Beginners and Beyond


SunDAILIES (Read 38 times)



      Good morning, everyone.


      Hi, Rick. What do you have planned for today?


      Mother Nature is being a tease, so, I went to the gym. 12.10 TM miles in 1:49:02. 9:01 pace. I'm on my way home for a shower and a nap.


      Good luck, Damaris and all other racers!


        Hi, Rick. What do you have planned for today?


        Good morning.


        Running-wise today will instead be unscheduled rest day # 4. I may do some upper body stuff though as I am in dire need of a good sweat.


        Nice run there yo, you are back!


           Good luck, Damaris and all other racers!


          She started at 6:19 AM PST and is 30 minutes in.

          Hip Redux

            It's finally raining here!   It's been steady for the last several hours - sooooo happy to finally get some rain to knock down the pollen and water the plants/grass.


            So that means I'm not sure what I'm doing.  There was a moment where it wasn't raining so hard that I thought about going out for my run but since I'm not training for anything, there was really little motivation to go get soaking wet.    Maybe gym day.


            Tomorrow I am off to Akron, OH.  Try to contain your jealousy.


            Little Blue

              Oski, what's in Akron, FFS?  That's my hometown.  No jealousy here!



              Sitting in the NC mountains, watching it rain.  Could run.  Or not.  It's rather pleasant here, on this porch, with good wifi signal.  Might be hard to pry my butt outta this chair.


                Oski, what's in Akron, FFS? 




                  D is through 10k. So far, so good.



                    The weather is freaking beautiful out, barely 60 degrees and cloudy.......... WHY THE FUCK couldn't yesterday morning have been this good!!???

                    SRD day, sadly.... but I am feeling minor aches and soreness, I am going to do some foam rolling in a little bit. Yesterday after the race I was on the fence about whether I would do this race next year, or even attempt the 26.2 mile distance if they add it.... well now I am thinking to myself HELL YES I would, it's just some minor suffering and I would make sure to be better prepared for the possible heat and the hellish hills Smile

                    *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                    5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                    10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                    15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                    13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                     26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


                    delicate flower

                      Hello IMHO!


                      I tagged along with the WIFE on her run, so 8.4 miles at a recovery effort for me.  Looks like we were able to sneak the run in between major rainfalls.  We only got drizzled on a little, but it dumped this morning and more heavy rain is closing it.  My legs were sore this morning and the easy run felt good.


                      Half Crazy K 2.0

                        No rain here. Tried to head out earlier, so started my run a little after 9:30. 7 miles. Last 2 were miserable. Still hot, didn't notice much difference.


                           I may do some upper body stuff though as I am in dire need of a good sweat.




                          Now off to see The Rock's new movie San Andreas, which apparently is dumb. The 3-D should make it dumber then. lol


                            Finally a long run even Lily and D would call long!

                            18.6 miles with 35% at MP.

                            50 F and cloudy, it was perfect.

                            Last 2 LRs I've been taking gels... the difference is huge. I feel much less tired towards the end of the run. Sure today the temperature was helping, but I felt like I could have run a full 42.2  26.2 (sorry for the kms instead of miles) for the first time! Next week (or the one after) I'll experiment with gels with cafeine.


                              Nice run Cyberic.


                              Beautiful day here. 14 miles with 6 at GMP. The first MP was a bit rough to get into the pace, but overall ended up feeling really good. Wanted to do more, but cut myself off. Plenty of time.


                              57 miles for the week, 243 for the month.



                                263 miles for the month. Most ever for me. Hadn't realized it was the last day of the month until I read your post Dave.
