk pace for recovery this morning, then lots of yardwork that's done for a few days! Lol


                Az... finally!  Someone checked out the links I posted to a couple of Olympic races!  I've watched some of the events multiple times, all sorts of world records took place in Tokyo and I saw most of 'em...Lol  Hey, congrats. on running a few stupid hills, eh?!   And getting in a number of quality runs!   I'm not sure why Warholm tore his shirt open, maybe he just didn't like the shirt, eh? lol  Anyway, when the best runners in the world run, I like to watch their form.  Distance runners especially, have to be as efficient as possible and Molly Seidel has no wasted motion when she runs, same thing with Kipchoge.  Their arm swing is different from sprinters with a sprinter's straight forward and back motion, marathoners have less back swing and very little forward swing at all.  They drop their forearms in a downward pushing motion that's in time with the hip drive on the same side of the body.  For me at least, it's a smoother, less tiring way to run.  And it's not just Seidel and Kipchoge, a lot of elite runners do that little forearm downward push.  One of the amazing thing's about Seidel's medal in the Olympics was the women she had to beat just to get there.  Jordan Hasay was the favorite and ran 2:32:59, to Seidel's 2:27:**.  Molly Huddle, Emily Sisson and Sarah Hall were DNF and Desi Linden finished 4th.  Can't help but think Linden would have been a better choice than the other 2 qualifiers, but it wasn't her day.  Saw in an interview with Seidel how she loves the marathon distance, says it touches her soul...Lol


                Di... sometimes it's better to take a day off when your body balks at doing a workout.  You usually come back stronger the next day...

                NH Runner

                  Tuesday, 8/17... 8 mile trail run this morning, temp was 58 degrees when I left the house.  Perfect! 


                  AZ... getting back to your last post... "Looks like you are being more consistent with your running and tryke riding.......with no problems. woohoo!!"  The 2 Yoga poses I linked to last month as part of a series of suggestions to revive tired muscles have been life savers, especially the one where you get on your knees, then sit back on your heels.  It really puts the squeeze on the quads and apparently has the effect of forcing out whatever it is that makes those muscles sore.  Lactic acid maybe?  All I know is 3 or 4 minutes of that, and I'm good to go...



                    AZ I think some of the water problem was a long time coming and self inflicted.  The desert should not have green lawns and when I was in Vegas and then Mesa a few years back I was shocked at the number of house with lawns.  When I lived in El Paso our front yard was rocks and I liked it that way.  We did not water the back yard either.


                    Di:  I KNOOWW! ugh! And this will fire up some golfers but the darn golf courses, double ugh!!.  We have rain barrels that we use to water the few trees at our AZ home. We need to get some more of those.

                      Tuesday, 8/17... 8 mile trail run this morning, temp was 58 degrees when I left the house.  Perfect! 


                      AZ... getting back to your last post... "Looks like you are being more consistent with your running and tryke riding.......with no problems. woohoo!!"  The 2 Yoga poses I linked to last month as part of a series of suggestions to revive tired muscles have been life savers, especially the one where you get on your knees, then sit back on your heels.  It really puts the squeeze on the quads and apparently has the effect of forcing out whatever it is that makes those muscles sore.  Lactic acid maybe?  All I know is 3 or 4 minutes of that, and I'm good to go...


                      NH: YES!! I agree!! Desi Linden would have fought her way to the finish in the oppressive weather conditions of the Olympics IMO. She's got grit and like Molly Seidel, she runs in the heat and humidity of the midwest, Michigan. I mentioned that to DH and he was actually trying to think of the 'female runner who finished Boston in the cold rain,' and she should be running in the Olympics. I still watch that (2018) event.

                      It's a bummer she placed 4th at the trials. Her interest is swaying towards running ultras. She holds the women's 50K record, 2:59:54.,.... average pace 5:47!! Holy moly!! Even tho it was on a paved bike path (not a technical mt dirt trail), it's still an ultra distance, an incredible finish fime, wow!! I've been following her running career for years and was happy she ran for Arizona State. Last year, she trained by running 1 mile on the first of a Oct, then 2 miles on the second day, and so on. LOL!! I would chosen Feb, haha!!


                      Boy, impressive that you are very observant in the running form of different types of runnning distances.


                      I like that yoga pose too but also a similar one called child's pose. Really stretches my back and quads, thighs, and psoas. I like the pigeon pose, high lunge, extended side angle pose, twisted triangle pose, and my favorite, the dogward down pose and moving legs up in the air and back to chest.

                      I'm trying to do side plank pose but feet don't like staying together, ha!

                      oh, the scorpion pose I mentioned? That is NOT the one. I was wondering about what you said so I checked it out and saw the pose, good lord, it's not the ONE I do, haha!! I did try it, and can do it if I'm against a wall, LOL!! The one I mentioned: lay on your stomach with arms out, turn to one side, bend one arm at elbow, bend same side leg and move it towards the back to the floor, and I stay for about a minute. Then do the other side.



                        Upped the speed on the TM to 2.9 and 1.42 miles in my 30 min.  Now I want a nap.

                          Today (8/17): short 4 miler this early morning at the fairgrounds. Met up with the walker, J and her dog, Clint, again. I walked about a mile with her and chatted. Clint is older and has arthritis issues so he quits playing with hyper Bones after a couple of minutes. Bones gets confused, ha!

                          I don't count the walking mile in my run. It got pretty humid by 7 am so I cut my distance. Got home and DH and I finished cleaning off the rust on the west side of the house while it was in the shade. Then cleaned the windows. Going to change out a couple of the window screens that has gotten old and started to have some holes from the darn flying insects. We found a couple of new wasp nests, yikes!! small ones so DH will be tackling those soon. Predicted 93 degrees for the high today, whew!!


                          not bad for mile 25

                            The trouble with being AWOL for so long is I have so many pages to respond to. Fortunately, I've kept up with reading your posts a lot better than I have responding.


                            I haven't been ramping up miles as much as I should. It sure seems harder to accomplish now than it did five years ago. I did manage to run almost 17 miles on Saturday. That kind of beat me up, even though I tried to manage my nutrition/hydration.  Weekdays have been pretty short. Weather has been a lot cooler, though...with the exception of yesterday. I had to go to work early, due to a server issue, so I didn't get in my morning run. That meant an evening 5 miler at 88F. Worked up a good sweat. Wink  I'll be trying to go long again this Saturday.


                            Di - I know it's tough getting one's butt out the door.  Good job overcoming the lethargy, but when you're plain sick, you gotta stay home and rest!


                            Rich - You're continuing to get some good workouts done.  That 7 mile trail run sounds great!  So sad about that guy's dog. I haven't had mosquito problems, thank heavens.  I guess I could go looking for them in boggy areas, but maybe I'll pass on that. Wink  The Olympic hurdles were great.  Looking at a single low hurdle I think to myself, "Unsafe at any speed!"


                            az - Preparing to move and sell is a lot of work and you're still getting in your runs and plyo.  Good for you!  Your yoga poses are a little scary to me , but Rich seems to get a lot of benefit from a simple one, and you swear by 'em, so who am I to question?


                            Hi ART!!


                            Altair - Everyone else has commented on your brutal work schedule, so I'll just second what they said. It's just not right. You're not a slacker by any stretch of the imagination. I sure hope you can get out of that situation without jeopardizing your benefits. I guess your union doesn't have much power. Too bad. Anyway, I applaud you for managing to get a bit of running and other stuff done for yourself.

                            Art in AZ

                              Saturday did my 4 miles and exercises. Mornings are still in the lower 80s but the humidity has gone up because of the rain overnight. So I was pretty sweaty at the end.

                              Sunday got in 5 miles in same conditions.

                              Monday turned into a rest day sort of. Got dressed and got out and looked around and saw lots of stuff blown around because of the storm overnight. Walked the yard and saw that a branch had broken on one of the trees and was blocking the sidewalk. So I spent a couple of hours cutting it down and up and cleaning up the yard some. Filled up the trash barrel and that was it for the day.

                              Tuesday morning got in 3.9 miles and exercises. Weather was a little cooler and cloudy and I could feel the moisture in the air. Thought it might rain some more but it didn't.


                              This weather pattern we are experiencing right now is different than usual. Usually we get a big storm come through and dump a lot of rain in a short period of time. And the storms happen throughout the day. This past week so far has it raining almost every night with a lower intensity and a longer time. Right now the ground is pretty soaked with all of the retention basins holding lots of water. The 5 gallon bucket I use to catch the water from the AC unit gets filled every night with water from the runoff from the roof. It ends up getting dumped because the garden doesn't need more water right now. I wish I had a big barrel to store it in.


                              I see everyone is doing well.

                              Art in AZ

                              Mesa, AZ



                                Art, when we lived in the bigger house we had downspouts that fed directly in to rain barrels I had ordered from Amazon.  I used the water for the garden I used to have.  I had 3 of them, 2 in back and one in front.  It took one rainstorm to fill them up.  If you have gutters you can set up the same thing easily enough.