Beginners and Beyond

2020 Dailies #47 (Read 29 times)


UM 45 Ohio 23

    Blue - great job on the PR!


    Eric/SDW/RoS - totally agree about running in the dark, or the cold, ice, etc.  It does become mentally draining.  I didn't really do this intentionally but, the last few weekends on Sat or Sun, I've run later in the morning and, even if overcast, it sure felt good not to be in the dark.  Also clear roads, or at least ice I could clearly see, some time on trails and driving to a different starting point for a weekend long run, and my winter running blues have eased.  All that said, this winter has been remarkably mild so the blues haven't really been that bad.


    I bought a pair of Saucony Kinvara 10s this week ($60 at Running warehouse - I think someone here mentioned they were discounted) and ran in them today.  Felt really good.  I can see these becoming a staple for me.  I've had one other pair of Saucony's (Ride 10) and while I liked the feel, they are just a touch to short for anything other than real thin socks so winter running in them has been a no go.


    Ran 5 today at a better pace than I expected as I was pretty tired from yesterday.  But, slept much better/longer last night, with only one coughing attack, so that probably helped.  37 total for the week which is less than I want but given how I've felt, is good enough.  Aiming to get closer to 50/week for the rest of the month.


    Off work tomorrow for the holiday.  3 day weekends should be mandatory at least once a month! If one of the presidential candidates takes that position, I'm voting for them!


    Super B****


      Nice job. Looks like another month of 67 PRs is lining up nicely for you!


      I've never raced 10 miles before. The only real one we have here is in August (although there could be others by now), and that just ain't happening for me.


      How does the VO2 look against your other recent race distances, if you care about such things. I know many do not.


      You don’t mean Garmin VO2, do you?? Because that’s a big joke. (Per McMillan I’ve bested the longer distances, can’t touch the shorter ones. I’m an Endurance Monster in the extreme.)

      chasing the impossible


      because i never shut up ... i blog


      Former Bad Ass

        It looks like this only applies to the Stryd wind pod.


        That is the newer one, the one we all bought I thought. The one that takes into account wind.



        Former Bad Ass

          My 18 miles were probably the worse LR I’ve done for a while. I had to run/walk the last 8 miles and I felt bad all throughout. But glad I finished because my brain needs this STFU attitude I didn’t have today lol. Or I did because I finished. 

          It was 40-45F during my run. And sunny. Had to switch from a LS to a tank by mile 5. Yay.


          Half Crazy K 2.0

            30 minute walk on the treadmill with 6x 30 second jogs. Didn't fall off or have a huge coughing fit, so yay?


            Congrats on the PR Bluerun!


            Former Bad Ass

              Great job, Blue!




                I got it as a gift, but I think I put the more expensive one on my list. Is that one the wind pod? (I'm assuming yes).


                They stopped selling the other one last summer. You can probably just Google it and relieve me of this task that I am woefully inadequate at.



                  You don’t mean Garmin VO2, do you?? Because that’s a big joke. (Per McMillan I’ve bested the longer distances, can’t touch the shorter ones. I’m an Endurance Monster in the extreme.)


                  When I reference it it's from the Daniels' chart, which no one really uses so never mind. I never used McMillan's chart but I can't believe it's that far off from Daniels since the entire industry uses some form of it.


                    We got back from New Orleans mid week and then a couple of long work days catching up on everything. Today was my first attempt at any running, I did a slow 2 mile jog/walk on the treadmill.  My legs felt like jelly, it always takes me awhile to recover from a marathon, even one that was super slow. I also did the weight circuit, skipping most of the leg machines and then the hydromassage bed for 20 minutes.



                      Off work tomorrow for the holiday.  3 day weekends should be mandatory at least once a month! If one of the presidential candidates takes that position, I'm voting for them!


                      Maybe you should run and have that be part of your position. Big grin I'd vote for you!



                        That is the newer one, the one we all bought I thought. The one that takes into account wind.


                        Makes sense.


                        But, what doesn't is most of the stuff I read about this device. I have to read it slowly, and several times.



                           Or I did because I finished. 


                          This. You finished 18 freaking miles!


                          HC, major yay. Small victories.


                          LRB, I'll google, lol.


                          Welcome back, KC! Marathon recovery is no joke.


                          Former Bad Ass


                            Makes sense.


                            But, what doesn't is most of the stuff I read about this device. I have to read it slowly, and several times.



                            Ha, me too.


                            Oy, my coach gave me 8 miles tomorrow. I'm just doing that look right now as I read my schedule for next week.



                            Super B****

                              Thanks, people! 



                              When I reference it it's from the Daniels' chart, which no one really uses so never mind. I never used McMillan's chart but I can't believe it's that far off from Daniels since the entire industry uses some form of it.


                              Ah, I've found Daniels to be more akin to my actual abilities than McMillan, because he's less generous for the longer distances and more generous for the shorter ones... I'm only a couple of seconds away from his predictions for 1M and 5K, and I haven't actually beaten the marathon prediction (but I have beaten the HM).

                              chasing the impossible


                              because i never shut up ... i blog


                                14 miles, making it a 60 mile week.