Beginners and Beyond


2020 Dailies #193 (Read 27 times)


    Ran 16. It was a suckfest. I'm lucky I don't get many of those but this was one of them.


    Usually on Saturdays I run with my RP at HMP->15K pace. We ran 9000m's worth of those last week. This week, man it's hot and humid and my legs are tired so I tell RP, let's do 4x3000, but at my MP instead. He agreed.


    I wanted to quit during the 2nd. The humidity was sucking the energy out of me. We took a long jog break after the 2nd, and that usually fixes me, but nah, I did the third one but wanted nothing to do with a fourth. So we stopped and chatted for a bit, and when we split up I tried a 1000m by myself and it ended up being about at my PR HM pace.


    10,000 m (6.2 miles) of Q work altogether. I really don't handle humidity well (like most people, I know). And I need a RD.


      Oh incidentally I got scolded by a pedestrian today. I’m running past her in the opposite direction (giving plenty of space), and she says “aren’t there enough parks in Seattle, you have to run on the sidewalks?” Of course the paths at the parks are where all the crowds are, the sidewalks in the neighborhoods I was running through were pretty empty.



        Oh incidentally I got scolded by a pedestrian today. I’m running past her in the opposite direction (giving plenty of space), and she says “aren’t there enough parks in Seattle, you have to run on the sidewalks?” Of course the paths at the parks are where all the crowds are, the sidewalks in the neighborhoods I was running through were pretty empty.


        Some people simply don't like runners.


          Dave - I think my response to her would have been very rude.


          I ran 6 hilly miles. There were a lot of dark clouds and some wind, so I was hoping for rain, but I wasn't that lucky.

          Half Crazy K 2.0

            DavePNW, WTF. No one has claim to the sidewalks. I watched a runner this morning refuse to budge at all on the sidewalk--she had no mask, the 2 walkers she passed with no distance did. She then stopped in the middle of the sidewalk to yap on her phone.



              Some people simply don't like runners.


              A very brief interaction but she sort of seemed like the type of person who doesn’t like anyone. Anyway my response was to keep running.



              Former Bad Ass

                A storm passed and cooled everything down to 66F so 4.5 outside. A tad humid at 66DP (100% humidity) but not too humid for my lungs.



                UM 45 Ohio 23

                  Ran 4 this morning. Was much cooler and lower humidity although that has come back as the day has progressed. Did some leg strength and upper body stuff after. Then went non-stop all day. Now enjoying an "Accident in Hubbard's Cave" imperial stout from a brewery in Niles IL (near Chicago). Really good and satisfying especially after a Ribeye on the grill! 


                  Dave - checked my cherries closer and they are/were Bing cherries, not Rainier. But, did buy some Rainier blueberries at Costco today. I think that is why Rainer was resonating with me; had seen it on a Costco blueberry box before. I'm partial to MI blueberries but these are really good. 


                  UM 45 Ohio 23

                    Also, bought an Amphipod handheld water bottle. Hoping I can run long/far enough soon to need it!
