50 and over 5k and beyond

July - Too hot to trot (Read 11 times)


not bad for mile 25

    Friday, 7/12... ran 6 miles on the railtrail this morning in really humid air and mildly hot temps.   The ol' deer flies are back and hungry as ever, what a great little motivators they are to keep you running at a decent pace...


    Saturday, 7/13... mtn. bike trail ride today, 8 miles at a pace too fast for most of the deer flies...


    Led... congrats. on your mile time, that was pretty fast!   The wilderness park trail definitely looks like a great place to outrun mosquitoes, eh? lol


    So Rich, it seems those bugs are a bit of an obsession, if not phobia for you. The mosquitoes this morning were tiny and voracious. Thank goodness I haven't had to deal with deer flies where I'm currently running. I remember as a kid, a deer fly bite would give me a knot the diameter of a baseball.

    Art in AZ

      Another 4.7 miles Saturday followed by 3 hours in the garden. Digging in the old stuff and getting a few sections ready for the fall planting before going to see a movie with the grand daughters in the afternoon.


      Rich - Looks like you're foot troubles are gone seeing that you got a 6 mile run, Are you going to make another deer fly hat?


      Led - Nice long run you got in. It sounds like your weather there is a little cooler. I would have trouble getting in a run that long now. I couldn't carry enough water for that long. Nice job.

      Art in AZ

      Mesa, AZ


      Ragged but Right

        I got up at 6:20 am to be at work at 7. It was 11 pm by the time I got home. So no run yesterday! I did have a lot of walking taking people to the Geneseo Airshow and later a walk to the park for a live concert. Today I had the day off and could sleep in late and catch up on rest. I decided to test myself with a six mile run, if I could do the distance without problems I felt I could do the half in September. Remembered to take water this time and used it twice to rinse my eyes, but the humidity was lower and sweat was not a problem. Some minor hills, largest about a 80 foot climb. Took it easy, some pauses to drink water or enjoy an occasional breese. I found it felt a little easier after 4 miles, the body does adapt. legs and knee slightly sore at end, but finished in 1:25:50. Not my slowest time for this course, but just under it. My fastest time was 1:08:01 in 2017. Rested on my deck for a while. Interesting that once I stopped running the sweat began to wet my arms and stomach. You may say the airflow from running evaporates the moisture, but I think it has more to do with blood flow being diverted to muscles during the run. I took a quick dip in the pool and then felt sleepy and took a nap on the couch. As I have Sunday as the last day of the week this bring my week total up to 14 miles., a big jump from the 4 1/2 the week before. I think to finish a half is doable after this test, perhaps will attempt 8 miles later this week..


        Art - Those "almost 5 mile" runs are a nice distance to do in the heat. Great you got some time to prepare the garden for fall. No garden for me this year, never got the fence done.


        Led - Lovely photos, the Wilderness park looks like a great place to run, good distance 15 miles! As for the water loss, I have lost 7 pounds on a long run on a hot day, and that's with taking a big, 32 oz water bottle! My future plans for long hot runs will be to run a series of loops so I can repenish my water supply or even cool off in the pool.Mosquitoes are annoying, but deer flies are worst! So far I have not done any long runs that bring me near water where they typically hang out. I figured out you live in Nebraska, since most of us are either in the northeast or southwest you kind of live in the middle!


        az - Hope the race went well and look forward to the report!


        Rich - You certainly are back with that 6 mile run! I think any of us who have been "bugged" will have "a bit of an obsession, if not phobia."


        The local airshow has lots of vintage planes and some jets as well. Geneseo has a dirt airfield down by the river flats. Yesterday I went inside a big Army helicopter and saw groups of parachute jumpers. Today I took some photos from my deck of planes flying overhead. The "W7" known as "Whiskey 7" resides near a museum at the airfield and took part in D-Day dropping paratroopers into Normandy.

        W7.plane in clouds



        Long distance runner, what you standin' there for?
        Get up, get out, get out of the door!


          Nothing really to report. Just checking in. Did final long run before marathon Saturday and then red-eye to Boston. Sitting in Harvard square watching the tours go by waiting for a friend. Will check in later with pictures hopefully.




          not bad for mile 25

            ...the sweat began to wet my arms and stomach. You may say the airflow from running evaporates the moisture, but I think it has more to do with blood flow being diverted to muscles during the run.


            I have noticed this as well. Sweating goes into high gear when I stop.


            Led - Lovely photos, the Wilderness park looks like a great place to run, good distance 15 miles! As for the water loss, I have lost 7 pounds on a long run on a hot day, and that's with taking a big, 32 oz water bottle! My future plans for long hot runs will be to run a series of loops so I can repenish my water supply or even cool off in the pool.Mosquitoes are annoying, but deer flies are worst! So far I have not done any long runs that bring me near water where they typically hang out. I figured out you live in Nebraska, since most of us are either in the northeast or southwest you kind of live in the middle!


            Yep, I'm here to represent the middle of the continent!


            I'm bad about keeping hydrated during my runs. I carried only a tiny handheld on this one, and just get really dehydrated. It takes me a day or so of gulping down water to get back to my normal state. It's probably not a good training protocol. Not thrilled with messing with a Camelback, though.


            The local airshow has lots of vintage planes and some jets as well. Geneseo has a dirt airfield down by the river flats. Yesterday I went inside a big Army helicopter and saw groups of parachute jumpers. Today I took some photos from my deck of planes flying overhead. The "W7" known as "Whiskey 7" resides near a museum at the airfield and took part in D-Day dropping paratroopers into Normandy.


            Cool planes, cool photos!


            not bad for mile 25

              This is why I run in the early mornings.  Those "Hot" afternoons this week are 100+.  The other two are only 90+.  I do have my 30 minute bicycle commute home to fully experience the heat.

              NH Runner

                Monday, 7/15... out early to beat the heat today for another 6 mile run on the trail.   My sore heel started to burn a little with a mile to go, but doesn't appear to be anything serious.   I'll ride the bike or tryke tomorrow just to be sure.   Took yesterday off to play golf, I suppose there's some X training value to it, but it's a lot more frustrating that running...Lol


                Led... yeah, my DW tells stories of me finishing a trail run and bleeding from deerfly bites...Lol   Like Altair5 said, they like to be near water and the trail follows a local river, so everything's right for healthy population of the little 'buggers'...Lol   I don't know if I'm obsessed with deer flies, but they're like thunderstorms, I'd rather not deal with 'em if I don't have to... Lol  Seems like we runners are always adapting to the day's weather, eh?  Good luck dealing with your heat...


                Art... yes, my foot's doing really well.   I tried picking up the pace in today's run and that's probably why my foot burned a little, but I'm happy with my progress so far.   I want to begin doing weekly speedwork sessions on the HS track, but it's obviously too soon.   Digging in the garden and movies with the grandbabies?   Life's good, eh?   And good deal with the 4.7 miler...


                Altair5... agreed on the sweating after a run, I know our metabolism stays up for a while after we run and that may be why we're sweating to stay cool while that's going on.   Enjoyed the pictures, W7 has a rich history, doesn't it?    The 6 milers I'm running don't give me any confidence I'm up to running a HM, a 10 miler where I feel good when it's done would be a minimum for me.   At any rate, good luck with your training!


                Hi Ray!

                  Good to hear from you Ray.  Congrats on another speedy run, and on the AG place! WOOHOO!!  Having those last mile or two with someone so close behind is a good challenge to get in some last second sprinting, GREAT job!  Sounded exciting!! Enjoy Boston!


                  Altair:  lots of hours at work but nice to get a day off.  That's a huge jump in distance but I'm sure you know what you're up against.  Glad it went well and you're staying hydrated.  You'll do great in Sept, I know it!! thank you for the photos!!


                  NH:  YAY!! You're doing really well on the comeback. yeah, the burn may be due to the increase cadence as well as speed? I certainly don't miss the deer flies of MN, those bites hurt.


                  Art:  Early morning runs are critical during this time in 'the valley.'  I had to look up the vehicle as well.  NICE!! Did you buy them here? How long have you been working on them?


                  Led:  I also live in northern MN so I absolutely DO NOT miss the HUGE skeeters ....... and all the other flying biting bugs.  I was shocked when the bites resulted in huge welts, The combination of heat and humidity is horrible during the summers so I dragged my butt out early in the mornings for my long runs soaked in mosquito spray .  But the short runs I did in the cool university gym around the short mini track and on the dreadmill.  NIce 15 miles there!! Are you training for a race?

                    I returned today

                    Camping near the race location was wonderful.  My friend, her DH and son also camped and she invited her mom and dad as well.  My friend's tent was smaller than mine but all three fit, LOL!!  Her parent's tent was like a 5-star hotel with a porch, HAHA!! Took him forever to set up, and he brought 2 cots and rug too!! It sprinkled a few times but the clouds were a welcome.  The campsite was around a popular lake so more campers arrived in the evening, and most were up early for fishing. It was a cool night, not cold at all, but it was predicted to be in the high 80s with partly sunny sky.

                    RR:  The race didn't start until 9 am but  there were runners who checked the race from 2 yrs ago when it started at 10 am.  They assumed it started again at 10 am so they were late!! But the RD and timing company accommodated them.  There were more 10k runners than 20k.  We all started at the same time, ran the same course up to about 3.2 miles where the 10k runners turned around.

                    The first mile was on dirt road, then crushed gravel mixed with dirt up a nice short hill, then single track around the lake, crossed a cement bridge, 1st (and last) Aid station, then back on dirt road to the main road again, up up up on dirt road for about 1/2 mile.At the top, we make a turn onto a jeep trail, 2nd A.S. From here, it's up up up, then down switchbacks on rutted, technical dirt rocky jeep road. The hills vary in gradual to steep, from 1/4 to 3/4 mile, crossed a creek twice, under shaded trees, finally the turnaround at 7.2 miles.

                    Ran most of the hills except for the last LONG HILL, walked 30 seconds, run 4-5 minutes, walk 30 seconds, etc. till I got to the flatter portions. At the Aid stations, I dumped water on head and neck and kept going. That really made a huge difference! I'm worried about my knee for the return, on the downhills. I didn't stop on the downhills, just control and steady.  A couple of long hill that I had to walk and run again but finally the turn towards the finish, about a mile.  1/2 of it is downhill and the other half to the finish is uphill, OMgoodness!!

                    It took every ounce of energy for that last 1/2 mile.  My friend and her DH were waiting for me along the way.  Her DH helped by running me in. I'm done!!  2:33 ....... I was close to my expected finish of 2:30.

                    Overall: 16/28; Gender 4/10; AG 1/4.

                    I was surprised there were 4 in my AG.  Happy with effort and finish


                    Next: Pikes Peak marathon, Aug. 24.


                      Hi all, no running for me today.  I did play pickleball for an hour.  I’m taking lessons.  It’s very fun and a good workout.  It was hot. (we have been in a heatwave; it should be cooling by Wednesday).


                      AZ – camping sounds fun, AND an Age Group medal!  Congratulations!  Your weather sounds great.  I always forget that Arizona isn’t all hot desert.  Your husband sounds hilarious like mine.   Here’s one of his gems; when I talk about traveling to a race he’ll say, “Why would you want to ruin a perfectly good vacation with a race?”  Ugh – he does have many other redeeming qualities! 


                      NH – Your tryke sounds great; did you really design & build it?  Can you post a photo?


                      Led – 8 pounds lost after one run?  Yikes. I hope you’re fully rehydrated by now.


                      Altair – I will have to try the avocado reuben you posted last week.  For many years I have been making something that restaurants call turkey reubens but we call Freubens (faux reubens).  Turkey, swiss cheese, pickles, and thousand island dressing.  I never thought of making it vegetarian.


                      Art – I just can’t imagine starting a run when it’s already 90 degrees.  I guess one gets used to it.


                      A couple of you asked about my running & racing.  I’m 52 and have been running for 8 years.  I have clawed my way to the middle of the pack in big races, and sometimes come up with an AG place in smaller races – love those, haha.  Right now I’m not registered for anything until November – a nearby Revel (downhill) half marathon because a lot of runners from my running club race it.  I’m only running about 25 mpw now because I’ve had some health setbacks, but I’m trying to get back up to 40 mpw.  I have mostly done road races.  5ks, 10ks, HMs, and 3 pretty awful marathons.


                      not bad for mile 25

                        az2mn - Your camping/trail race trip sounds great, and congrats on your great showing! I should get out in the wild more. My only doubt has to do with my feet and ankles having the strength to handle technical stuff.


                        Brilliant - I should try pickleball sometime, as a (very) long ago tennis player. Sounds fun!  So, what about those Revel races? They drop like 5000 feet in the course of a marathon? Have you done one? Did you wear roller skates?

                        NH Runner

                          Tuesday, 7/16... 7 mile mtn. bike trail ride today.   Met the same 2 ladies who never stop talking long enough to hear someone coming up from behind as they walk... Lol  The bike bell I bought didn't work the first time I tried it, but today when I rung it and didn't get a response, I rode quietly about 25 feet behind them 'til they stopped talking, then rung the bell.   Bingo!  And they weren't startled the way they are by the sound of my voice!   I said, "You heard me this time, but you still talk too much!"   A couple of sweet gals who love to laugh...Lol


                          az... congrats. on your race!   Sounds like a tough course and a good test, 1st in age group ain't too shabby, you did good!


                          Brilliant... you'll have to explain the story behind that name sometime...Lol   My tryke is fashioned after toys that have been around for over a 100 years.   Called Irish Mails, they're propelled by rowing a lever that drives the rear wheel.   Here's a picture of one.. Irish Mail   I'll post a picture of the tryke in the next day or two.   When rowing, both pushing and pulling propels the tryke, so you're working a lot of upper body muscles.   Obviously, you know what running does for your legs, but we also need a way to work our upper bodies and that's why I built the tryke.   It's crude, but works great for what I wanted.   I took a look at pickleball, it looks like a fun way to get in a really good workout...


                          Ragged but Right

                            Ray - Not sure what you are doing in Boston, just meeting a friend?


                            Led - All those 100 plus days , I would think it would be cooler where you are, having a heat wave?


                            Brilliant - Pickleball looks fun, but I seriously lack coordination. My girlfriend says I'm too obsessed with my running, but she worries if I become inactive for long. Only once did I ever place in a race, in September of 2012 I ran a 27:24 5K and got second place, so good for you if you have placed several times.


                            az - The big tent seems more trouble than it's worth. Nice that the race accommodated the late arrivals. A uphill finish, even only a half mile, can be rough, again you showed when the going gets tough the tough get going! Congratulations on the 1st in AG!


                            Rich - Good 6 miles and then the golf. So when you saw the ladies when tryking you had to wait until they stopped gabbing to ring the bell. Ever see the Seinfeld episode where Elaine give a coworker who alway startles her a box of Tic Tacs to put in his shirt pocket so she can hear them rattle when he approaches? I disagree about the sweating, if it had just to do with metabolism why do I go from just being damp when my metabolism is all cranked up when running to dripping with sweat when I rest? Granted, the metabolism boost is greater than normal after exercise, but I don't think it is a big factor. I think the blood, when no longer needed for running muscles, goes to the skin to get rid of residual heat


                            Art - American Pickers TV show had a garage with some type of Healey. I should have realised it is a car related to the Austin-Healey. I also read about how Healey was a designer of sports cars.


                            A rough run for me today. It was sunny, breeseless and 90 (yes Brilliant, 90!) when I started out to run close to 8 miles. From mile 2 1/2 to 4 it climbs about 250 feet. I took a few rest stops, but was wiped out by the top of the hill and sat in the shade almost 15 minutes. I had to take a lot of rest stops, guess I was not ready for the heat.The sky became a bit more overcast as I ran and there was some rain for a few seconds, helped to cool a little, but it was still hot. I rested a few times more as I finished my run. Guess I looked bad sitting there because twice good samaritans stopped their cars and asked if I was alright. One was a runner himself who I have seen and talked to on a couple of my runs. I thanked them, but was now near to my home and I said I was okay. I got home and jumped into my pool, not even bothering to remove my running shorts! Just in time, because I was hearing thunder and a downpour started as I went inside my house. Total time was 2 hours 34 minutes, but I estimate 45 minutes was spent resting. Note I have in the past run as much as 18 miles with bigger hills and hotter temperatures. Lesson learned is that I did not do enough to acclimate myself to the heat this year. It was 5 degrees cooler by the time my run was over and after the brief thundershower it fell to the mid 70. I should have run early in the morning or late afternoon to avoid the heat. I will have to see what it is like next week when I was going to go for a ten miler.

                            Long distance runner, what you standin' there for?
                            Get up, get out, get out of the door!


                            Ragged but Right

                              Just had to add this, I did not know Kevin personally but he was a local pacer and 63 years old.

                              July 13, 2019 09:26 PM

                              HAMLIN, N.Y. (WHEC) — A pace leader for the Fleet Feet Half/Full Marathon program died at the Shoreline Half Marathon and 5K in Hamlin.

                              According to Fleet Feet Rochester, Kevin Clinefelter died from a cardiac event.

                              Clinefelter was taken to the hospital around mile 11 when he was suffering from leg cramps.

                              Long distance runner, what you standin' there for?
                              Get up, get out, get out of the door!


                                Wow that is really sad about Kevin Clinefelter's sudden passing.  I listened to a podcast episode (I think it was the RW podcast not long before they stopped producing them) that talked about the cardiac risks of running.  For *most* of us the benefits of running outweigh the risk of being sedentary (leading to overweight, poor health, etc.).  But some people have underlying conditions that only become evident after maximum exertion.  Which is why we hear of runners collapsing at finish lines.