Beginners and Beyond

Just set that down next to the Thursdailies (Read 314 times)


    Good Morning Runners!


    Shorti – Eeek! That's one fast turnaround in your work schedule. I think I'm too old for that kind of thing. Wow! Rest up when you can!


    B-Plus – Glad you were able to find a nice place to run! Keep up the great work!


    Basya – Enjoy the gym time! I admire you dedication!


    Weezer – Enjoy your SRD. You deserve it!


    Kay – I certainly don't envy you having to go to the DMV today during lunch. Boo! I need to check my license and see if it expires in December.....


    Gustav – Love the cross training with the knife and fork. Actually, I probably love it too much which is why I need to run.


    Ang – Hope your follow up with the surgeon goes well and that he gives you permission to start doing more. Please let us know how it goes!


    And, a special not so PM to Baboon – Hola los quesadillas y vaqueros! Nice job sticking with your run when you had no energy last night! Have fun with that tablet tonight!


    Damaris – I'm really not buying the potential SRD from you. I would bet that you'd get your 3 miles in for sure!


    Step – So glad that you're able to run again! I must have missed your move off the IR list in the transition to this fabulous place, but I am very happy that you're healthy again!


    Tom - Enjoy whatever you decide to do!   Sorry to hear that you're back on nights though.  Boo!


    I am thinking that I will try to get out for 2 or 3 to see if I can even try to run tomorrow's 5K at all.   I was going to go this morning, but I woke up with a migraine.   :-(  


    Happy Thursday to you all!   And, may your next run be Pinksational!!


    - Sarah

    But The Smile That I Sent Out Returned With You.


      30 minutes this morning in 34 degree temps. It took about 6 minutes for my fingers to finally thaw! Might be time to invest in a pair of gloves.

      Started C25K on 9/6/12. First 5K set for 1/13/13.

        Angela, I like the ArcTrainer and the elliptical machine for non-running cardio. No impact, great workoutSmile Weights and thirty minutes on the ArcTrainer are done. During cardio, I had an interesting conversation with another women about the differences in the attitudes of American, European, and Middle Eastern men toward women's bodies.

          Good morning. I have returned.


          5 miles in the launch bay for tonight.  2 miles easy, 2 x 10mins @HM w/3 min recovery + 1+ easy miles.



            What up doe!


            I didn't get up early enough to hit the elliptical, boo. 


            I finally scheduled my PT which starts 12.11, two days a week for six weeks.


            I have a handout of strengthening exercise from my doc which I am supposed to be doing in the interim, many of which looks like the myrtl routine that I have known about since first injuring my hip.  I just have the hardest time doing any of that crap becuase they are sooo boooring!


            I really need to change my attitude towards all of that but up until now, I have not been able to -sigh.

            Jess runs for bacon

              Gustav, I will have to check that one out. I always see it but haven't gone.


              SRD for me today, did a 5k last night at a local park. They have it all lit up with light displays for Christmas and I have to admit, it was a pretty freakin' cool run. No wind either so I stayed pretty toasty. I tried to get pictures with my phone, but they all came out terrible.


              I have Yoga today at lunch and am looking forward to a nice stretch Smile


              Warrior Princess

                X-rays to determine if I can finally run again!


                Barking Mad To Run

                  I got back to San Antonio on Tuesday night.  Nice to be back in warm weather after those 20s and 30s temps in Washington State.  Wednesday evening I went to run in my favorite park...and the deer welcomed me back too by promptly jumping out in front of me and making me fall right on my keister.  I think they missed me. Big grin   Got in 3.3 miles and it was really nice in the sunshine and 65 degree temp.  Today will be an easy 3 - 4 around the campus of the university where I work.  Temp at 4:30 pm will be a pleasant 68 degrees.

                  "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt

                  YAYpril - B-Plus

                    Morning! SRD today. Had to take my kitten to the vet this morning to get fixed and he was CRANKY. Probably because he hasn't eaten since 7pm last night. I'll try to get my ITB rehab and some core work done after work, but we'll see. I have a hard time getting motivated to do anything when my couch is right there.


                    delicate flower

                      X-rays to determine if I can finally run again!



                      Best of luck with that.  *fingers crossed*


                      Pinktastic, I like the energy!  Big grin



                        I think I'll join you guys even though I'm not running. Physio appointment soon to discuss my future running plans. Hoping for some good news. Ugh. 6 weeks tomorrow and it feels like eternity. Its nice to see some familiar faces in here. I'm still getting used to this place. 


                        Its nice to see that SCOTTY has made it. We're only missing a few favorites of mine. 

                        Running is my mental-Ctrl-Alt-Del. 


                        Wickedly Average

                          Crazyrunninglady, good luck on the x-rays. Hope you're able to get out and ease back into running!


                          April, I'd be cranky too if I were being taken out to get fixed!


                          Still deciding on whether to run today or not. I'll knock out a few chores and then see how I feel and how much time I have.

                          Tom (formerly known as PhotogTom)

                          5K - 25:16, 10K - 55:31,  15K - 1:20:55,   HM - 1:54:54




                            slow run day for me....gona go out for 7 miles.

                            5K - 23:33 (10/14/2012)                                                                         twitter: @tjaffer

                              I'm hoping for time to do an easy 3ish miles after work today.  My fingers are crossed it feels easier than Tuesday's run did.  I'll be back later for some personals.



                              “I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order.” John Burroughs

                                Mornin', guys!  6 sluggish miles for me this morning.  I stayed up too late last night and paid for it with a couple extra extra minutes out in the cold.


                                School this morning, then hoping to make gingerbread cookies with the kiddos later.  May try to run out at some point to get supplies to make our little guy a stocking.


                                Have a good day, guys!  : )

                                "...You have to have faith, to know that you can do what you want to do."  -Joseph Nzau