Beginners and Beyond

Shout it out WednesDAILIES (Read 40 times)



    Yeah because when he is running, he hardly spends any time on the forums.

    In any case I believe this was a previously announced self-imposed week off prior to starting MT.


    PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

            Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

    18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


      Morning, all! Glorious 60* this morning - felt fabulous! And the national weather service says next week should be cooler than usual temps - maybe not great for those who like to spend July at the pool, but for me as a runner, and for all the people who will be showing livestock at the county fair next week, you couldn't ask for a better forecast.


      10.13 miles this morning at easy pace. I had forgotten how quickly Pfitz demands double-digit midweek runs. Perhaps that was the reason I left him for a while to create my own training plans.


      Which plan are you doing, Shari? I miss Pfitz already... And I agree with you regarding the weather. If it only could be around 70F all year round I would be in weather heaven. No more of that two extremes crap.

      PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

              Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

      18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010



        Which plan are you doing, Shari? I miss Pfitz already... And I agree with you regarding the weather. If it only could be around 70F all year round I would be in weather heaven. No more of that two extremes crap.


        I'm doing 18/55 plus. I add a recovery run on his second rest day and sometimes bump the distance on the shortest runs to peak around 60-65, instead of just 55.

        20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.



           I miss Pfitz already


          What do you miss about Pfitz? Just the familiarity, or something specific?



            In any case I believe this was a previously announced self-imposed week off prior to starting MT.


            Yeah I have only mentioned it twenty-two times already. lol


            Former Bad Ass


              Yeah because when he is running, he hardly spends any time on the forums.

              In any case I believe this was a previously announced self-imposed week off prior to starting MT.


              I must have missed it.  And LOL.




                I must have missed it.  


                Inevitable risk of trying to keep up with 72 different forums & user groups....




                  What do you miss about Pfitz? Just the familiarity, or something specific?


                  I guess it really is the familiarity. But so far I don't like having to run 10 miles immediately the day after my Sunday's LR. Also, I find Hanson is encouraging me to run my easy runs much easier than I'm used to (which I really dislike), but he has few real recovery runs like Pfitz has (Pfitz usually will have 2x6 miles at recovery pace, which I liked after my harder workouts). The Hansons recovery runs I did see are at least 8 miles, which is way too long for me. I'd rather hit my head repeatedly on a wall than run 8 miles or longer at true recovery pace. But I am only in week 4 of 20 of Hanson and I haven't really looked at the rest of the plan (I'm a take it as it comes kind of runner. Not much into extreme planning of things), so maybe I will change my mind later. Anyway, I think I was due for a change...

                  PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                          Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                  18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010



                    I'm doing 18/55 plus. I add a recovery run on his second rest day and sometimes bump the distance on the shortest runs to peak around 60-65, instead of just 55.


                    You certainly have the experience for a well-padded 18/55 plan. You'll do great on it.

                    PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                            Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                    18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010



                      Morning! I brought DD to a little park festival last night. She had fun in the bounce house and going down the slide. I tried my hand at Montezuma's revenge by going across the monkey bars. I made it fine, but at the end I smacked my shin in to something quite solid. It's very tender there right now, but it doesn't effect my running or walking.


                      Speaking of running, today was a heck of a workout. I'll cut and paste from my log.

                      1E + 5x (1T + 1 min E) + 4x (200R + 200 jg) + 1E

                      Tempo miles were: 7:34, 7:33, 7:32: 7:43 and 7:31. Fourth one was long because I needed to wait for a car. Lost about 10 seconds. Goal was 7:33

                      Rep intervals were: 50, 49, 50, 48. Goal was 48.


                      In total it was 8.67 miles at an 8:05 avg pace. Also did a 30 second plank for Day 3 of the 30 day challenge.

                      - Andrew



                          I'd rather you were a couple hundred miles up on me and running healthy.


                        You & me both!

                        I am so itching to get back on the horse. I have been sticking to running only 2 of every 3 days, and feeling OK. Either this means I am ready to step it up, or it means the limited schedule is what is keeping me healthy. One of these two things. 



                        delicate flower


                          Speaking of running, today was a heck of a workout. I'll cut and paste from my log.

                          1E + 5x (1T + 1 min E) + 4x (200R + 200 jg) + 1E


                          I am guessing some folks here know WTF this means?



                             I tried my hand at Montezuma's revenge by going across the monkey bars.


                            Um, what does this term mean to you?




                              I am guessing some folks here know WTF this means?


                              Well I first thought he was deriving some thermodynamic equations. Then I sort of figured it out, assuming it is Daniels-related.



                                I am guessing some folks here know WTF this means?


                                Yes, that's whole hearted yumminess, you know, like grits and eggs. 


                                And next time Drew hit the pause button man!