Beginners and Beyond

Sharing misery on the disabled list (Read 333 times)

Hip Redux

    I ran outside today!!  (As opposed to on the AlterG.)  My PT told me to do it, but to stop if it hurt on a higher level than 3/10.  It didn't hurt, really, it was just kind of ... uncomfortable.  If I had to give it a number, I'd say 1.5 or 2.  So, happy happy joy  joy, it's probably safe to say that my pelvis is not broken.





    Former Bad Ass

      Yay.  Sounds positive.  Little by little!


      I ran outside today!!  (As opposed to on the AlterG.)  My PT told me to do it, but to stop if it hurt on a higher level than 3/10.  It didn't hurt, really, it was just kind of ... uncomfortable.  If I had to give it a number, I'd say 1.5 or 2.  So, happy happy joy  joy, it's probably safe to say that my pelvis is not broken.



        I'm so happy to see some people back to running... Way to go, guys! Don't give up hope, be patient, things do get better when we're smart about them.


        I finshed my second week of running with 55 miles. I still have the plantar fasciitis, but not bad enough to keep me from running. I'm on cloud 9! I ran 15 today with 9 at MP. It wasn't Boston MP. It was the pace of marathon #8, three marathons ago. But hey... am I complaining? No! I'm running again! Smile

        PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

        18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


          Good news bluerun & Lily!

          Well I am not sure if I am back to running or not. I already had a failed comeback attempt where apparently I wasn't easing back into it quite slowly enough. But always hard to tell, as I was feeling OK. Until I wasn't. So I am trying again, making sure to keep it to every other day, and I guess will be ramping up the distance ever so gradually. Have not tried the run-walk method others have mentioned, maybe I should think about that. What I do know is that I cannot bear to look at my log, it is super-depressing.


          Hip Redux

            Good news bluerun & Lily!

            Well I am not sure if I am back to running or not. I already had a failed comeback attempt where apparently I wasn't easing back into it quite slowly enough. But always hard to tell, as I was feeling OK. Until I wasn't. So I am trying again, making sure to keep it to every other day, and I guess will be ramping up the distance ever so gradually. Have not tried the run-walk method others have mentioned, maybe I should think about that. What I do know is that I cannot bear to look at my log, it is super-depressing.





            Former Bad Ass

              Hubby is joining you on the disabled list.  4th of not running with what he believes are shin splints.  Hoping to get him back to running soon.


              Hip Redux

                Hubby is joining you on the disabled list.  4th of not running with what he believes are shin splints.  Hoping to get him back to running soon.


                Sucks Sad


                I had shin splints CONSTANTLY when I played volleyball.  Does he have flat feet?  That was my main issue - every game I had to tape my arches, and that did the trick.   Also, I had to stay off the pavement once we were playing because going from court surface to road surface would also kill my shins for some reason.



                Former Bad Ass

                  There is only road and sidewalks here, so he's fucked.  I'll tell him about taping his arches.  I think he has flattish feet.


                  Hip Redux

                    It wasn't so much the surface, but changing surfaces often when on the court.  I don't know WHY but that was the story.    Arch supports helped more than anything else (taping was just a cheap way to do it).  I have custom orthotics now, but only wear them walking... they're too stiff to run in.


                    Of course, there's probably a million reasons why people get shin splints, so YMMV!



                      There is only road and sidewalks here, so he's fucked.  I'll tell him about taping his arches.  I think he has flattish feet.


                      I had them for about a month in year one.  For me, it was the shoes and my running form.  YMMV.

                      Will run for scenery.

                        Hey DR,


                        One thing that might be helpful for DH is (and I shudder to mention it) :  WALKING!   Not just a casual saunter or stroll, but really trying to cover some distance quickly.  Walking quickly requires a bit more shin strength than  running and it is much lower impact.  Before I ran I walked (a lot !) and got to where I could flex my shin muscles.  Walking also allows you to burn calories and strengthen all your bones/ligaments/tendons/etc before you hit the strength/aerobic barriers of running.

                        Stupid feet!

                        Stupid elbow!

                        Will run for scenery.

                          My main reason for checking in was to reap/hoor some sympathy for my fingers.


                          I wiped out on a trail run yesterday, and found myself flying headfirst towards the edge of the trail and a steep slope beyond.  No worries, as there were several trees to prevent any downslope shenanigans.  I wear bicycle gloves now for downhill running (highly recommend !) so hand scraping isn't an issue.  But one finger on each hand managed (simultaneously!) to get bent and wedged between a rock and a tree trunk and jammed with not quite enough force to break anything.


                          After a couple of margaritas and a good night's sleep, my two fingers looked this morning like stubby red sausages.  After a day of icing, tape, coffee (just because), and Advil, the swelling is down but my right index finger (smartphone typing finger) is still kinda stiff.  Imagine your worst-case prostate examiner.


                          Anyway, the funny part is that after the wipe-out when I checked myself out, my first response was : "Awesome ! Nothing that matters (to my running) !"  It wasn't until a full day later that I began to recall how useful fingers are in day-to-day life !

                          Stupid feet!

                          Stupid elbow!


                          Former Bad Ass

                            Thanks!  I'll let him know.


                            Hey DR,


                            One thing that might be helpful for DH is (and I shudder to mention it) :  WALKING!   Not just a casual saunter or stroll, but really trying to cover some distance quickly.  Walking quickly requires a bit more shin strength than  running and it is much lower impact.  Before I ran I walked (a lot !) and got to where I could flex my shin muscles.  Walking also allows you to burn calories and strengthen all your bones/ligaments/tendons/etc before you hit the strength/aerobic barriers of running.


                            Singer who runs a smidge

                              I still feel like I have icepicks in my knees.  Clearly fixing them with strength-training is a long-term prospect ...

                              When it's all said and done, no one remembers how far we have run.  The only thing that matters is how we have loved.


                                Did 6 miles last night after 2 weeks off because of a knee issue.  I was never so happy to feel PF pain as I was last night... at least it wasn't my wonky knee!


                                5k I had scheduled for August 7th is definitely out.  Maybe.