Beginners and Beyond


It's Monday-I know (Read 39 times)



    Your weekly mileage must be adding up with all these doubles


    Hoping to get around 60 consistently.  Still experimenting on what combo will work the best and get the hammy 100%.  Since I'm focusing on 5K-10K right now, thinking the 10/5 combo twice a week may be the ticket, and a 9/5 on V02 Max days, and two single 8s?  Since my endurance seems pretty good, this will maintain it without going longer-which tends to tighten the hammy.


      SRD. 3rd 12 hour shift in a row and 4th this week. Yay

      I'm ready to retire! I have 26 years of working 4+ days per week of 12 hour shift, AND, I flip days to nights each rotation! We are hoping for 4 more short years.


        Ran a couple of miles with my buddy at the indoor track at lunch. He was running at MP, I wasn't (~8mpm).


        Will probably run a few miles tonight, but maybe not. Not sure yet. I'm a bit tired, it's cold and a bit slippery, so I might wimp out. I'll see.

          People, y'all had a spectacular weekend!!!!  Baboon with the PR (again), Docket with the perfectly paced 1/2 with at least a 6 year PR, Hog with some cold ass marathoning, and OFR for the 3rd OA/1st AG!!!  Excellent showing!  Also, congrats to Mr. Docket and Mrs. OFR.


          Dave, I'm so sorry about your back.  I throw mine out about once every 3-4 years, last time it happened because I sneezed. Degenerative L4-L5 and L5-S1.  I do what you're doing--rest,then I take all the drugs.  Advil, Flexoril if I can get it, Naproxin, and lidocaine patches 12 hours on/12 off.  The lidocaine patches I have are prescription from way back in the day (5%), now you can get Salonpas (4%) OTC.  They work pretty well.  It takes about 3 days of all this to be tolerable, 4 to be better, 5 to be running.  YMMV, but many vibes for feeling better ASAP.


          Onemile, I'm goo-gooing into my computer screen like an imbecile, those are the cutest dogs EVER.


          Blue, as a fellow MOT, you may appreciate this article that showed up in my email re: latkes as fuel.  IDGAF if they're fuel or not, they are probably my favorite food that exists and Tuesday cannot come soon enough.  Good luck with the race.


          I have been through many of the stages of grief over the past 5 days, denial, anger, bargaining, and depression.  Thankfully, it does not sound as though I have to get familiar with acceptance, because per the x rays I had today, I do NOT have a sfx.  I don't have any signs of OP either.  So this is very good news.  I was in quite a bit of pain last week, but it got better and better with rest.  As of yesterday and today I feel fine, which was annoying, because the whole way to the office I was wondering if I totally imagined the whole thing.  What the xrays did show was my pelvis was misaligned by about 1/2 an inch.  Where the joint is in the front, it looked like you put two legos together one-bump off.  So that's probably what was bugging.  I got yanked around by the doc, and heard my pelvis go "pop!" as it went back into place.  He said to go run, and call to report if it's better, worse, or the same.  It's 85 degrees here, so I decided to wait to try it out until this evening when it's a little cooler.



          Thank you to all of you for being so supportive and keeping me off the ledge to the extent one can stay off of it.  Also, I think Cy put the quote about an extra recovery day never injured anyone, so I'll chalk this little pause in training up to extra recovery days, and get back on the horse.


            Temps are dropping here over the next 24 hours. I'll have a decision to make; run in single digit wind chills tomorrow and/or Wednesday over snow covered sidewalks in complete darkness, or, hit the belt.  Blerg.


              I'm ready to retire! I have 26 years of working 4+ days per week of 12 hour shift, AND, I flip days to nights each rotation! We are hoping for 4 more short years.


              Ouch. Flipping shifts like that is rough. I’m lucky at least that it’s always 11-2330 unless I pick up


                Here's another MacMillan quote. For me this one. Gonna listen to my slacker side and not run this evening.


                Training optimally requires stepping back sometimes to within our limits so that we stay healthy and can gradually progress to our peak.



                  Ouch. Flipping shifts like that is rough. I’m lucky at least that it’s always 11-2330 unless I pick up


                  When I started this, they said you get used to it.....well, they lied! And it gets more difficult as you get older. I work in a steel mill, and we produce 24/7, only shutting down for Christmas.


                    I have been through many of the stages of grief over the past 5 days, denial, anger, bargaining, and depression.  Thankfully, it does not sound as though I have to get familiar with acceptance, because per the x rays I had today, I do NOT have a sfx.  I don't have any signs of OP either.  So this is very good news.  I was in quite a bit of pain last week, but it got better and better with rest.  As of yesterday and today I feel fine, which was annoying, because the whole way to the office I was wondering if I totally imagined the whole thing.  What the xrays did show was my pelvis was misaligned by about 1/2 an inch.  Where the joint is in the front, it looked like you put two legos together one-bump off.  So that's probably what was bugging.  I got yanked around by the doc, and heard my pelvis go "pop!" as it went back into place.  He said to go run, and call to report if it's better, worse, or the same.  It's 85 degrees here, so I decided to wait to try it out until this evening when it's a little cooler.


                    When I had my groin injury, I had a PT push down on that area with all her weight (an MRI showed that I had pubic edema). She was waiting for it to "pop", but it never did. My trouble in the area was a result of a strain on the muscle that attached to it, not a misalignment. Anyway, hopefully this puts you back in the game. Not sure I would run a whole lot though, but visions of grandeur must be running rampant through your mind!


                    Former Bad Ass

                      People, y'all had a spectacular weekend!!!!  Baboon with the PR (again), Docket with the perfectly paced 1/2 with at least a 6 year PR, Hog with some cold ass marathoning, and OFR for the 3rd OA/1st AG!!!  Excellent showing!  Also, congrats to Mr. Docket and Mrs. OFR.


                      Dave, I'm so sorry about your back.  I throw mine out about once every 3-4 years, last time it happened because I sneezed. Degenerative L4-L5 and L5-S1.  I do what you're doing--rest,then I take all the drugs.  Advil, Flexoril if I can get it, Naproxin, and lidocaine patches 12 hours on/12 off.  The lidocaine patches I have are prescription from way back in the day (5%), now you can get Salonpas (4%) OTC.  They work pretty well.  It takes about 3 days of all this to be tolerable, 4 to be better, 5 to be running.  YMMV, but many vibes for feeling better ASAP.


                      Onemile, I'm goo-gooing into my computer screen like an imbecile, those are the cutest dogs EVER.


                      Blue, as a fellow MOT, you may appreciate this article that showed up in my email re: latkes as fuel.  IDGAF if they're fuel or not, they are probably my favorite food that exists and Tuesday cannot come soon enough.  Good luck with the race.


                      I have been through many of the stages of grief over the past 5 days, denial, anger, bargaining, and depression.  Thankfully, it does not sound as though I have to get familiar with acceptance, because per the x rays I had today, I do NOT have a sfx.  I don't have any signs of OP either.  So this is very good news.  I was in quite a bit of pain last week, but it got better and better with rest.  As of yesterday and today I feel fine, which was annoying, because the whole way to the office I was wondering if I totally imagined the whole thing.  What the xrays did show was my pelvis was misaligned by about 1/2 an inch.  Where the joint is in the front, it looked like you put two legos together one-bump off.  So that's probably what was bugging.  I got yanked around by the doc, and heard my pelvis go "pop!" as it went back into place.  He said to go run, and call to report if it's better, worse, or the same.  It's 85 degrees here, so I decided to wait to try it out until this evening when it's a little cooler.



                      Thank you to all of you for being so supportive and keeping me off the ledge to the extent one can stay off of it.  Also, I think Cy put the quote about an extra recovery day never injured anyone, so I'll chalk this little pause in training up to extra recovery days, and get back on the horse.


                      Ouch at the pop!  Hope it helped!




                        Dave, I'm so sorry about your back.  I throw mine out about once every 3-4 years, last time it happened because I sneezed. Degenerative L4-L5 and L5-S1.  I do what you're doing--rest,then I take all the drugs.  Advil, Flexoril if I can get it, Naproxin, and lidocaine patches 12 hours on/12 off.  The lidocaine patches I have are prescription from way back in the day (5%), now you can get Salonpas (4%) OTC.  They work pretty well.  It takes about 3 days of all this to be tolerable, 4 to be better, 5 to be running.  YMMV, but many vibes for feeling better ASAP.





                        Twinsies!  I've had it triggered by a sneeze, but it's usually not even something that dramatic. This time I was just getting up from a sitting position, and boom. I usually don't drug up too much because it doesn't seem to help a whole lot anyway. Although at bedtime I've been taking Percocet we've got leftover from something. And after the first couple days I started popping Advil out of frustration. I'm on day 4, but it's a bit slower than your cycle above, maybe now inching toward tolerable. I've had it take 3 days, and I've had it take 3 weeks. It's actually much less frequent & severe than it used to be, despite plunging headlong into oldness. Been a long time since I've had something I couldn't run through - tends to loosen up once you get going.


                        So glad to hear your current prognosis is not quite so dire. Good luck on your run.


                        And wth, latkes are potatoes, do you need another excuse? Also I want that apple-pear sauce that was included in that link.



                          When I had my groin injury, I had a PT push down on that area with all her weight (an MRI showed that I had pubic edema). She was waiting for it to "pop", but it never did. My trouble in the area was a result of a strain on the muscle that attached to it, not a misalignment. Anyway, hopefully this puts you back in the game. Not sure I would run a whole lot though, but visions of grandeur must be running rampant through your mind!


                          Eh, not so much.  I'm not entirely sure I still remember how to run at all, but this is typical of me after more than one day off, I start getting weird.  I also start getting fat because my appetite does not understand that we're not exercising...  I want pasta for breakfast too!


                          What this did do is slap me upside the head regarding the things I do to myself that are not in my own best interests, and the things I should be doing but have been too lazy to bother with.  So I need to get on the foam roller and yoga wagons, and get some sort of strength training started, I need to eat better, I need to go get my stupid bloodwork done (that I haven't done in 4 years), and I need to get a mammogram.  I run a bunch, but I haven't been taking care of myself very well otherwise.  Something's gonna go south if I don't pay attention.


                          Docket, it didn't hurt at all!  When I stood up everything felt much better.  I'm very suspicious of non-traditional medicine, but I was willing to try anything at this point.  Based on what the films looked like, this didn't seem too witch doctor-ish.  Mostly I hope it fixes the problem.


                          Dave, thanks, and yes on latkes anytime.  I've never had them with pears, but I happen to have some and was thinking about trying it too!  On the back, try the patches.  I fucked mine up in 2008, but had already paid for a 1/2 that I was doing with my office.  I remember throwing the patch away at mile 8 or so because, like you say, I warmed up and it got better, but that's what got me to the starting line and through the first few miles.  I seriously hope it starts to get better soon for you.  It just sucks to hurt that much.


                          Super B****



                            Blue, as a fellow MOT, you may appreciate this article that showed up in my email re: latkes as fuel.  IDGAF if they're fuel or not, they are probably my favorite food that exists and Tuesday cannot come soon enough.  Good luck with the race.


                            I have been through many of the stages of grief over the past 5 days, denial, anger, bargaining, and depression.  Thankfully, it does not sound as though I have to get familiar with acceptance, because per the x rays I had today, I do NOT have a sfx.  I don't have any signs of OP either.  So this is very good news.  I was in quite a bit of pain last week, but it got better and better with rest.  As of yesterday and today I feel fine, which was annoying, because the whole way to the office I was wondering if I totally imagined the whole thing.  What the xrays did show was my pelvis was misaligned by about 1/2 an inch.  Where the joint is in the front, it looked like you put two legos together one-bump off.  So that's probably what was bugging.  I got yanked around by the doc, and heard my pelvis go "pop!" as it went back into place.  He said to go run, and call to report if it's better, worse, or the same.  It's 85 degrees here, so I decided to wait to try it out until this evening when it's a little cooler.



                            Thank you to all of you for being so supportive and keeping me off the ledge to the extent one can stay off of it.  Also, I think Cy put the quote about an extra recovery day never injured anyone, so I'll chalk this little pause in training up to extra recovery days, and get back on the horse.


                            I am a terrible human, but I hate latkes.  Actually, it's just that I don't like POTATOES.  Or doughnuts (even though I made them yesterday).  This is not a holiday made for me.  None are, I'm quite a Grinch!!


                            It doesn't really sound like a sfx from what you've said anyway -- but I will say that they rarely show up on X-ray until they've started to heal.  I only ever get them because my insurance provider won't approve an MRI without a negative X-ray, which is stupid, because you'd think that last dozen negative X-rays would have taught them something.  I do hope you've found your solution though.

                            chasing the impossible


                            because i never shut up ... i blog




                              And wth, latkes are potatoes, do you need another excuse? Also I want that apple-pear sauce that was included in that link.


                              Okay, what recipe did I miss???? Please share again. Thx


                              Nevermind. I see it. Big grin



                                I am a terrible human, but I hate latkes.  Actually, it's just that I don't like POTATOES Or doughnuts (even though I made them yesterday).  This is not a holiday made for me.  None are, I'm quite a Grinch!!



                                I don't even know how to respond. 

                                French Fries?

                                Tater tots??? (don't judge)








                                I kind of want to cry for you.
