Beginners and Beyond

Hot ThursDailies (Read 43 times)


Super B****


    Well yes, because I predict you will still go back to Chicago every year. And Disney races. Etc.

    But local? Ha, not so much. Other than the flattest one I may have ever done, about an hour or so north of me, in an area called the Skagit Valley. Seemed pretty close to pancake flat to me, bluerun would hate it.


    Is there a half?  I’m okay with pancake flat for a half... the one I’m running this weekend is flat.  With a little “incline” from 3-8 but it’s like a total of 100 feet so it doesn’t even count.

    chasing the impossible


    because i never shut up ... i blog


    Are we there, yet?

      Everyone should run what's good for their goals.   And congratulate people when they run 26.2 and have a good race and do it legally.   But where would the internet be without endless debates about things that don't matter.  lol


      I had to  chuckle at bluerun's 50 response thread on trying to pick a good marathon for her and the juxtaposition of a thread of people complaining about people... picking a marathon that's good for them.  


      I don't think I've ever picked a marathon based on course elevation profile or because it was a good PR course. I've picked one because of its history and tradition: Boston. I've picked one because it was the national championship that year (1972). I've picked several because they were local. I've picked several because they made good supported training runs in preparation for an ultra. I even picked one because I could visit a national park I hadn't been to before: Mt Desert Island Marathon.

       2024 Races:

            03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

            05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
            06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.






        Is there a half?  I’m okay with pancake flat for a half... the one I’m running this weekend is flat.  With a little “incline” from 3-8 but it’s like a total of 100 feet so it doesn’t even count.


        Yes, and I ran it once, but had a bad day at that too. Maybe it is too flat. Or, too warm, since it's mid-Sept.



          Docket...That was quite the elevation chart yesterday. I think we have cracks in our sidewalk here that give more gain!


          While marathon books are being discussed, I have to throw out Run Faster from the 5k to the Marathon by Hudson as the book that did the absolute most for me. To a large extent, I credit those innocuous little 10 second hill sprints as really being game changing in my experience..


          I'm  pretty much a Hudson fan.  I've read Pfitz and Daniels 3rd ed, plus one or two other books and while all of the big three are excellent, Hudson gets my vote.  Any of them will prepare you to run well so long as you do the work.


          Got in 8.5 out on the road and short local trail tonight.  Sniffles, coughing, and sore throats are going around the kids at work.  Could be I'm coming down with it.


            Elevation of my last HM. That was a big hill! Although the one at Mile 13 was worse.



            (And only took me 30 min to figure out how to post a picture)


            Super B****


              I mean, THIS is my favorite race in the whole world, so...  (but I do think that hill at mile 11/12 is just mean and masochistic and completely unnecessary)

              chasing the impossible


              because i never shut up ... i blog


                Elevation of my last HM. That was a big hill! Although the one at Mile 13 was worse.



                (And only took me 30 min to figure out how to post a picture)


                That looks awful.


                  Boston is the reason I stop at half marathons. Even if I could run my PR of a half marathon (which I did 3 years ago) next year (so I'd be over 50) but do that pace over a full marathon, I'd still have to chop another 10 minutes off of my time to scrape across the boundary. I don't think I'd ever be fast enough to qualify and that would drive me crazy trying.

                  As for Seattle flat courses, there's a good 15k/10 mile course that only has one hill on it. That's NOT the Hot Chocolate.


                    Boston is the reason I stop at half marathons. Even if I could run my PR of a half marathon (which I did 3 years ago) next year (so I'd be over 50) but do that pace over a full marathon, I'd still have to chop another 10 minutes off of my time to scrape across the boundary. I don't think I'd ever be fast enough to qualify and that would drive me crazy trying.

                    You'd probably have to run more than once a week...


                    The Latecomer

                      I feel like there's a bit of 'flat shaming' here. Some of us don't live anywhere near hills. At all.  Really. And a BQ is a BQ, right???  If it was unfairly flat or net downhill, it wouldn't be a BQ.. Amiright?


                        I feel like there's a bit of 'flat shaming' here. Some of us don't live anywhere near hills. At all.  Really. And a BQ is a BQ, right???  If it was unfairly flat or net downhill, it wouldn't be a BQ.. Amiright?


                        No. That's the whole purpose of the discussion. The only requirement for a BQ-eligible course is a certified distance. And the argument is whether they should exclude excessively downhill courses. I don't think anyone was criticizing flat.



                        Are we there, yet?


                          No. That's the whole purpose of the discussion. The only requirement for a BQ-eligible course is a certified distance. And the argument is whether they should exclude excessively downhill courses. I don't think anyone was criticizing flat.

                          If Boston changed their criteria to accept only times run on record eligible courses so times run on excessively downhill courses wouldn't be accepted would be ironic, since Boston is not a record eligible course being itself considered excessively downhill, as well as exceeding the 50% separation rule.

                           2024 Races:

                                03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                                05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                                06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                            If Boston changed their criteria to accept only times run on record eligible courses so times run on excessively downhill courses wouldn't be accepted would be ironic, since Boston is not a record eligible course being itself considered excessively downhill, as well as exceeding the 50% separation rule.


                            Yeah, we had this discussion, I still disagree. Unless of course you are just recapping the discussion for the latecomer.



                            Are we there, yet?


                              Yeah, we had this discussion, I still disagree. Unless of course you are just recapping the discussion for the latecomer.


                              I garbled my post when editing it. I wanted to point out that if Boston changed its criteria to only record eligible courses, times run at Boston would not be eligible.

                               2024 Races:

                                    03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                                    05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                                    06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.