Beginners and Beyond

Hot ThursDailies (Read 43 times)


delicate flower

    I don't buy into the "Yeah but the downhill hurts your quads!" crap.  You can't tell me this is harder than a flat or rolling marathon.  All marathons hurt your quads.



      LRB...Good purchase. I like that you're a student of this stuff. That's part of the appeal to me as a runner as well.


      It can be a bore, but I like to delve into the ideology behind the training plan I am following, so actually reading the book versus just copying the plan helps to know not only what it is you're doing, but why. This can be important when you are getting advice on a particular training plan that might go against what the intent of a particular workout was. You also get a feel for the author, and what he was trying to convey...ZZZZZs


        Good morning, friends!  The pool was dead this morning.  DEAD.  At its busiest, there were two people besides me.  For half my swim, I had all eight lanes to myself.  Weird.  I had a good 4000 yard swim.  My fastest 4000 yarder yet.  Tonight calls for a bike/run brick workout.  The bike portion may have to be done indoors if the gloomy looking weather forecast holds up. 



        IT'S ABOUT DAMN TIME.  lololol sucker.




          YOU GOT THIS!!!


          You forgot "Almost there!!"


          FFS this is going to be expensive. It is cheaper than though. Just need to make a decision on price vs proximity balance.



            So on the topic of cheater BQ courses, I was just giving mad props to a FB friend who ran 3:00 at the Mt Charleston Marathon.  A HUGE PR for him, and his first BQ after a couple of epic blowups.  I didn't know anything about the course, so I just googled.  This is the elevation profile.  5000' net downhill.  Now his 3:00 just feels cheap to me.  I don't just does.  He's a super nice guy,and someone I consider one of my direct local competitors, but now I see his 3:00 and I think, "Yeah, buuuuuut....."  Hmph.



            I just checked the marathon I'm registered in, and it is 220 meters (~700 ft) net downhill. 5000 ft is a lot!



              I don't buy into the "Yeah but the downhill hurts your quads!" crap.  You can't tell me this is harder than a flat or rolling marathon.  All marathons hurt your quads.


              I would still think a 5000 ft drop would be extra hurty on the quads. IDK whether that outweighs the performance benefit, but apparently not, if everyone blows away their PRs on it. The one they run near me is "only" 2000 feet, and pretty steady (after the flat section in the tunnel). And everyone blows away their PRs on it. Even though I think it's mostly gravel.




              Waltons ThreadLord


                I would still think a 5000 ft drop would be extra hurty on the quads. IDK whether that outweighs the performance benefit, but apparently not, if everyone blows away their PRs on it. The one they run near me is "only" 2000 feet, and pretty steady (after the flat section in the tunnel). And everyone blows away their PRs on it. Even though I think it's mostly gravel.



                I don't mind what people choose to call their PRs.  There's a reason they're called "personal" records.  That's up to the individual and it does me no harm for someone to decide what their PR is.  I have a half marathon PR, but I also have a race that I consider my best effort even though the time was slower due to the course being harder.  The BQ aspect does bug me a bit.  I'm not sure why as I'll likely never BQ, but it still seems somehow unfair to the people who run on more neutral courses.  I guess as long as the BAA allows it, then it's acceptable and people will do it.

                5k 23:48.45 (3/22); 4M 31:26 (2/22); 5M 38:55 (11/23); 10k 49:24 (10/22); 
                10M 1:29:33 (2/24); Half 1:48:32 (10/22); Marathon 4:29:58 (11/23)

                Upcoming races: Scotch Plains 5k, 6/12; Firecracker 4-miler, 7/4



                  I might do a cheater marathon, Steamtown, in the Fall. It's not quite as cheaty as some others, but as a heavier fellow, I'm much faster downhill and much slower uphill than others around my same overall pace.



                    I would still think a 5000 ft drop would be extra hurty on the quads. IDK whether that outweighs the performance benefit, but apparently not, if everyone blows away their PRs on it. The one they run near me is "only" 2000 feet, and pretty steady (after the flat section in the tunnel). And everyone blows away their PRs on it. Even though I think it's mostly gravel.



                    I don't think the gravel part hurts performance very much. Depends on the type of gravel, of course, but hard packed dirt with some crushed stone doesn't slow me down that much. Maybe 26.2 miles of that would (or rather will, because my marathon is also on a dirt path).


                    Waltons ThreadLord

                       but as a heavier fellow, I'm much faster downhill and much slower uphill than others around my same overall pace.


                      Right there with you.  To quote Big Bang Theory, "Oh gravity, thou art a heartless bitch."

                      5k 23:48.45 (3/22); 4M 31:26 (2/22); 5M 38:55 (11/23); 10k 49:24 (10/22); 
                      10M 1:29:33 (2/24); Half 1:48:32 (10/22); Marathon 4:29:58 (11/23)

                      Upcoming races: Scotch Plains 5k, 6/12; Firecracker 4-miler, 7/4




                        I don't think the gravel part hurts performance very much. 






                          Right there with you.  To quote Big Bang Theory, "Oh gravity, thou art a heartless bitch."


                          LOL. I hadn't heard that quote before. Love it. Big grin


                          Former Bad Ass

                            I don't buy into the "Yeah but the downhill hurts your quads!" crap.  You can't tell me this is harder than a flat or rolling marathon.  All marathons hurt your quads.


                            I agree!

                            But if I PR in September on my slightly downhill course, YOU BETTER TELL ME CONGRATULATIONS IN FB AS WELL!



                            Former Bad Ass

                              Does anyone want to bet I'll fuck this one up as well?




                              delicate flower


                                I just checked the marathon I'm registered in, and it is 220 meters (~700 ft) net downhill. 5000 ft is a lot!



                                I think the difference with you is that you could go outside right now and run a BQ, so you're not doing this race just to get around being unable to otherwise run a BQ.  It annoys me that people like me and Dave miss the Boston cutoff while 500 people who BQ'd at the Mt Charleston Marathon got in.


                                I don't care what people want to call their PR because that doesn't affect me.
