Beginners and Beyond

WednesDAILIES: Run/Stop/Run/Stop (Read 43 times)



    I looked mine up and mine were called Polartec Power Stretch Tights. I tried clicking on mine and they said they are sold out of them. I wonder if they'll bring them back? I seem to remember them selling out and restocking a bunch of items last winter.


    The Altitude ones are "new", so I wonder if this is the new version of what you had.  It doesn't have the side pockets, but I guess I would also be wearing a vest that does have pockets, so it should be okay.  I think I'm going to order them.


    Former Bad Ass

      Dress rehearsal/final sharpening workout done: 3 miles easy then 2 MP (7:18, 7:14 or thereabouts), 1 HMP (6:49 neato), 0.5 10k (6:37 pace), 0.25 5k (6:20 pace) with a couple minute jog between each interval, mile cooldown. Caaaan't wait for Sunday! Just have to go out smart in the beginning and then be brave and hang on!





      UM 45 Ohio 23

        ran 4 this morning. felt better and pace was a bit improved.  but, and there always seems to be a but, while running on a dirt trail next to a road because a bus was coming (no sidewalk available for this section!), I stumbled on a rock and stretched my left hammie really good (bad). It's pretty sore and, I'm guessing, will be back to super tight tomorrow and fo the next few days. I'm standing most of the day at work as sitting is back to being uncomfortable. Oh well...


        For those tapering, hang in there!


          Sounds good.




          Turns out I was right about it needing more data, but I found the place where improvements will be suggested. Pretty neet.

          Documentation here:


          Super B****


            Daniels is always more aggressive than McMillan in predicting marathon times from shorter distances. This one however I've found works the best; allows you to plug in a few extra variables. Gives me a 3:20:55, incidentally.


            Well... it gives me 3:22:25 so I think I'll pass on that one.

            chasing the impossible


            because i never shut up ... i blog


              I ran 5.8 with 4x1000m @MP, 200m recovery. Or, I should say, GMP, since I have no idea what MP is. Nor do I know what GMP is. Daniels, oddly enough, is a lot more reasonable than McMillan when it comes to shorter distances, but for the marathon he predicts I can run 3:07. Um.



              I found out if you make that a 3:05, you can get a comped elite entry to the Seattle Marathon. Transportation & lodging are still on you of course, unless you can get your sponsor to cover it.



              Super B****


                I found out if you make that a 3:05, you can get a comped elite entry to the Seattle Marathon. Transportation & lodging are still on you of course, unless you can get your sponsor to cover it.


                Except since I don't travel for marathons (I guess Boston is the exception), it's a good thing I won't have to worry about any of this, isn't it??

                chasing the impossible


                because i never shut up ... i blog


                Barking Mad To Run

                  Ran/walked some hills yesterday.  Have not done that in a while, since before pacemaker implant.  It was tough and I ended up being pretty slow, but I got them done.


                  In the late afternoon had my 'setting' appointment for my pacemaker.  Because I have been very active since the last appointment, they adjusted the settings for me, and it feels much better now. They also finally took off the rest of the dressing around my surgery site, so YAY.  That thing itched like crazy, lol.  I know that is a 'healing' sign, but man, I wanted to scratch it so bad sometimes.  I behaved myself though and did not.    Anyway, everything looks good so now I am on an 'annual appointment' schedule, nice.

                  "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt



                    Except since I don't travel for marathons (I guess Boston is the exception), it's a good thing I won't have to worry about any of this, isn't it??


                    OK then, we'll just have to make 3:05 onemile's goal.



                    Super B****


                      OK then, we'll just have to make 3:05 onemile's goal.


                      We can both have the same goal, I just won't follow it up with a trip to Seattle!

                      I really do need to choose a goal, though. Not 3:05. But something. Or two somethings, because I need a backup to the original something.

                      chasing the impossible


                      because i never shut up ... i blog


                      Barking Mad To Run

                        yeah, that can be annoying LRB.  I can turn down a completely empty road and start going down it and sure as shootin', a car turns onto the road.  Like I seem to attract them, lol.


                        10 rainy miles, dang, Dave, hope it was not a cold rain.


                        Retired military, so I went over to Camp Bullis to get my flu shot. They told me the ran out of the 'senior citizen' vaccine and were waiting on a resupply.  Well, this is San Antonio - Military City USA, with 5 bases here, so we have a LOT of retired old-people farts like me, lol, I don't doubt they ran out.  You'd think, knowing how many senior citizen are in this town, they'd plan ahead a bit better.

                        "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                        Go figure

                            You'd think, knowing how many senior citizen are in this town, they'd plan ahead a bit better.


                          guess it's a good sign that people are taking advantage of the shots? good work on the hills

                          Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn



                            We can both have the same goal, I just won't follow it up with a trip to Seattle!


                            I like Seattle but it doesn't seem like a good place to run a marathon


                              I ran 6


                                 I really do need to choose a goal, though. Not 3:05. But something. Or two somethings, because I need a backup to the original something.


                                I usually have A, B, & C. Of course at Boston I hit none of them.
