Beginners and Beyond


2020 Dailies #203 (Read 28 times)


     Besides, soccer is the only sport there is. Big grin


    I have never been able to watch an entire soccer game--live, TV, college, MLS, World cup....

    No idea why so many people love it  It's like watching a 90 min track race with faked injuries.

    Half Crazy K 2.0


      I have never been able to watch an entire soccer game--live, TV, college, MLS, World cup....

      No idea why so many people love it  It's like watching a 90 min track race with faked injuries.


      I had enough trouble trying to stay engaged while playing soccer. It was so damn boring and I basically just got to stand there (goalie).


        7 miles, looping around the neighborhood like a crazy person. Construction crews are digging up multiple 10'x20' sections of pavement then repaving, with no obvious rhyme or reason so I was basically trying to avoid streets where that was happening.

        Half Crazy K 2.0

          My county just put out an order that you need to wear a mask inside in any public place. I'm really not sure how this differs from the state order we've been under since April.

          Half Crazy K 2.0

            7 miles, looping around the neighborhood like a crazy person. Construction crews are digging up multiple 10'x20' sections of pavement then repaving, with no obvious rhyme or reason so I was basically trying to avoid streets where that was happening.


            Utilities or water pipes?



              Utilities or water pipes?


              That's what I thought it would be when they marked off areas like 6 months ago. But no. And no potholes or big cracks either. Pavement looked exactly the same where they chose to "fix" as where they didn't  DS and I watched them do a spot by our house yesterday (he started off by saying "Ooh I want to drive those big machines someday!" but an hour later--"this doesn't look like a very fun job"). Streets in my neighborhood get sealed/fixed very routinely while there are multiple streets less than a mile away that are basically trail running because the road is horrible.



                I have never been able to watch an entire soccer game--live, TV, college, MLS, World cup....

                No idea why so many people love it  It's like watching a 90 min track race with faked injuries.


                I can't get into it. I think I have only actively watched when the USA is nearing the World Cup or Olympics finals, which of course means the women. I've watched a handful of men's World Cup games for social reasons. It looks like nothing is happening to me, but I never grew up watching nor played the game, and have no idea about strategy.


                Half Crazy K 2.0

                  Yippee, MD has been added to the NY, NJ and CT travel advisory list. So even if the Atlantic city fall races happen (doubtful), I can't go.


                  UM 45 Ohio 23


                    I thought you were going to complain that it was missing the sauerkraut.


                    hadn't thought about that with oatmeal. May just have to try it!


                       It looks like nothing is happening to me, but I never grew up watching nor played the game, and have no idea about strategy.


                      Yeah, this for me too.


                      I've also tried to explain football to folks not from the US and can completely appreciate what utter nonsense it seems like to them, lol

                      Half Crazy K 2.0


                        That's what I thought it would be when they marked off areas like 6 months ago. But no. And no potholes or big cracks either. Pavement looked exactly the same where they chose to "fix" as where they didn't  DS and I watched them do a spot by our house yesterday (he started off by saying "Ooh I want to drive those big machines someday!" but an hour later--"this doesn't look like a very fun job"). Streets in my neighborhood get sealed/fixed very routinely while there are multiple streets less than a mile away that are basically trail running because the road is horrible.


                        My county has been resurfacing roads near me. People are complaining because they can't park on the street (these houses have driveways) while it's being done.


                        We had a fun piece of equipment parked behind our house. it was some sort of brush cutting bulldozer. It tore throw the stuff in no time. The power company was trimming trees and other brush around all the power lines behind our house.



                          I've also tried to explain football to folks not from the US and can completely appreciate what utter nonsense it seems like to them, lol


                          Yeah, same, it's tough. Not as tough as explaining baseball though.




                            Yeah, same, it's tough. Not as tough as explaining baseball though.


                            Although I'm not a big fan of pro sports in general, baseball is on a category of its own. I understand the rules and how games are played, of course, but I find it so boring.


                            I prefer watching curling


                            Are we there, yet?

                              Yippee, MD has been added to the NY, NJ and CT travel advisory list. So even if the Atlantic city fall races happen (doubtful), I can't go.


                              That doesn't bode well for my Endless Summer 6-Hour race in Annapolis.

                               2024 Races:

                                    03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                                    05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                                    06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.




                              Half Crazy K 2.0


                                That doesn't bode well for my Endless Summer 6-Hour race in Annapolis.


                                I saw it was rescheduled to late August.
