Beginners and Beyond

Hot ThursDailies (Read 43 times)


Former Bad Ass


    They are still looking for a 3:45 co-pacer!!


    That would be so much fun, LRB!



    delicate flower

      Good morning, friends!  The pool was dead this morning.  DEAD.  At its busiest, there were two people besides me.  For half my swim, I had all eight lanes to myself.  Weird.  I had a good 4000 yard swim.  My fastest 4000 yarder yet.  Tonight calls for a bike/run brick workout.  The bike portion may have to be done indoors if the gloomy looking weather forecast holds up. 


      I woke up this morning and bought a copy of Advance Marathoning. Ruh-roh. 




      IT'S ABOUT DAMN TIME.  lololol sucker.



      Are we there, yet?

        I woke up this morning and bought a copy of Advance Marathoning. Ruh-roh. 




        I'll bet you won't do that again.

         2024 Races:

              03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

              05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
              06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.






          Oh boy here we go. Team B&B in da building!



            Docket...That was quite the elevation chart yesterday. I think we have cracks in our sidewalk here that give more gain!


            While marathon books are being discussed, I have to throw out Run Faster from the 5k to the Marathon by Hudson as the book that did the absolute most for me. To a large extent, I credit those innocuous little 10 second hill sprints as really being game changing in my experience..


            Yes, yes, yes! This book travels with me, throughout the day. Big grin


            I actually got up early and ran. And by "early" I mean I ran at  7am. When I read the 3:30am comment (Pleasant Ridge! ) I didn't feel like a badass as much. LOL. Anyway, sleep aside I much prefer running earlier. I need to get back into that habit.


            Former Bad Ass

              Docket...That was quite the elevation chart yesterday. I think we have cracks in our sidewalk here that give more gain!




              I ran two days ago and I had 9ft elevation difference.  I bet you that was due to me crossing the streets and going up and down the sidewalks. 



                I was not able to run home last night, we had a thunderstorm with hail just in time for rush hour, so I took the bus.


                Today was supposed to be a rest day because I have clients in town and meetings, but since I messed up Tuesday, I set an alarm to get up early and get a few miles.  When the alarm went off, it was still/again storming pretty bad, so I went back to sleep.  I don't mind running in the rain, but lightning is a big No.  I did bring gym clothes in today, so I will try to find some time to go run on the treadmill, it will depend on if meetings run on time today and how much other stuff I have due.


                Super B****

                  15 trainer miles.  Last night I went to the climbing gym by bike.  It was terrifying.  (That was my first time going anywhere on a bike other than, like, literally around the block since 2012.)


                  Sunday's weather is looking about as close to perfect as it can get, so the only explanation for the disaster to come is that... it's me.  Tell me something I don't know.

                  chasing the impossible


                  because i never shut up ... i blog


                    Been a rough week. I've been sick and I had a 7 AM meeting today which messed up my workout. I've been doing 2/3 to 3/4 workouts, hoping to get close to full ones by tomorrow.



                      While marathon books are being discussed, I have to throw out Run Faster from the 5k to the Marathon by Hudson as the book that did the absolute most for me. To a large extent, I credit those innocuous little 10 second hill sprints as really being game changing in my experience..


                      Don't have that one. Will buy. Thanks.


                        Waiting for 2019 Boston hotel reservations to open on, supposedly in 45 minutes.



                        delicate flower

                          Waiting for 2019 Boston hotel reservations to open on, supposedly in 45 minutes.


                          YOU GOT THIS!!!



                            Sunday's weather is looking about as close to perfect as it can get, so the only explanation for the disaster to come is that... it's me.  Tell me something I don't know.


                            Where you are concerned, that usually spells PR.


                            Congrats on surviving the bike ride!



                              I don't have that one.  I've read Daniels and Hansons (and suspect I'll be getting Pfitzinger as a birthday gift very soon).  I used Daniels for HM training this spring and am leaning towards Hansons for marathon training starting in July.


                              Those are the other two that I have read.


                              delicate flower

                                So on the topic of cheater BQ courses, I was just giving mad props to a FB friend who ran 3:00 at the Mt Charleston Marathon.  A HUGE PR for him, and his first BQ after a couple of epic blowups.  I didn't know anything about the course, so I just googled.  This is the elevation profile.  5000' net downhill.  Now his 3:00 just feels cheap to me.  I don't just does.  He's a super nice guy,and someone I consider one of my direct local competitors, but now I see his 3:00 and I think, "Yeah, buuuuuut....."  Hmph.

