50 and over 5k and beyond

Celebrate SPRING 2021!! (Read 13 times)

Art in AZ

    Monday morning turned into a rest day as I had an early work start. I get a call from a client at dinner time telling me 'By the way, we have 2 new people starting tomorrow. Can you set them up? One in Georgia and the other here in Arizona.' So I was on the phone with the Georgia plant for a couple of hours and then drove to the Arizona location. Good thing I didn't have any other calls for Monday.

    3.9 mile walk/run/exercise Tuesday morning. Then went to a client site. I do try to have priorities. 


    AZ - The weather has really taken a turn for the better. That's the longest bike ride this year. Last year I did a 43 miler. I was thinking of getting in a 50 miler some time. I wonder how far East I can go on the trail through Tempe Town Lake. The race in Vail is a couple of hours from me. So that would be a drive for you. The Pass Mountain event is like 12 miles from here. We hike there a lot because of the Wind Cave trail. Nice hike with elevation and scenery. Since they are in November it gives us time to get ready. Let me know if you decide.


    Led - That picture is interesting. It looks like there is a ring of fire around the moon.


    Rich - That weather is still being  a pest. I can take the cold somewhat. But cold and windy makes me want to stay inside and wait it out. Or go later in the day. I am going to a couple of shops and speak with them to see if they can do the job. I was hoping to learn something new but now know that is one skill I need someone to teach me. Those YouTube guys sure left out a lot of info. Makes me wonder if they really did an alignment or just went through the motions showing different aspects. Sunday was just a great day to go for a bike ride. Originally planned 30 miles but felt good so added another two.


    Altair - You may not have been able to run, but that garden work is a great way to get exercise. Plus your using muscles that you wouldn't when running.

    Art in AZ

    Mesa, AZ

      Monday: Like NH, it was pretty gusty here all day and into the night. So Bones and I stayed home. DH got a call from his friend, saying he needs help and come asap, so DH took off and ended up taking his friend to the emergency. Very dizzy, nauseous, and difficulty moving and breathing. He was kept overnight. After tests, they think its either a mild stroke and/or his RX meds.

      Today: a good 6 miler with Bones. It was pretty breezy throughout but it was SUNNY, about 55 degrees. DH waited for his friend to call and picked him up this afternoon. His friend asked DH to take him back to his Phx home tomorrow, he still feels dizzy and doesn't want to drive........ DH wouldn't have let him anyway. So DH will be taking his friend and drving his friend's truck back to Phx, and I'm taking my car to bring back DH and Bones. It's about a 2 hr drive. I'm leaving earlier than DH so I can stop at Trader Joe's (opens at 8 am) for a few things. Then pick him up and return home.

      I would like to get in a run after we return.


      Art: sounds like you do have your priorities and managing them well with some smart multi-tasking skills. And you end up getting in some mileage the next day, good job! Those unscheduled 'rest days' do pop up but I know you'll make up for it. Yes, I will let you know about Pass Mt, I would like to run the 50k but depending if I have other races before or after, maybe I might end up with the 25k.


      Altair:  I think each of us feel like a 'slacker' at times but life happens and there are other things that needs our attention. I'm always amazed when you do find time to run because your work is stressful and takes alot of your time. Hopefully, when the weather cooperates more on a regular basis, we can run more frequently and longer. It's right around the corner!


      Led: thanks for the instructions. I've done it before but I just need to make time to work at it. Your training for the upcoming May 2 marathon seems to be pretty on a good timeline to get in a couple of more long runs before tapering. Have you run it before?


      NH:  It seems like we are on the same running schedule even the weather is similar, LOL!


      not bad for mile 25

        Wednesday is my little intervals day, and I had a nice but short workout. We had ferocious winds a couple of nights ago, but this morning was a beautiful, clear, 30 degrees. More on that later...


        Rich - Are you one of those people who have a fan in front of your treadmill?  Funny how we try to make our cushy indoors seem like the outdoors, right? Smile  I am pretty eager to do the marathon again, and be back in the excitement of the race, even though it is a marathon, and my training seems to be peaking at around 40 miles per week rather than 70. 


        Altair - Glad you've got some more days off. Good job with your garden work. Hope the weather and your work schedule continue to cooperate for your outdoor activities. I'd like to have a small garden, but I don't have any confidence I would find time to tend to it through the summer and fall.  Maybe after I retire.  And maybe you should make that topo the wallpaper in your rec room!


        Art - Your priorities are this group and running and biking, followed by your clients, right? Big grin


        Led - That picture is interesting. It looks like there is a ring of fire around the moon.

        There actually was a ring of light clouds around the moon, so they affected the picture.


        az - Sorry your friend is having health issues. Good thing you and DH are there for him.


        Led: thanks for the instructions. I've done it before but I just need to make time to work at it. Your training for the upcoming May 2 marathon seems to be pretty on a good timeline to get in a couple of more long runs before tapering. Have you run it before?


        This is my hometown marathon, the Lincoln Marathon, so yes, I have run it before. This will be the 8th time. My other 6 have been destination marathons.  I expect only one more long run before tapering, and a couple of 9-10 mile tempo runs. We shall see if it's adequate.


        Back to the moon, since it was such a nice clear morning, I've got three more shots to share.


        The photo was nice, you still running very early before sunrise? The moon does look like it has orange flames around it! Cameras do take photos different than what the eyes see, particularly when their are strong contrasts of light.


        I think in the earlier moon photo, the camera was trying to focus on the trees and adjust the shutter and color balance accordingly. That was taken with the optical 10x lens. If I take it to 30x or more digital and point it at the moon, it automatically goes into moon mode, as will be obvious below. Everything is AI-influenced now, for better or worse.  This time I put my phone on a tripod and triggered the shutter with my voice, so I wouldn't jiggle it with my finger.







        NH Runner

          Wednesday, 3/31... damp, raw and windy day today, so I headed for the railtrail to get out of the wind.   Ended up running 8 miles, but it wasn't pretty. Too much mud and ice to be pretty, so I had to settle for ugly.  Close enough... Lol


          Art... you seem to be in demand quite a lot lately, eh?  So, as well as being a hard core athlete, you're also good at what you do in business?!  That's pretty neat!  Now if you'd just stop that constant bragging! Lol   Anyway, congrats. on yesterday's workout!!


          AZ... yes, I've noticed we seem to be mirroring each other's workouts.  Big difference is, you're looking at 50K races and I'm looking at 5K's! lol


          Led... no, I don't have a fan in front of my treadmill, it's off to one side! Lol   As you already know, marathons can be fun.  The trick is to 'run what you brung' by running a pace your fitness level can handle.  You're due to start getting the jitters in a couple of weeks, right?  Questioning whether you've done enough to get ready? Lol  It's what makes marathoning so much fun! Lol  Nice pics BTW!

          NH Runner

            Thursday, 4/1... easy peasy treadmill run this morning, then it was clean-up time for the dead tree that blew down on my lawn.

              Yesterday: I was done by 11 am with what I wanted to get done in Phx. When I got to Trader Joe's, I got a cart outside and the greeter asked me if I was 60 yrs old or older. It took me by surprise but I answered "yeeeess?" She didn't seem to believe me, and for sure I thought I was going to 'get carded' LOL!! I asked why? She told me that Mondays and Weds mornings, 8-10 am is set aside for 60 and over only. Who knew it was great to be over 60 at least once? haha! or even for a COVID vaccine, haha! It didn't mentioned that when I checked for business hours.

              Anyway, DH and his friend had to make a couple of stops so his friend can get more 'stuff' added to his already hoarding stuff at both his homes. It was HOT in Phx, in the low 80s and getting hotter!! Holy moly!! Finally, I picked up DH. We're hungry by then so we stop at P.F.Chang's, we were the only ones eating outside so we felt safe. This is the FIRST time we have actually eaten at a restaurant. By the time we made the drive back home, it was too late to go for a run. So chalked it up to a 'rest day.'


              Today: Bones and I took off for an energetic run around 10 am, about 46 degrees, partly sunny, calm cool breeze. We took a different trail but Bones was still apprehensive, running behind me. Alot of ups and downs on technical trail. Finally on a more remote trail, Bones started running ahead of me which really helps me to run 'faster' it seems, at least mentally .......when he runs behind me, I feel like I'm dragging cement. He stays up with me, I don't have to pull him. Anyway, after 3 miles, decided on another 1/2 mile and turned back.

              We finished a great cool 7 miler, yay!! About 55 degrees when we got  home.

              Later, DH and I and Bones ran some errands in town, NO shopping. LOL! It was a nice breezy cool day for a nice drive ... when not in traffic.


              NH: TM runs will come to an end really soon, right? LOL! You deserve an easy peasy run. Was the fallen tree from the recent gusty winds? That's always my fear at our MN home. We have tall trees a good distance from our house by they are tall, skinny dry trees that bend with the fierce winds, it's still scary. DH had a few of the dead ones cut down though.


              Led:  WOW!! that 100x image of the moon is spectacular!! You did mention the Lincoln marathon before, for some reason I thought you were running a different one. So how far will be your last long one before tapering? What is your goal (s) for the marathon?