50 and over 5k and beyond

November Runs and Workouts (Read 19 times)

NH Runner

    Took Monday off...


    Tuesday, 11/18... 8 mile railtrail run today, 30 degrees with 15/20 mph wind and gusts to 35.   A real Character Builder...   I miss the simple pleasure of running in shorts and a T already...   Pace was mid to high 9's.


    ray... what a week!   Are you running a 3 week taper?   What are your race day plans, are going to go out at a Boston Qualifying pace and try to hold on for 26.2 miles?    Your training's been top notch, now to get ready for race day!


    Dan... nothing wrong with grabbing a week off after the training schedule you were running.   Sounds like you're back on track though and enjoying the same lousy weather that's over New England right now...lol


    WDWRich... nice run!   I'm running a 5K on Thanksgiving morning as well.   The course is flat for the first .2 of a mile, then turns right and starts a tough climb that's over a 1/2 mile long.   When I'm trained I run it in about 26 minutes, so it'll be a good test to see where I'm at fitness wise.    Here's hoping for mild weather on that day, eh?


    az...we all know there's no faking the distance in a marathon, you're doing really well to get these workouts in in spite of the weather, good for you!

    Crazy Diamond

      Poof! Post is gone.   I'll try again tomorrow.  All of you are running strong!


      Monday - 6 easy miles on the parkway, track, then 7 8-sec. hill repeats run carefully on the snow covered side walk.  Wind was brutal, single digit windchill.


      Tuesday - 8 easy miles at the indoor track, w/ 8 x 40 sec. @ 9:30 pace - run the pick up on lap 4 of every mile. Track was very busy this afternoon.

      Quo Vadis?


        Dan - High mileage is mostly mental and finding the time.  I don't know if it is good thing, but if you want to get there you can.  Are you going to try the holiday challenge again?

        WDRich - Hills are so tough.  Normally my long runs incorporate the "Dish", but my last two runs I went to the gate and turned back to skip those hills (figured I beat myself up enough getting there).  You're going to do well next Thursday!

        Az - You shamed me into getting those last two long runs in   It's good you're getting your runs in regardless of the weather.  You're going to do well at your marathon.

        Sluggo - I don't get the cold weather, at least not like the rest of this group.  Hope you're continuing to run.

        Chantilly - Big Sur is gorgeous!  DW and DS1 have run it in the past.  I guess I understand a bit better about running inside, still it's got to be a little tough mentally.  Nice 10 miler!

        NHRich - Not really a 3 week taper, but almost - this is a cut back week and next week will be mostly easy runs.  I'll be doing a 10K Turkey trot on Thanksgiving and then just trying to stay sharp.  I found a site that prints out a wrist band with "even effort" pacing based on elevation change.  It will be interesting to see if I can stick to it.  I suspect you've got enough character for all of us, but good that you got out there and go the run in.  5K next Thursday will be  a good checkpoint.

        Debra - Sorry about the post!  Good runs tho!


        If the Hansens are correct, this was the last day to get a good workout in before those Turkey Trots, nothing more you can do, the hay is in the barn.  Monday was a slow recovery run, 8.3 miles in just under 75 minutes.  Today was 7.3 mile progressive run (almost) in 57:10 - legs felt just a bit heavy, but I didn't realize how fast I was going 'til I hit mile 6 and then I tried to push just a bit more.  Definitely had a good wheeze going...



        NH Runner

          Wednesday, 11/19... 5 mile tryke ride today on the railtrail.   Pace was all over the place, but a good workout.   Parts of the trail are frozen and speedy going, I hit 10:21 in that stuff, but the uphill in the third mile went by in a 12:49.     Very pleased that the last 2 times on the scale, it shows me down 8 pounds since the beginning of September when I started running again.    Maybe that's why some guy from a company called "Victor's Secret" stopped today and wanted to know if I was interested in modeling men's clothes...


          Chantilly... that's quite a runner coaching the marathon runners, sub 3:00 at 60 is unreal!    What little snow we got melted the other day when the rain and warmer air moved in, so the tryke's still good to go.    I don't ski on the railtrail until there's a substantial amount of snow on the ground, the snowmobiles churn the first few storms into an abrasive gravel and snow mix that's tough on ski bases, so I wait 'til that's frozen and buried under fresh snow.   Nice run!


          gito... Yaktrax will help in the conditions you're running in, they used to sell 2 versions, one for walking and one for running.    You're doing great with training, now if you'd just stop losing your posts! lol


          Ray... can't wait to hear how this Thanksgiving 10K goes!   And the marathon!



            Wednesday, 11/19... 5 mile tryke ride today on the railtrail.   Pace was all over the place, but a good workout.   Parts of the trail are frozen and speedy going, I hit 10:21 in that stuff, but the uphill in the third mile went by in a 12:49.     Very pleased that the last 2 times on the scale, it shows me down 8 pounds since the beginning of September when I started running again.    Maybe that's why some guy from a company called "Victor's Secret" stopped today and wanted to know if I was interested in modeling men's clothes...


            You just started running in Sep?  I am starting to feel less out of place.


            In the beginning, the universe was created.This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.

            --- Douglas Adams, in "The Restaurant at the End of the Universe"


              gito57 Those are some good miles.  Be careful on the ice.

              NH Runner Hope the weather co-operates for your Turkey Trot. Will there be turkey after?

              Hmmm...... Victor's secret doesn't sound legit to me...

              That coach is a local celebrity...but only runners know (of) him.

              rmcj001 You want to back off a little if your legs are feeling heavy, at this stage in the game. Don't get carried away before Dec. rolls around!

              Did you ever consider the San Fran One Day on Jan 1? I have looked at doing it, but the weather seems a little cool for me to stay up all night.


              8 miles. Kids' tennis club there this morning, plus a different marathon group.

              "dancing on the path and singing, now you got away,

              you can reach the goals you set from now on, every day"

              Sonata Arctica






                sluggo:  Every mile counts here no matter what.  Patience is a virtue, and I don't have much of it either but hang in there!

                Chantilly:  where are you located? Do you go south or west sometime during the winter?

                Ray: hope all this running doesn't tire you out before the FM.  Is DW going with you to take photos while you run the FM?  Any other family members cheering you on? I might be by myself for my FM but that's ok.  I always find runners to 'high five' at the finish.

                Rich:  your tryke will find its niche in these winter conditions.  Congrats on the pounds lost!!  How did the "Victor's Secret" find you?  Might be a smart move to 'model' their 'wares' on your tryke!! Good job on the cross-training!


                It was snowing most of the morning and I didn't feel like driving to the university gym.  It was about 13 degrees, wind between 12-23mph, feels like 3 degrees so I bundled up head to toe and ran the neighborhood road.    Snow was blowing across the road where there was no trees for windbreakers but I pushed through it.  Ran mostly shoulder area with fresh snow for traction.  It was COLD and the darn WIND was miserable but after 2 miles, I got in my 'groove' ......haha!!  Didn't know I had one, LOL!!!  Eyelashes started to freeze together so I headed home after 6.3 miles, LOL!!  I was proud of myself but it was not fast or pretty. Photo in following post, BRRRR!!

                  Northern MN winter RUN


                    What a difference a day makes!! Today is a gorgeously SUNNY, SUNNY, SUNNY day..............so how about a short slow recovery run?!?  Yeah, why not?!?    About 10 degrees, 12mph wind, feels like -7 .  Dressed as a 'pink/red ninja' ........only ran 4 miles!! It is friggin' cold but made it .......SOOOO  invigorating, YIPPEE!!

                    NH Runner

                      Thursday, 11/20... 8 mile railtrail run today, windy and 36 degrees.    First mile with Sim to warm up, then another 7 alone.    Ol' Sim's been looking at the floor lately when I'd ask him if he wanted to run, so I haven't been taking him.   Today he at least came over so I could put the leash on him, so I only went a mile and took it easy in case I've been pushing him too hard.    First mile with him was 13:00, alone the pace was mid to high 9:00's.


                      Sluggo... back on June 1st I went down with a stress fracture and didn't start back running again until September.    I've been running for about a dozen years and have run 9 marathons along with numerous shorter races.   A couple of years ago I read that taking your mileage to 70 a week would put a runner into a different fitness level, so away I went.    Not only did I run the miles, but did speed work and tempo runs as well.   I cramped badly at 19 miles in the marathon I'd trained for and the training did a number on me.   The last couple of years have been a struggle, dealing first with Plantar Fasciitis, then Achilles Tendonitis and finally the stress fracture this past June.    So... I'm working on form and just logging miles for now with an occasional 5K, trying to get back to carefree running.


                      Chantilly... yes, there'll be turkey after the trot...   We're going to my daughter's place for Thanksgiving and since I'm the guy who makes pies, I've got Chocolate Cream, Apple and Pumpkin on the menu.   My son wants Blackberry, but I'm going to make that this weekend, there's only so much a guy can do before a 5K! lol    Nice run today!


                      az... it looks cold in your pictures.   What stands out is the lack of trees, there's nothing to break the wind!    You did really well to get your runs in in that stuff!


                      re: Victor's Secret... the guy showed me a catalogue with pictures of men posing in wool "Jammies."    I told him flat out that wool makes me itch and to just forget it.


                        NHRich - The tryke seems to be doing the job for the xtraining.  Think Sim doesn't like the cold?  Some good mileage you got going.  You're going to do well in your Turkey trot.

                        Sluggo - we were all beginners once, no one is judging here.  We all know what it's like to be starting out, or starting over.  We know how tough it is and we're all rooting for you.

                        Chantilly - That's Coastal Trail Runs race, right?  They also do the "Zoom" series, I'm more likely to do the Zoom runs.  But, if you come out for the Jan. 1st, I'll do my best to come out and cheer you on.  Nice 8 miler you got in!

                        Az - Plenty of time to get rested still.  Hopefully, I won't overdue anything. The pics are great!  Sure looks pretty cold.  Think I'll stick to the Bay area.  Kudos for getting your runs in!


                        Tuesday night, core spx workout.  Not as bad as 2 weeks ago, but still pretty tired and sore.

                        Wednesday, first of 3 storms came through.  Got a little wet with just a bit of moisture. 6.4 miles in just under an hour - nice slow recovery run, but I won't lie - this was one of my toughest runs of the year.  Lack of sleep and coffee contribute too.

                        Thursday, 2nd storm coming through, wetter and colder. 7.3 miles in just under 63 minutes.  Recovering well - should be ready for race on Thanksgiving.



                        Crazy Diamond

                          Sluggo~Having knee pain is a challenge.  Wise move on your part to return to PT. Together you can conclude what is causing the pain and treatments to consider.  We're rooting for you, and support any activity!  Keep on posting, ok?


                          NH Runner~Have you gotten the XC skis out and dusted off?  I better not google 'Victor's Secret' on work computer, huh?


                          AZ~You have totally embraced the MN winter this year!  Wow- all those miles in the snow, freezy temps and wind!   Pink/red ninja - Yes!


                          Ray~Amazing mileage, buddy!  You are so well prepared for CIM.  Enjoy the Turkey Trot.


                          Dan~Rest weeks are highly underrated,  It was probably what you needed, 'cause you bounced back nicely with some nice miles last weekend.


                          Chantilly~Solid mileage for you as usual!   The HM is not the Zoom zoom Yah yah (love that name), it is the Icebreaker held at the indoor track.  It's in it 6th year with a 5k, 2 HMs, Marathon and Marathon relay.  DS1 and I ran the relay last year.


                          WDWRich~Nice hill work!  You are going to rock your Thanksgiving race, and burning all those calories earns you a extra slice of pie!


                          Got in an easy 7 miles at the indoor track on Wednesday, but missed my 6 easy last evening.  Work, meeting and running around shopping to find ski pants for DS2, whose attending state championship football game today.  Last year's pants were more like 'ski capris'!!!  Single digits, but sunny. 

                          Quo Vadis?


                            NH - Good for you on the lost pounds.  The older I get, the harder that seems to be.  Well done!


                            Ray - Looking at the conditions many of our forum friends have to run in, I guess we should be counting our blessings this week.


                            AZ - Love the snow pics!  I only see that in the distant mountains a couple of times each winter.  You're a real trooper for getting out and running in those low temps.


                            Deb - Same goes for you.  Getting out to run in the wind and cold just proves your dedication.


                            Chantilly - Nice 8 miles.  Wish I had the time for some longer runs on weekdays.


                            Last "push" run yesterday before the 10k on Thanksgiving.  Ran 4 miles at race pace and included a .35 mile steep hill.  Planning an hour in the weight room today and will run a couple of easy/flat 3-4 milers between now and Tuesday, then rest Wednesday for the race which starts at 0730 Thursday morning.   Long range forecast is saying 53 degrees and sunny that morning.  Not too bad at all.


                            PRs:  9/1/2012 Disneyland 5K 27:08,  01/06/2013 Resolution 15K 1:30:17, 03/10/2013 San Diego HM 2:18:05, 04/19/2014 ACT! Today 10K  51:54



                              az2mntrail You're pretty hard core to run on the prairie in the winter. I have seen frozen eyelashes...they look pretty... but I'm sure it doesn't feel good.  You will need white clothes to be a ninja there!

                              Location is quite a bit n/w of Fargo. My ex and I went to Phoenix most winters for him to play golf and we drove all over USA/Canada every summer.

                              NH Runner Does Victor's secret have a chef's hat & white jacket for you to wear? Good selection of pies there, all the bases covered.

                              ?wool jammies???.....Prefer L.L. Bean's lumberjack look, myself.

                              rmcj001 The storms are bringing in moisture?  Will they help for next year? Some nice workouts all around for you.

                              (The Zoom Yah yah is the oldest indoor marathon, it's held in northern MN in Jan. It usually sells out early.)

                              gito57 Hope your shopping went well, it will be harder to find the right sizes after Thanksgiving.

                              Go, team!  Have fun at the game.

                              sluggo Please don't feel out of place, we are all older runners, some run faster or longer than others, but we are all trying to do our best and face any limitations due to age, injury, health, lack of time, weather, etc.

                              mKayc We've been missing you after you lost your last post.

                              WDWRich Good luck on your 10 Km.  The weather sounds like it will be fine for a good effort.


                              11 miles.

                              "dancing on the path and singing, now you got away,

                              you can reach the goals you set from now on, every day"

                              Sonata Arctica






                              NH Runner

                                Friday, 11/21... 2 mile recovery run with Sim today.   He came running when I asked if he wanted to go, so my guess is he was a little under the weather last week when I didn't take him.   I wanted to ride the tryke today too, but got too busy so had to pass...


                                Ray... Sim's got so much hair he looks like a sheep that needs to be sheared, so he doesn't mind the cold...   And yes, the tryke's working out great, I feel it in my arms, shoulders and back after a ride and even feel it in whatever muscles we have in our rib cage...lol  Lots or races Thanksgiving day, good luck in yours...


                                gito... I've been eyeing the skis lately, but haven't gotten any further than that.    They need to be waxed and we need 2 or 3 good storms before the railtrail's suitable for skiing.   Personally, I'd rather run, but XC skiing lets you bundle up better against the cold, so it does have its advantages.    That'd be a riot if there actually was a Victor's Secret web site...lol  No-one will ever accuse me of not having an active imagination, eh? lol   You're training's still going good, that easy 7 is still miles in the bank.


                                WDWRich... thanks!   My problem is I have a runner's appetite even when I'm injured...lol  I didn't really make an attempt to lose the weight, it just came off from the extra calories I burned while running.    You're training's going really well, you should have a good race next Thursday.   I'll trade weather though, we're forecast for 28 degrees...


                                Chantilly.... I made a Blackberry pie today to keep my son happy.   He wanted it for Thanksgiving, but with the other 3 I'm also making, it'd just be too much.    I enjoy cooking, it's fun to make something that's good and good for you at the same time.    But... no chef's hat or jacket made of wool just yet...   Nice run!