Beginners and Beyond

WednesDAILIES: Run/Stop/Run/Stop (Read 43 times)


    Just finished dinner and another helping of potatoes (smothered with onions this time). I swear it's as if I have a vendetta against spuds and am hell bent on eradicating them from existence. lol #destroyallthetubers


    Super B****


      Well you've crushed every goal so far this year, so why stop now?


      Not EVERY goal, but I have to admit this year has been good to me.

      chasing the impossible


      because i never shut up ... i blog


      Super B****


        You would be correct.


        MTA: Looking forward to mile 24. 



        Is this map from PlotARoute? That site is insane if you like over-analyzing race courses.

        chasing the impossible


        because i never shut up ... i blog


        Super B****

          chasing the impossible


          because i never shut up ... i blog



            Should be fine to jog on an anti-inflammatory, but if you're not feeling it, make it 4 days.


            I took it for 3 weeks for runners knee and ran every day. I wouldn't use it for marathoning but for an hour long easy run I don't think it's an issue (not a doctor tho)


            Former Bad Ass


              Is this map from PlotARoute? That site is insane if you like over-analyzing race courses.


              I didn’t even know that site existed.


              Half Crazy K 2.0

                Also. Day 3 of no running. Work, kids, and life in general are getting in the way. Plus I developed a super nasty sinus headache a few hours ago from nowhere. I took some Allieve for it, but now I'm freaked out to run after taking it.


                Aleve is ibuprofin? If so, I run after taking that for female issues with no problems. Also not a doctor.


                  I took it for 3 weeks for runners knee and ran every day. I wouldn't use it for marathoning but for an hour long easy run I don't think it's an issue (not a doctor tho)


                  Yes, I've done it for various issues over the years. Aleve makes me light headed sometimes though, so I tend to go with liquid Advil.



                    Aleve is ibuprofin? If so, I run after taking that for female issues with no problems. Also not a doctor.

                    No Aleve is Naproxen but I would say the same about ibuprofen.



                      2:59 is a two something




                        I will take NAIDS or Tylenol also, but 99% of the time I take it after my run, so as not to mask anything during the run. Just make it through my day or night without pain.

                        There are exceptions. For example, my tooth ache last fall, I was on tylenol/advil pretty much 24/7 in the last days before I finally decided to go to the dentist 


                        Super B****


                          I didn’t even know that site existed.


                          Aren't you glad now that you know it does?!


                          This is the marathon I am running (once I get around to registering). 

                          chasing the impossible


                          because i never shut up ... i blog



                            I "heard" read that those are because of crossing over/under bridges, so the elevation profile isn't accurate? (This is me heavily stalking the Seattle area in case we ever move to the PNW, and seeing what the elevation is like for races  Wink


                            IDK, but I'm pretty sure there are indeed bridges involved. I suppose I should study the course a bit more.



                            Is this map from PlotARoute? That site is insane if you like over-analyzing race courses.


                            It's the official link from the race site, but as a matter of fact it is.



                            Former Bad Ass

                              You can tell the hip/quad/leg was hurting me during the marathon because I went to an aid station and got some ibuprofen during the race.  I never take ibuprofen while running.



                                Thanks, all. Good to know it's probs fine for shorter stuff.


                                And LRB, yeah, I'm with you. I keep finding myself mentally trying to push through stuff (either physical or other) and while that's good to do sometimes, I think it's probably not good to do now.

                                We'll see how I'm feeling tomorrow. I'm hoping for everyone's sake that I'll be able to run.