Beginners and Beyond

2020 Dailies #190 (Read 27 times)



    Stage shows are awesome, I'm all about it. Dressing up, dinner, drinks and seeing a great performance. Been doing it since forever. Have lost count on how many I've seen over the years.


    I've only seen a handful, but they were all memorable. Probably most were at the Fox Theater!




      Did you know about Andrew Lloyd Webber's YouTube channel, "The Shows Must Go On"? It started around the time COVID started; they release a filmed stage production of a different musical every weekend. Each release becomes available Friday evening and is available for free for 48 hours. Last weekend they in fact showed a performance of The Sound of Music, starring Carrie Underwood. We've watched a bunch of them.


      OK, ignore this. Apparently following this weekend's showing of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, they are discontinuing this at least temporarily.


      But anyone who hasn't seen Joseph should watch it! And if you have, you should watch it again! Special family significance since we had a VHS copy years ago when our kids were young, and we wore it out. DW & I also saw it the Fox Theater IIRC. (Starring Donny Osmond!)



      UM 45 Ohio 23

        any recommendations for a handheld water bottle for longer runs?


           I've only seen a handful, but they were all memorable. Probably most were at the Fox Theater!


          Saw Jay Leno there one year, it was like an 80 and over affair. Great show but strange following!


            any recommendations for a handheld water bottle for longer runs?


            I have an Amphipod that I like, it holds 16 ounces and has a small pouch for gels and house key.  I will say though, after using it regularly for a year, my shoulder started to hurt all the time, felt like tendonitis.  I thought it was the way I was sleeping until I saw a comment in another thread last week.  So I switched back to my belt and low and behold, the shoulder pain has diminished significantly, so I think that really was the problem.  I did buy new bottles from Fitletic to slide over the belt I already owned, they are a little bigger (8 oz each) and don't leak.  YMMV


            Former Bad Ass

              I switch the bottle from right to left every mile to

              prevent that.



                I switch the bottle from right to left every mile to

                prevent that.


                I kick mine down the road.


                  I switch the bottle from right to left every mile to

                  prevent that.


                  I hold my pepper spray in my left hand, so was carrying the water bottle in the right hand all the time.  I have considered using it this summer in addition to the bottles on the belt so I can go further since we have no water fountains.  I would have to switch hands if I do that for sure.  Maybe I'll test that when I'm running with someone else so I can put my pepper spray in my pocket.


                  Former Bad Ass

                    Maybe because my amphipod is the 20oz the pocket is huge. I assume the 16oz is smaller? I just put everything in there.




                      Saw Jay Leno there one year, it was like an 80 and over affair. Great show but strange following!


                      I actually saw Jay Leno in college, a billion years ago, before he had the Tonight Show. That was mostly a college-aged audience, but of course he was a whole lot younger then. He did put on a great show, probably around 2 hours which seems extra long for a comedian.



                        Maybe because my amphipod is the 20oz the pocket is huge. I assume the 16oz is smaller? I just put everything in there.


                        there's plenty of room in the pocket on the 16 oz as well, plus I have pockets on my INB skirt.  I always carry my pepper spray in my hand, unlocked and ready to use.  Mostly for safety of course, but also because the city ordinance says you have to carry it in a way that is visible so people can see that you are armed (which is crazy because they require you carry a gun completely concealed, but I digress).  However, when I'm with someone else, I feel more safe, and will put the spray in a pocket.


                          I have the 20-oz Amphipod with the pouch. I generally don't like carrying stuff, but I don't even really notice it after a while. I only use it for long runs, but it hasn't caused any shoulder problems. I always think I'm going to switch hands, but I don't, and it hasn't been a problem. Sometimes things feel comfortable with one hand, and just doesn't feel right with the other. 





                            there's plenty of room in the pocket on the 16 oz as well, plus I have pockets on my INB skirt.  I always carry my pepper spray in my hand, unlocked and ready to use.  Mostly for safety of course, but also because the city ordinance says you have to carry it in a way that is visible so people can see that you are armed (which is crazy because they require you carry a gun completely concealed, but I digress).  However, when I'm with someone else, I feel more safe, and will put the spray in a pocket.


                            I'd hate to hop out of a bush from peeing as you were running by. lol



                              I have the 20-oz Amphipod with the pouch.


                              Ugh. I might have to go to this if the fountains don't come on once my runs extend past 2 hours.



                                I'd hate to hop out of a bush from peeing as you were running by. lol



                                LOL. I’ve never sprayed anybody and only considered it once when two men ran towards me and one yelled and made a sudden move like he was going to attack me, I guess just to scare me. He pulled back at the last second and they both laughed as they ran past. I didn’t spray him, but I sure as hell was prepared to if he got closer.