50 and over 5k and beyond

May 2015 Runs and Workouts (Read 12 times)


    Nice running everyone!!


    We're back from our "long weekend" to the Williamsburg, VA, area, our first visit to the area.  So we managed to squeeze in a full day at Colonial Williamsburg, then a day at Jamestown & Yorktown, & then a drive across Virginia to the northern end of Shenandoah Nat'l Park (we've visited the park several times before) taking back roads much of the time.  The Williamsburg area is absolutely beautiful, we were very impressed.  Definitely a runner (and biker) friendly community.  We did a LOT of walking on Saturday & Sunday ... but it was well worth every step.


    So this evening I went over to the canal and ran 5 miles on the nature trail.  

    Art in AZ

      Today was a rest day of sorts. No running just a few minutes of exercising because of an early start for work. Wednesday and Thursday should be able to get runs in but Friday and Saturday have early starts. To bad since the weather for the rest of the week looks nice for the morning.


      AZ - What's this grass you talk about?  The only grass around here is normally at the golf courses. Nice 10 mile run though. I have to admit I am behind planting a few things this year. Haven't had the time to get in the second round of peppers, watermelons and squash yet. Picked some carrots and beets Sunday though. Warmer weather is starting to get to them.


      Dan - Good job on the race considering the weather. It's hard to determine how warmer weather affects us sometimes. Usually not bad if it increases slowly and we slowly acclimate. But if it jumps quickly it certainly feels worse. At least it did for me here when the weather spiked quickly a couple of times. During the 'winter' time here I can do 8 miles without carrying water. Now anything over 6 and I carry water. My 6 and under runs pass a water fountain so that helps.


      Rich - Another nice double. The drier weather makes for easier running.


      Ray - Another couple of nice runs for you. Work...hard to run with it, can't live without it.

      Art in AZ

      Mesa, AZ

        adkkev: NICE long weekend trip!  Much traffic? 'School' isn't out for the summer yet so wouldn't think you had much traffic to contend with.  How many miles do you think the trip took?  Nature trails are incredible places for running .......and sightseeing.  Nice 5 miler!!

        Art:  where do you usually run?  My garden is not looking so good ......without anything!!  With our travels, it's difficult to tend to them.  I loved the grape tomatoes last year so it's still tempting to get some planted and just be in a 'wait and see' mode.

        Ray:  I have a couple of simple compression tights that I wear in the winter under my thicker running tights/snowpants.  Keeps me warm from the harsh wind at least.  I do wear calf sleeves after running long distances (HMs+) and know I will be sitting for long periods of time on way home, driving or flying.  Supposedly, it can 'prevent' deep vein thrombosis (DVT). True or not, it seems to lessen any discomfort/soreness after a day of hard running.

          Dan:  Great job on the finish!! You made it!! Glad DW was there for you.  I truly believe that hot weather temps do affect running performance.  Acclimation takes time and sometimes we just don't have that for races.  The fatigue can result from overheating and/or heat exhaustion.  The longer the distance, the worse and more difficult it is for body to use sweat to cool off body.  Increasing hydration intake is critical.  It has taken me almost 3 yrs since moving to the midwest to train body to efficiently cool itself while training in high temps and high humidity.  It's still miserable but it's better now, I think. I have made many notes when I started running on trails years ago and many still apply today.  For your knee, I suggest a knee support for stabilization and to lessen further impact when running on uneven terrain.  Be mindful of early fatigue when running on trails for mid-long runs.  If you push it, form breaks down and you risk increased injury and tripping.  If you need extra hydration/fuel, maybe consider a hydration waist belt or bottle with pockets for gels, etc.  Try to include drills like squats, lunges, etc.  Split time running on TM and off-road trails especially for body to adapt to the demands of trail running.  Here are some sites:




            Another gorgeous day, about 68 degrees but decided to get some cross-training in today at university gym.  Used elliptical, stationary bike, and easy 1 mile run, then some drills (lunges, high kicks, etc.) on mini track.  Repeat 2 more times.  Ran 3 miles total. Couldn't wait to get home to eat .  11 days to my 25K Trail race!!


              adkkev Sounds like you had a nice trip.

              Art in AZ Don't forget the watermelons! My fav. So good in the summer when one is thirsty.

              justrundan Congratulations on your HM in challenging heat! You must have been dehydrated.  Hope you felt better quickly.

              az2mntrail You don't have long now till your next race. I think you must be in good shape for it. 

              There is a Half Fanatics club for those who do HM's close together.  www.halffanatics.com  They are a sister club to the marathon maniacs.

              NH Runner Between the protein shakes and the trike, we could start calling you Popeye with the arms you're going to get.

              rmcj001 Nice total for you last month even with the off week. That's good the compression tights are helping with the knee.


              Somehow, I signed up for 56 hrs. at work this week.  So I only have 2 days for running.  Today 10 miles plus some yard work.

              "dancing on the path and singing, now you got away,

              you can reach the goals you set from now on, every day"

              Sonata Arctica






              NH Runner

                Wednesday, 5/6... a little explanation about the doubles lately.   It's turkey season here in NH and I'm chasing 'em.   So far, it's turkeys 4 - Dickie 0.   I get back in the woods to get away from the crowds and it's difficult country, so 4 miles of difficult hiking rates as a workout.   I hope no-one's offended, but I like the idea of being somewhat self-sufficient and wild game is far and away better for you than most of what you find in the super market.   Sooo... 4 mile hike followed by an 8 mile railtrail run.   I'm scheduled to run a 5K Saturday, so will back off the next couple of days to get ready.


                Ray... if you've ever watched a triathlon, you've seen the athletes in their spandex outfits...  If it were me in that stuff, I'd have to run and hide, but no-one seems to notice.   Either that, or they do and pretend they don't...lol  Anyway, your tights look pretty mild by comparison.    Nice runs the last couple of days.


                adkkev... sounds like a very enjoyable weekend, good for you!


                Art... enjoy the day off, that's where I'm headed tomorrow.


                Chantilly... is someone forging your name at work?    Just consider this a cut-back week, and enjoy the break from running.   I think it'll be a while before Popeye arms appear, mine resemble Olive Oil's right now...lol

                Art in AZ

                  Got in 5 miles again this morning with 2 visits to the pull-up bar. Then a quick breakfast, shower and off to work. will repeat Thursday.


                  adkkev - The trip sounded wonderful. Love the long weekend trips. It doesn't feel rushed when you can take an extra day or two.


                  AZ - For my 3, 4, 5 and 6 mile runs it around the neighborhood. The 3 and 4 mile runs are between two roads one mile apart. I just add detours around to my 3 miler to get 4 miles. The 5 and 6 mile runs I go another mile before turning around. The park with the water fountain is on this route. Funny, there are no 7 mile runs lately. Miles 8 and up the route changes so I go past the high school (and the bleachers) and pick up the canal and run along that and loop back to the house. This is the route that crosses over the highway in two spots so I get some elevation change and a little leg workout.


                  Chantilly - Oops. That's a rough week since I'm guessing at least 4 of those days are 12 hours. Nice run though.


                  Rich - Rough country hiking qualifies as exercise in my book. I can think of some hikes that felt more like a workout then some runs.

                  Art in AZ

                  Mesa, AZ

                  NH Runner

                    Thursday, 5/7... 6 mile tryke ride on the railtrail, no running today...


                    Art... I like the idea of the pull-up bar....

                      Wed: Rest day.

                      Been raining most of yesterday, into the night and today; whooooo, the humidity!! About 60 degrees, 18mph wind.

                      Thurs: Went to university gym again. 20 mins elliptical, 15 mins. cycle, 4.2 interval miles on TM, easy jog between drills. Post stretch. WHEW!  Good workout again.  It was pretty warm in the gym, doors were open too; sweating like crazy!! But that's part of 'training' for races around here from now on, I suppose.  Less students as semester ends.  DH and I are headed for a couple of hours of ballroom dancing. 


                        Rest day today for me ... 4.5 miles yesterday on the nature trail.  It was a beautiful late afternoon run & there wasn't anyone else out on the trail.


                        Rich: my oldest son is coming back for a visit later on this week to go turkey hunting ... it's something he misses about living in the northeast.  Of course he can hunt just about everything else up in Alaska ...

                        NH Runner

                          Friday, 5/8... 3 mile easy railtrail run today to stay loose for tomorrow's 5K.   I'm not expecting much tomorrow, but running at 5K effort will give me a little speed work.   DD, son-in-law and granddaughter will be racing as well, along with a bunch of friends, so looking forward to a fun race.


                          az... nice workout yesterday.   Humidity can be tough to deal with, can't it?    I wonder if they sell dancing shoes with steel toes, that's what my wife would need if we were to ever take up ballroom dancing...lol


                          adkkev...your nature trail sounds nice.   The local railtrail is nice, but the ATV crowd makes it something less than a nature trail.   Race track comes to mind...lol     Good luck to you and your son in the turkey woods later this week.   I'm still batting 0, but that's fine.  I was talking to one this morning, but he lost interest when his girlfriend showed up...lol

                            Happy Friday everyone!!

                            Woke up to temps in the 30s!! It's only 37 degrees right now!! What the %$!%!? Reports of light snow further north of us?!?  Okay ......so "it could be worse." LOL! 88% humidity, about 13-25mph wind .......so strange how this clammy coolness feels, what do you wear?

                            Yesterday (Thurs), I  had another great workout at the university gym.  Elliptical, cycle, then 4.2 interval 'rolling hills' program miles on TM.  Finished with jogging between drills on mini track. There was hardly anyone in the gym ........till the first graders came in!  It's fun to watch them race each other, some still holding hands around the mini track, LOL!!  Think it would look funny with adults?   I feel conflicted on my 'tapering' for the upcoming 25K (in 8 days) and training for FM in June. Still need to get at least ONE 22 miler ....... before trip to Seattle (on the 20th).  I did register for a HM trail race near Seattle on the 23rd. Not as technical from what I have read but I respect any distance. Maybe after that race, I could continue to get my 22 miler. That's a thought.  What's another 9 miles?

                              Friday, 5/8... 3 mile easy railtrail run today to stay loose for tomorrow's 5K.   I'm not expecting much tomorrow, but running at 5K effort will give me a little speed work.   DD, son-in-law and granddaughter will be racing as well, along with a bunch of friends, so looking forward to a fun race.


                              az... nice workout yesterday.   Humidity can be tough to deal with, can't it?    I wonder if they sell dancing shoes with steel toes, that's what my wife would need if we were to ever take up ballroom dancing...lol

                              NH: That does sound like a whole lotta FUN!! Lucky you that you have family and friends to run with!  I agree that running 5ks/10ks can foster speed and you have been running some great paces in your training.  Shake-out runs prior to a sprint race does help many runners.  You'll get a great finish, I know.  The low humidity provides such an ideal situation to run in but these last few does, with 80%+ humidity, feels suffocating to me but I have to let my body adjust to the change in weather and quit complaining about it.  It was pretty bad the first year but knowing what to expect still doesn't make it any easier.  "It is what it is."  I find it tough to run longer indoors now that I have had a taste of running longer outdoors so running intervals on TM makes for less time, finish sooner.  Great plan, huh? LOL!  You have a creative mind and could invent and patent dancing shoes with steel toes! 10% here.

                                Rest day today for me ... 4.5 miles yesterday on the nature trail.  It was a beautiful late afternoon run & there wasn't anyone else out on the trail.


                                Rich: my oldest son is coming back for a visit later on this week to go turkey hunting ... it's something he misses about living in the northeast.  Of course he can hunt just about everything else up in Alaska ...



                                adkkev: This is our latest news about turkey here in the midwest.  Hope it gets better by fall season.  Probably will cost more regardless.  Does your son bring fresh (frozen) salmon, etc when he visits?  DH and I are always surprised and confused why salmon, etc. doesn't cost any less (than the midwest, southwest) when we visit Alaska or WA state.  Maybe it has to do with WHEN we visit.  Do you go turkey hunting with him?  Don't you love the solitude of running on a nature trail all by yourself? Especially on a beautiful day as you say.  Does your son run?