Beginners and Beyond

What the Wednesdailies (Read 29 times)



    OK, answering the important questions.

    Her - half split 1:39, finish 3:32

    Me - half split 1:41, finish 3:26


    Beat dem youngins up. 👊



      Kind of... it's not "Sal-ming," really. It sounds more like "Somming." In English, anyway. I think the L is actually audible in Swedish.


      Yep, I got that one wrong too!



        I'll catch up to him in November when he's taking his post marathon vacay 


        You are going to crush this boy and you may even do it before then ffs.

        From the Internet.


          Don't get me wrong; I'd say the 5k is my favorite distance to race. This may not seem to make sense in light of everything else I've been saying, but there's really not a lot of sense to any of this.


          lol I can get on board with that!


          I like the mile because it's over super fast. Marathon because it's like you're the frog in the boiling pot or whatever the hell that analogy is - it doesn't feel bad for a long time, and then by the time you're in the pain cave you might as well just finish the damn thing.


          I always thought the 5K was my favorite but I've had trouble coming back to it post-injury. I think it's partially a head game thing. I can't really wrap my mind around sub-7 paces even though I've been at that level of fitness for a long time (my first 6:59 average pace 5K was nearly 3 years ago at this point so WHY do the numbers on the watch still mess me up so much??)


            I like the mile because it's over super fast. Marathon because it's like you're the frog in the boiling pot or whatever the hell that analogy is - it doesn't feel bad for a long time, and then by the time you're in the pain cave you might as well just finish the damn thing.


            Dudette, you gotta research that and get it right now. I've seen it once and it was on point. What you just typed, wasn't on point. lol



              Dudette, you gotta research that and get it right now. I've seen it once and it was on point. What you just typed, wasn't on point. lol


              Yeah, the frog in the boiling water - you don't feel anything, then you're dead. In a marathon - you feel everything, and only wish you were dead.



              Are we there, yet?

                Club workout on the track cancelled tonight, so I guess the 5 miles I ran this morning is it for the day. Don't feel like going out for another solo run, especially speed work.

                 2024 Races:

                      03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                      05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                      06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.




                From the Internet.


                  Dudette, you gotta research that and get it right now. I've seen it once and it was on point. What you just typed, wasn't on point. lol


                  Yeah, but like, the middle part is just nice and warm, right? Like a frog bath! The middle miles of a good marathon can be very enjoyable! And then you feel like death.


                  UM 45 Ohio 23


                    My first run in this brand and model was actually a speed session back in June (in a color not as obnoxious ). And the next morning, my knee was throbbing like it was broken! It took some time to figure out that it wasn't the shoes and I've been addicted to them for like the past week. They're incredibly smooth, wide in the toe box and have bounce. I'm so happy with them!


                    what model are they? I like a wide toe box...


                      I think you are not feeling the same sense of accomplishment because you haven't trained specifically for it - you just run them on a whim on your current fitness and not as a focus/goal.  You might do a few workouts leading up to it, but don't spend a whole season working on trying to get faster to maintain a goal pace.   The satisfaction is in putting in the work and finally achieving it - especially when it doesn't come easy.


                      It's funny, me and DavePMarathonMan are polar opposites. Where he trained specifically for the marathon and raced middle distance off of that training, I trained specifically for middle distance and raced the marathon off of that.


                         what model are they? I like a wide toe box...


                        The Liberty ISO. They're the stability version of the Saucony Freedom, another great shoe, apparently. Here's a really in-depth review of them.



                          It's funny, me and DavePMarathonMan are polar opposites. Where he trained specifically for the marathon and raced middle distance off of that training, I trained specifically for middle distance and raced the marathon off of that.


                          I was equally happy with my 3:16 marathon and my sub-20 5k...



                            We'd give Eric an eye ache. lol


                            Me? Or some other Eric?





                              That is right. Looks like a french word to me, and that's how it's pronounced.



                                This afternoon after Dorian and I got home, I got a phone call from a kid. He told me this morning on his way to school that he saw Mittens lounging out near a body shop a mile from me. Of course 7-8 hours had passed but I still rushed Dorian and me out the door to drive over there and look around, trying not to hope too strongly. Yes, I run all over these streets and I have never seen another calico/tortoiseshell cat like Mittens but it was a kid who supposedly saw her so I am trying not to get my hopes up.

                                This evening, in like an hour and a half I will be going out on foot searching for her, there is a lot of wooded sections and place a cat can hide but I am hoping that with the sun going down, she'll be a bit more active and out and about. Cats aren't quite as active as dogs when out roaming, especially during the day so I am hoping that I might have a chance this evening.

                                Please pray and hope for her and keep your fingers crossed for me to find her 

                                *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                                5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                                10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                                15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                                13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                                 26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)