Beginners and Beyond

Tuesdailies (Read 34 times)


Former Bad Ass


    It was so much hotter in Miami when D lived there 


    This race is nowhere near Miami. 



    Go figure


      You have it right, it's only 2x90s, so the total length of the workout is 20 minutes exactly, including the last 15 seconds float.


      MTA: From what I read, that was the idea, actually, to come up with a super workout that fits in 20 minutes.


      That's definitely one to file away. It'd be fun to track distance covered over the course of doing it a few times per cycle.

      Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn



        This race is nowhere near Miami. 




          That's definitely one to file away. It'd be fun to track distance covered over the course of doing it a few times per cycle.


          I have the workout permanently in my watch, even if I don't do it often, and total distance covered is exactly what I look at afterwards, sitting at my computer. Obviously you don't want to focus only on distance covered, as you could just run it at even pace and cover more distance, and that would defeat the purpose of the workout, but it is one way to track your evolution, for sure.


          Former Bad Ass



            Yes, which is 4 hours from Miami and Middle FL. And slightly cooler than South Florida by 5-15F. 




              I have the workout permanently in my watch, even if I don't do it often, and total distance covered is exactly what I look at afterwards, sitting at my computer. Obviously you don't want to focus only on distance covered, as you could just run it at even pace and cover more distance, and that would defeat the purpose of the workout, but it is one way to track your evolution, for sure.


              the important part to my coach is to cover the range of paces, meaning starting medium and getting to like mile race pace for the 15 secs at the end. and the other important part is to not drop the pace too much on the recoveries - keep moving so it's not much of a recovery (moderate pace, faster than easy).  Hammering from the beginning and not being able to increase the pace toward the end is the wrong way to run it.  The pace chart needs to slant upward with the recoveries holding at a steady pace (or even faster recoveries for the shorter intervals so it's not so hard to get back to speed)


              Former Bad Ass


                the important part to my coach is to cover the range of paces, meaning starting medium and getting to like mile race pace for the 15 secs at the end. and the other important part is to not drop the pace too much on the recoveries - keep moving so it's not much of a recovery (moderate pace, faster than easy).  Hammering from the beginning and not being able to increase the pace toward the end is the wrong way to run it.  The pace chart needs to slant upward with the recoveries holding at a steady pace (or even faster recoveries for the shorter intervals so it's not so hard to get back to speed)


                There is a pace chart for the Monas? Or do you mean the pace chart of that particular workout?




                  There is a pace chart for the Monas? Or do you mean the pace chart of that particular workout?


                  no, when you look at your graph of your paces for the run, it should form a hill going upward, not a plateau


                  Former Bad Ass


                    no, when you look at your graph of your paces for the run, it should form a hill going upward, not a plateau


                    Nice.  Sounds as hard as I thought before this clarification, lol.



                    Go figure


                      the important part to my coach is to cover the range of paces, meaning starting medium and getting to like mile race pace for the 15 secs at the end. and the other important part is to not drop the pace too much on the recoveries - keep moving so it's not much of a recovery (moderate pace, faster than easy).  Hammering from the beginning and not being able to increase the pace toward the end is the wrong way to run it.  The pace chart needs to slant upward with the recoveries holding at a steady pace (or even faster recoveries for the shorter intervals so it's not so hard to get back to speed)


                      All really good points. I get frustrated when friends have essentially run their workouts backwards but are still super excited about them. I don't mean that in the sense that I want to rain on anyone's parade, but just because you went fast doesn't mean you did it correctly or got the benefit you were aiming for.

                      Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn


                      Former Bad Ass


                        All really good points. I get frustrated when friends have essentially run their workouts backwards but are still super excited about them. I don't mean that in the sense that I want to rain on anyone's parade, but just because you went fast doesn't mean you did it correctly or got the benefit you were aiming for.




                        I learn that long ago with one of my coaches when I thought running 5K when he said 10K, etc. would make me a better runner but no, there is a reason for every pace and workout.  Running "fast" all the time for every workout instead of doing the paces of the workout does not necessarily give you the right benefits.



                          You're talking to someone who will have to drive 130 miles before dawn next month because I need a December HM and I refuse to do one of the closer ones because principles. So yeah, very different.


                          The ridiculousness I've done to race is legendary, so you're in good company!


                          Super B****

                            Is it considered rude to show up at a wedding with a book to keep you company? Asking for a friend...

                            chasing the impossible


                            because i never shut up ... i blog


                            Former Bad Ass

                              Is it considered rude to show up at a wedding with a book to keep you company? Asking for a friend...


                              Just say the book is your date...



                              Super B****


                                Just say the book is your date...


                                You're forgetting to whom you're speaking. Weddings in these circles aren't things to which you are expected to bring a date.

                                chasing the impossible


                                because i never shut up ... i blog