Beginners and Beyond

The DAILIES; TGI...What? (Read 52 times)


    I intended to get up early and get my run in before the heat and humidity, but my pillow wouldn't allow it.  Got out for my run about 8:00 and it was already hot and humid and I didn't eat or drink before I set out.  Quickly became dehydrated and felt lousy for my 4.6 mile run.  Hopefully I got the bad run out of my system before the 5 mile race on Sunday!!

    Ron's PRs 5K 24:14 (12/07/2013); Half Marathon 1:53:33 (5/26/2013)



      "Don't puke!" <-----  feel free to yell this as I pass.


      The puke photo is the one I'm looking for, that is the money shot. The challenge will be to get one without actually showing your face, so it can be posted here.  May require some creative pixillating.



        There are so many trails around there, why not run outside?  The mall is nice to run to and from.  How far are you from it?



        the problem is congress lets out in the evening and with all those unscrupulous people roaming around I just wouldn't feel safe.

        YAYpril - B-Plus


          The puke photo is the one I'm looking for, that is the money shot. The challenge will be to get one without actually showing your face, so it can be posted here.  May require some creative pixillating.





            5 hilly, trail miles. It was overcast today and not as hot, still humid but I'll take what I can get.


            Former Bad Ass

              I second this....



              The puke photo is the one I'm looking for, that is the money shot. The challenge will be to get one without actually showing your face, so it can be posted here.  May require some creative pixillating.



                 the problem is congress lets out in the evening and with all those unscrupulous people roaming around I just wouldn't feel safe.


                You'd be safer running through one of the 'hoods with money pinned to you, than visiting the senate or the house of representatives.  Who between them, have more felons than Sing Sing.

                Hip Redux


                  The puke photo is the one I'm looking for, that is the money shot. The challenge will be to get one without actually showing your face, so it can be posted here.  May require some creative pixillating.


                  Big grin



                    Say, any of you youngin's remember those date filled cookies from the days of way back?  I suppose they were more like pastries but whatever the case, I want one...

                    YAYpril - B-Plus

                      Say, any of you youngin's remember those date filled cookies from the days of way back?  I suppose they were more like pastries but whatever the case, I want one...


                      Cookies? I want cookies.


                        Cookies? I want cookies.


                        I went with a bag of carrot cake flavored granola instead, yay.  Should have went with carrot cake!

                        Jess runs for bacon

                          Since 11, I have eaten a wrap from Wawa, partial bag of chips, apple slices with pb, two small slices of thin frozen pizza, and a Popsicle. The Popsicle was actually the lowest calorie treat at only 35 calories.


                          The post-nicotine hoovering continues....


                          edit* oh an couple of those pretzel crisps


                          Former Bad Ass

                            I would've eaten a whole pizza, so you're behaving (according to me).  LOL.


                            Since 11, I have eaten a wrap from Wawa, partial bag of chips, apple slices with pb, two small slices of thin frozen pizza, and a Popsicle. The Popsicle was actually the lowest calorie treat at only 35 calories.


                            The post-nicotine hoovering continues....


                            edit* oh an couple of those pretzel crisps


                            Will run for scenery.

                              HaHa, I miss Wawa.


                              Not that there's anything special about it, I just love the name.


                              Wawa !  Wawa !  Wawa! (Now try to not smile.)


                              Okay, maybe I'm biased.  It used to be where I got my donut fix.

                              Stupid feet!

                              Stupid elbow!


                                Hello everyone -- I've been MIA from the Dailies for awhile.   Just haven't seemed to find the time to get to the computer and, if I do, I only just read the Dailies, then decide I've got nothing very interesting to say.  Been working the yard like crazy.  Potatoes got harvested today, there are onions drying in rows in my living room and 2 week old chicks living under a heat lamp in my basement.   Those little guys are starting getting big and are pecking everything in sight.


                                Tomorrow, I'm taking off from the farm work and going to run the Hernia Hill Half.  It's a crazy hilly course, so I"m going to take it easy and treat it as a fun training run.  At least the heat wave finally broke and so I'm looking at race temps from 70 to 80, not 85 to 95.

                                Life is good.