Beginners and Beyond

Tuesdailies (Read 34 times)

Half Crazy K 2.0

    Is it considered rude to show up at a wedding with a book to keep you company? Asking for a friend...


    LOL. I was in a wedding many years ago, DH had a how to play poker book that he was reading. He set it inside the bible (Catholic church wedding).


      Is it considered rude to show up at a wedding with a book to keep you company? Asking for a friend...


      Read the online version on your phone and you'll fit right in.


      Super B****


        Read the online version on your phone and you'll fit right in.


        But I don't even wanna goooooooo. Because apparently it IS rude to go to a wedding in your pajamas.

        chasing the impossible


        because i never shut up ... i blog


        Super B****


          LOL. I was in a wedding many years ago, DH had a how to play poker book that he was reading. He set it inside the bible (Catholic church wedding).



          chasing the impossible


          because i never shut up ... i blog

          Half Crazy K 2.0

            Bluerun, is there a wedding program? If so, set the book in it?


            Super B****

              Bluerun, is there a wedding program? If so, set the book in it?


              Haha no, no program. Because these things are always the same so everyone knows what's happening.


              I don't know why everyone can't just elope. I'm happy they're happy, but FFS, leave me out of it

              chasing the impossible


              because i never shut up ... i blog



                the important part to my coach is to cover the range of paces, meaning starting medium and getting to like mile race pace for the 15 secs at the end. and the other important part is to not drop the pace too much on the recoveries - keep moving so it's not much of a recovery (moderate pace, faster than easy).  Hammering from the beginning and not being able to increase the pace toward the end is the wrong way to run it.  The pace chart needs to slant upward with the recoveries holding at a steady pace (or even faster recoveries for the shorter intervals so it's not so hard to get back to speed)


                I haven't done the workout enough times to be "good" at it.

                Today I did not go all out during the 15 seconds, as I sometimes do, and the slope is not very steep. I started the 90s at about 10K pace, floats at about MP, during the 30 secs I was probably at around 5K pace / MP, and the 15 seconds are too short for my watch to correctly keep track of the pace changes, but I know I didn't have the pedal to the metal. Close, though.


                Blow is the graphical representation of my workout, per Strava




                  But I don't even wanna goooooooo. Because apparently it IS rude to go to a wedding in your pajamas.


                  I know.



                    I haven't done the workout enough times to be "good" at it.

                    Neither have I. It's kinda tricky to get right and there are different variations and ways to run it so you don't necessarily have to do it the way that my coach wants me to do it (I was just explaining how he wants it run, which I didn't understand at first because it's more about touching a range of paces than about the average pace)



                      But I don't even wanna goooooooo. Because apparently it IS rude to go to a wedding in your pajamas.


                      Only one way to find out for sure. 

                      6 miles.



                        Neither have I. It's kinda tricky to get right and there are different variations and ways to run it so you don't necessarily have to do it the way that my coach wants me to do it (I was just explaining how he wants it run, which I didn't understand at first because it's more about touching a range of paces than about the average pace)


                        For sure! That's why I leave it in my watch. Today I didn't feel like pushing extra hard, because of my hip (turns out it's fine, but I didn't know that), but however you do it, it's still 20 minutes!


                        Super B****


                          Only one way to find out for sure. 

                          6 miles.


                          I assume asking isn't the way?

                          It would be great if I did it and was banned from all future events but I wouldn't be that lucky.

                          chasing the impossible


                          because i never shut up ... i blog



                            I assume asking isn't the way?

                            It would be great if I did it and was banned from all future events but I wouldn't be that lucky.


                            Get pissed drunk:


                            - You'll have a good time until you pass out

                            - You'll get banned from future events


                            Super B****


                              Get pissed drunk:


                              - You'll have a good time until you pass out

                              - You'll get banned from future events


                              I can verify that this is not what happens to people who become drunken idiots at these things. (Nor do I plan to do that, because what a waste of liquid calories.)

                              chasing the impossible


                              because i never shut up ... i blog



                                Started watching It Chapter 2 last night, wifi got turned off just as Bill got to the carnival part. Been trying to watch the rest at my office, ugh the interruptions!!!! I got like 15-20 minutes left on it.

                                *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                                5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                                10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                                15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                                13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                                 26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)