Beginners and Beyond


2020 Dailies #203 (Read 28 times)


UM 45 Ohio 23

    Happy Tuesday...time to rise and shine with your masks on!


    Ran 8.5 that turned into a progression with the first mile over 9:00 pace and the last at 7:42. Best run I've had in a long while.  65 and relatively low humidity helped. Only negative was that it was pretty much dark at 5:30am  and a niggling pain/stiffness in my left hip area that developed yesterday is still there. I actually think I "strained" it vacuuming the whole house on Sunday...


      I ran 8 with 8 hill sprints and then a ladder of .1, .2, .4, .2, .1 with .1 recoveries.  With URP this morning


      Former Bad Ass

        Morning! I have 14 miles tonight. Didn't run yesterday but did kickboxing.


        Got my blood tests back and my Vitamin D is at 50! 30 is normal and I was almost at 20 last year when I had my issues. Yay!



          Ran 11 with 5 x (1000m / 2min ) in 67F and DP of 55F. Ran by feel at a 5K-10K effort.

          Half Crazy K 2.0

            Out of the house before 7, that's a win for me. 6 miles with some strides/hill sprints. I think I saw more people out in the one development I ran through than I see in a week on my usual route.


              Ran 11 with 5 x (1000m / 2min ) in 67F and DP of 55F. Ran by feel at a 5K-10K effort.


              dewpoint of 55!



                dewpoint of 55!


                It was really nice!


                  I ran 8 with 8 hill sprints and then a ladder of .1, .2, .4, .2, .1 with .1 recoveries.  With URP this morning





                    It was really nice!


                    your splits look nice too 

                      6.4, mostly dirt, lots of dirt bumps plus 2 small paved hills...367 feet of evelation gain, and right quad feels better now than it did before I started

                      Yesterdays 1.1 on road crown zinger my right quad a bit but I think I know what right hand Road crown but the true reason I think it creeped in is Covid shut down of my gym and that I didn’t replace a lot of front side stretching that I had been doing.....stretching that I didn’t even realize I was doing.

                      Prior to the shut down I was going to the gym 3 to 5 times a week doing bits of mock pool running which tugs on the quads,  breaststroke kick stretches the quads,brushstroke stretches the whole front side of the body and also backstroke which also stretches the whole front side of the body.  When the gyms closed I replaced all those little warmup and stretching sessions with sitting
                      I think the whole front side of my body slowly gotten tighter and that’s what triggered the quad problem.





                        I kinda missed it lol


                        we decided to just do Tues hill sprints and Thurs Mona (or similar light wko) to get through the rest of the hot weather months. I really struggle to run fast in the heat


                        Former Bad Ass


                          dewpoint of 55!


                          I'm jealous!




                            your splits look nice too 


                            I have this weird cycle where:


                            1. I feel meh
                            2. I start running by effort
                            3. I feel better
                            4. I start getting stronger and faster
                            5. I want to keep improving
                            6. Pace starts becoming important
                            7. I run longer and faster (looking at pace) 
                            8. I become tired
                            9. I'm back to point 1


                              I have this weird cycle where:


                              1. I feel meh
                              2. I start running by effort
                              3. I feel better
                              4. I start getting stronger and faster
                              5. I want to keep improving
                              6. Pace starts becoming important
                              7. I run longer and faster (looking at pace) 
                              8. I become tired
                              9. I'm back to point 1


                              it seems like you should just modify the loop to 2-5 on repeat 


                              my workout paces have been sad lately (today was better - DP of 61 here so maybe why).. I have less motivation to kill myself to run a way too slow workout than to kill myself hitting some nice splits


                                8 miles in new shoes. Well a new pair of the exact same old shoes. And on a new route. Well an ever so slight variation of old routes. Different combinations of the same segments, kind of like Taco Bell menu items. There’s only so much variety you can get here.


                                MTA: more variety right now - The Third Cup of Coffee!

