50 and over 5k and beyond

April 2015 Runs and Workouts (Read 14 times)

Crazy Diamond

    Art - Nice 13 mile long run and happy you enjoyed it.  Have a good taper week!


    Rich - Good 7 miles for you and once again some excellent paces.  Do you have any races planned?


    Saturday:  RD, but 3 hours of yard work after DS ran the 5k.  He had a nice comeback race, 3rd in AG.


    Sunday:  Very slow 5 miles, on the bike path.  Beautiful spring day, 58F with a cloudless sky.  Spring peeper frogs singing up a storm along the marsh and 6 snakes sunning themselves on the warm asphalt on the hill at the stone quarry!  Why is it always snakes!   DS met me at the path, but headed out for his fast 7 miles.   Caught up with me for the last .25 mile, and slowed way down to finish with me.


    Run strong friends!

    Quo Vadis?

      AZ - Belated Happy Birthday!   What an awesome month of celebrating with family and outstanding racing.  You sure pack a lot in to your visits.  Always enjoy reading your RRs, feel like I'm right there with you.  Well, actually I'd be WAY behind you! The races appear to be very challenging ( but you'd have it no other way!), but you are always so prepared to take it on.  Congratulations on all of them!


      Continued good training for you upcoming 25k and the train trip to Seattle will be great.  Are you and DH riding the Empire Builder?


      HI DEB!! So good to hear from you, you were very missed .... but sooo sorry to hear of your foot problems.   Glad to hear that you acted on it asap and progressing, however slowly.  I know you will be back to running races. How is your son doing? The 25k trail race north of Duluth, MN (Superior Trail series) will be my first in this series.  Apparently, it's gotten very popular, the website crashed within the first hour when registration opened.  I got lucky ......waited a couple of hours and I got through.  There is another one in the fall and it already reached its capacity!!  My trail running buddy registered for the fall race.  Thanks for the belated Birthday wishes. I spent it alone, eating a veggie burger in a hotel room in Ogallala, Nebraska!! on my way home to the SW. I LOVE my birthdays and my family knows it so my visit with them was celebratory with lunch and/or dinner, LOL!! Visiting my son and his fiancee in ALBQ, he took us out for a NEW MEXICAN lunch ......I LOVE HOT RED/GREEN NM CHILI.  This ain't 'mexican food' ........ and a NM margarita drink (on the rocks, none of that slushy stuff), yummy!! Yes, we are anticipating an adventure on our first TRAIN ride to Seattle. Not sure what we are riding on ......DH made reservations and I have not check, I mean, ask him about it.

        Ray:  CONGRATS on finishing the FM .......I'm with Rich, I would be very happy with a sub 4 finish time!! You did AWESOME!! Hope you heal quickly and back to your speedy runs.

        NH:  you have kept very busy with consistent training runs and pushing your pace times.  Those 8+mins/mile are quite challenging for long runs but its a reminder that your body is capable of it. I, too, tend to have a cut back week on mileage for body to absorb and adapt.  The snow doesn't seem to want to stop ..........spring may not appear but you may have summer days sooner.

        Chantilly:  do you have difficulty restraining a giggle when you see 'Joe Cool' in his changing attire?  Gotta give him credit for being comfortable and confident. You continue to amaze me with your endurance and discipline with your running, especially those days when you run twice!! WAY TO GO!! I read about toe separators that seem to lessen the problems associated with ball of feet. Mine isn't so bad anymore. The insoles I use with EVERY shoe I wear has helped ALOT.

        Art:  Your long runs will help compensate for the slight elevation change in your upcoming HM. Phoenix temps were blistering during my visits, A/C was in full use (which I don't like but it's a necessary evil).  Thanks, yes, I think I did great, considering the heat, in the AZ trail races in March.  Best of luck in the HM!!

        Dan: Are you back in WI?  I keep thinking of the "dances with dirt" HM trail race in July ......since last year. But a week later, I plan on running a TRAIL marathon in WA.  It's still a few months away ...... How is your training for the Door Cty HM?  Any other family members running with you?

          Sunny with 40 mph wind gusts!!   Decided to run indoors at the university gym.  I saw a notice that there is a School Track Meet!! Plan was to run 4-6 miles, with a 2-4 interval miles on TM. Anyway, it was interesting to watch an indoor track meet, my first time to watch one, and I ended up running 5 interval hilly miles.    Hope to run each day for rest of week except for Thurs when I have to drive/attend a session with the U of MN - Duluth.

          NH Runner

            Monday,4/13... well, this is the start of a new week after my cut back week, but I don't feel like a guy ready to run 50 miles this week...   I did start out with the idea of running the roads today, but once I started, the wind in my face was more than I wanted to deal with.    Sooo, with the railtrail about 50% mud and 50% snow and ice, I went home, changed into a pair of old, less than clean running shoes and headed back to the trail.   4 miles of slipping and sliding in that stuff was enough, now we'll see what tomorrow brings...


            Art... I wonder how much of a difference it'll make running at a higher elevation than you're used to.    I know elites train at elevation, so there's something to it.   At any rate, like you said, enjoy yourself and have a good day .


            Gito... sorry I missed an earlier post, absolutely, go find that covered bridge you spoke of.    I think for you right now, taking it easy is the way to go, give that foot all the time it needs to heal.    I'm betting DS was tickled to death to run with you today, at any pace...    Keep up the good work!    Races:  I've got a 5K early in May and a half marathon early in June.    The half is the one I'm focused on, I may start training for a marathon if it goes well.


            az...thanks.  And yes, I'm focused on building mileage right now and trying to slowly pick up the pace.    When I'm healthy, I'm probably too aggressive as a runner, but I ain't getting any younger and time's a wastin'...lol    Nice workout today and good luck with this week's goal...

            Crazy Diamond


               I spent it (my birthday) alone, eating a veggie burger in a hotel room in Ogallala, Nebraska!!


              AZ - This sentence reads like the opening line of a novel I'd like to delve into!  The 25k in Duluth will be great!  The temperature should still be cool and the trees will be leafing out.  40 mph winds - no thank you!   Indoor track meets are interesting, but tough on the athletes.  DS2 just finished up indoor season, today was his first outdoor meet.


              Rich - The May 5k will be a great race to determine your fitness and goal time for the June HM.  Yes, I'm learning patience by taking things slowly.  I'll need to build my base again, and perhaps think about signing up for a race in fall.  I lost $$$ since I wasn't able to run the 3 races I registered for.


              Today:  40 minutes on the elliptical, 35 minutes weight training and 3x30 second planks at the gym.

              Quo Vadis?


                Sorry for being AWOL, even after I said I would get back to you...

                Gito57/Debra - It is so good to see you're back!  So sorry about your foot.  I know how tough it is to be patient about an injury.

                Nice to have DS running with you and doing well in his 5k.  Snakes and frogs, sounds like a nice outing!

                Az - The trip to Arizona sounds like it was good and some how you managed to stay busy...  Loved all the race reports and you did well in spite of getting lost and yes it can be very aggravating...Sounds like you'tr rejuvenated!

                NHRich - You've been running well!  The miles are starting to pile up and the shape is returning, excellent!  You're going to kill those upcoming races and that's going to be awesome!

                Art - Sounds like you've done the work for your HM and now it's time to reap the rewards.

                Chantilly - DS1 mail ordered the toe separators - he has a bunion the DR recommended the separators for.  He let me borrow them once, but his feet are so much bigger then mine that it wasn't comfortable. You're getting in some nice runs lately!


                Got a couple more runs in last week, just over 20 miles before Sunday's 10K trail race (honest will do a race report) so total of 26.8 miles last week.  7.2 miles today in just under 63 minutes.  Relatively cool today, but it is supposed to start warming up on Wednesday with highs later in the week in the mid 80's!  Summer is here...you knew if it was cold back east it had to be warmer somewhere else, sigh...



                Art in AZ

                  5 miles this morning as a recovery run and start of taper. Should be an interesting weather week. Today and tomorrow in the lower 90s. Wednesday mid 80s and then upper 70s for Thursday. Then back to the mid and upper 80s for the rest of the week here in the Phoenix area. Saturday morning in Cottonwood for the half is predicted to be in the upper 40s to lower 50s at race start. Good temps to run in.


                  Debra - You can always say your Sunday run was interesting and really got your blood flowing. It was from the running and not the snakes. Think of the other exercise you'll be getting while you wait for your feet to get better.


                  AZ - I'm with Debra on that line. Thought of some mystery novel. Something like "In pursuit of the perfect run." the 25K is just a little longer than a half. You'll do great this time. Speaking of peppers, I have some Hatch peppers that should be ready in a couple of weeks. Almost time to make some salsa.


                  Rich - Windy and muddy. Not the best combination to be running in. Better conditions are coming.


                  Ray - Good luck with your 10K. You and I know where these "warmer" temperatures will be heading soon.

                  Art in AZ

                  Mesa, AZ

                  NH Runner

                    Tuesday, 4/14... 10 mile road run today.   I've been complaining a lot about the wind lately and will only mention in passing that it was in my face today for miles 3 through 6.    I didn't run as hard today as I usually do, if I'm going to get my mileage up, I probably should leave a little in the tank from one day to the next... 9:21, 9:26, 9:38, 9:36, 9:40, 9:38, 9:20, 9:02, 9:06 and 8:43.    A question... I was reading that Whey protein is good for recovery and to drink it after a long run, does anyone have any experience with this?


                    gito... that's something I've noticed about you, you cover all the bases with your training.   Nice workout yesterday.


                    Ray... we've had a search party out looking for you, the bill for that is in the mail...    Your knee's getting better, eh?   Good luck in the 10K this weekend!    And yes, the increase in mileage is starting to have an effect, my fitness is improving.    Not where I want to be yet, but headed in the right direction.


                    Art... conditions here are probably better than I make it sound, it's not bad really.    So, what are you planning to wear for running in 40 degree weather this weekend?    Your system will be in shock after the 90 degree stuff you're in now...lol


                      az2mntrail  Congratulations on your great races! The creek crossing sounds tough. You had a lot of vertical, also. Hope you have fun on the train. Seattle is a nice city.  We went to their music museum and the Space Needle.

                      As for Joe cool, I have seen him for so many winters, I know all his wardrobe..

                      gito57 Nice that you got in the 5 miles. Too bad about the $$, one never knows when signing up if we are going to make it to race day..

                      I would guess that snakes wouldn't be out this early.  Must be warm on that path. I tried to do some yard work, but it is still a bit wet.

                      NH Runner You can either slip around in the mud or face the wind and cars, eh? Ah, spring..

                      No experience with the whey protein, but I did have that Greens+ protein mix one year….don't remember that it made any difference.

                      rmcj001 Hope you have a good trail race! Hope it isn't too hot.

                      Art in AZ Good luck in your HM.  I hope the elevation doesn't bother your breathing.


                      Past 3 days off/working.

                      9 miles.

                      "dancing on the path and singing, now you got away,

                      you can reach the goals you set from now on, every day"

                      Sonata Arctica







                        RR for Woodside Crossover 10K, 4/12/2015.  Doing race reports in reverse order...


                        DW had class on Saturday, so had signed up for the Crossover 1/2, I didn't feel ready to do a 1/2 with 3000' of elevation gain and opted for the 10K. There was a line to get into the park and lets just say that park rangers aren't concerned about efficiency.  We were able to pick up our numbers and I got to watch DW's start as there was a 15 minute delay between our starts.  The 1/2 uses the 10K loop to start their race and then switches to a secondary loop for their 2nd part.  Morning temp was mid 50's with expected high around 75F, not too bad, but maybe a tad warm.  RD gave instructions and then told us to line up and we were off.  Tried to go out at an easy pace, but might have been a little slower then usual.  We had a slight downhill before the "real" uphill began.  Lots of runners passed me initially and withing the first 1/2 mile.  I would estimate that at this point I was somewhere between 20th and 25th.  We hit the uphill and I just sort of steadily went up.  I think I was passed by 2 to 3 runners in the next mile and then started seeing a couple of walking 1/2 marathoners between mile 2 and 3.  Passed 1 10K runner in here as well, but was mostly by myself.  Around 3.1 miles we started downhill and I just let it rip, caught one guy pretty quickly and then another.  There were lots of switchbacks and I noticed that 1 of the guys I'd passed was pacing off me.  Passed several women in the next mile, and then more.  The straights were very quick, but the switchbacks were numerous and had to slow to make the turns. Between mile 4 and 5 we passed several more women.  Around 5.25 we hit some hikers going the other way, the trailing runner slowed a bit here and I lost him at this point as there was a big group of slow moving 1/2 marathoners shortly after.  At 5.5 miles started what I though was the final uphill, it was here I passed a 12yo and I think his dad.  At mile 6 passed a couple more 1/2 marathoners and hit the parking lot just before the finish - this was really the last bit of uphill and I was working hard.  Crossed the finish in 59:06.  I expected there to be someone right on my tale, but next person didn't come in for another 2 minutes.  12yo came in around 63 (IIRC) and must have walked most of the final 1/2 mile.  Time was good enough for 12th overall and 1st in AG.  Turns out a 14yo won the race and got a nice glass mug.   I spent a bit of time eating and drinking and cheering runners as they came in waiting for DW to finish.  Saw DW coming through the parking lot and she was heading off a side trail so I yelled to give her directions to the finish.  She came in at 2:41 which was 1st in her AG as well!  I signed up for a massage and afterwards we headed home in search of milkshake.  A good day,




                          Art - Enjoy the taper week.  Sounds like starting temps will be nice, don't over dress.

                          NHRich - Don't know about whey, but chocolate milk always tastes good and used to enjoy a yogurt after runs as well.

                          Chantilly - Nice 9 miler, thanks for the good wishes - but, no race this weekend - hoping to get a long run in tho.


                          Tues, 4/14, 8 miles in 1:07:50 - cool windy day and very close to a progressive run.  Missed on mile 5, trying to cut it too fine with a hill and miscalculated.  Still a good effort.



                          Crazy Diamond

                            Ray - Congratulations on your awesome finish and 1st in AG!  Sounds as if it was tough to maintain your speed with all those switchbacks.  Congrats to DW on her HM finish and 1st/AG, as well!  Hum,  wonder what the 14 yo winner poured into the glass mug???  Chocolate milk or Mt. Dew?


                            Art - Hope the weather prediction for you Hm holds.  Those are my favorite temps to run in.


                            Rich - Terrific 10 miles for you.  Go ahead and complain about the wind, I don't mind! 


                            Chantilly - Nice 9 miles after being off 3 days.  During your work days, do you think about your next run?


                            Tuesday:  Beautiful spring day, first run in shorts and sleeveless top.  Ran 3 easy miles at the outdoor track, then 1 mile walk on the parkway path.  The run was a tough one, I've a long way to go to get back to where I was.  Determined to do it!


                            Run strong friends!

                            Quo Vadis?


                              Lost my post, hope I can remember it...


                              rmcj001 Sorry, I thought your trail 10 Km was this Sunday.  You and your wife did well on such a hilly course!

                              There is a contraption for bunions which looks like a carpenter's vise.  It holds the toe out and the bunion in using a bolt and a slider.  Looks like a medieval torture device. There are exercises and such on Youtube for various feet maladies.

                              gito57 Were you able to find a more supportive shoe? For the neuroma, I find that heel striking is better for it. As we age, we lose that layer protecting the forefoot bones and so is it really that good to be landing on the forefoot so much as articles say? 

                              Hope your son has a good outdoor season.

                              I work 12 hr. nights which is why I take the day off.

                              NH Runner I liked your video of the elite runners.  Did you notice that they were heel striking and over striding?

                              az2mntrail …that's not much of a b'day supper  …maybe you can get better food in Seattle. Their fish is excellent.


                              9 miles.

                              "dancing on the path and singing, now you got away,

                              you can reach the goals you set from now on, every day"

                              Sonata Arctica






                              NH Runner

                                Wednesday, 4/15... the warmer air, (60's) sunshine and wind lately have worked to tame the railtrail into a manageable beast.    Today's run was an easy 6 mile affair with the trail probably 75% cleared of snow and much less mud than 2 days ago.    Meant as a recovery run, I drank a chocolate milk as soon as I finished.    Tomorrow... I expect to run like the wind, like Ray...    I guess I'm going to say no way to whey...


                                Ray... I enjoyed your race report.   Congrats to you and DW on your age group placements, you two are good!    Nice run yesterday too!


                                Chantilly...2 good days of running for you!     The video was an eye opener wasn't it?    The guy who made the video commented on how it looked as though the runners were over striding and heel striking, then made the point that they were actually landing with their feet under their center of mass, so were landing heel first, but only lightly and not braking.    What impressed me was the amount of hip extension they get, unbelievable!


                                Gito... thanks.  Dog-gone wind!    I think the hardest thing for me to deal with after 3 months of no running was my lack of wind.    When you can't breathe, it's tough to run well.    I've read too that your VO2 max goes away in a hurry when you stop running.    You're right, you've got a long way to go, take it one mile at a time and one run at a time.   Hang in there!