Beginners and Beyond


Weekend Penguins Wishing for Spring (Read 25 times)

From the Internet.

    Afternoon everyone! 13.1 on the treadmill this morning - my first unofficial half marathon Smile Hot and underfueled, I tried to sneak in some MP toward the end but only managed a half mile before I had to drop back to easy pace. Given the conditions and the fact that it was a distance PR for me by 0.6 miles I'm okay with that.


    Return To Racing

      3.5 easy.  Nice to be outside.


      Congrats on the distance PR, Lauren.



        Afternoon everyone! 13.1 on the treadmill this morning - my first unofficial half marathon Smile Hot and underfueled, I tried to sneak in some MP toward the end but only managed a half mile before I had to drop back to easy pace. Given the conditions and the fact that it was a distance PR for me by 0.6 miles I'm okay with that.


        Nice run!


          Brilliant - have you trained in those kinds of temperatures?  How early is the race? It won't be that hot early in the a.m.  Good job on the easy eight.


          LRB - I am definitely done with winter.


          Kathleen - good job telling your evil twin where to go. I'm glad the six were good ones.


          PAD - You must have been feeling good!  I hope you had water with you. .


          Jerry - 40 definitely feels balmy after the cold of the past month. Enjoy. We're supposed to get up to 40 around 4:00.  Too late to enjoy today, but tomorrow should be nice.


          Texas CPA - sweet.  I love spring.


          Z - enjoy your rest day . I hope you find some time to get outdoors to enjoy the warmth, if only walking the dog.


          Jack - I'm glad the ankle is behaving.


          Damaris -   Nice you got to run with DH today.


          Lauren - congratulations on your first 13.1 run.


          AFM:  The race went better than I expected, given the cold (17 at the start) and lack of taper.  I overdressed, but there was enough wind over the snowy fields I was never uncomfortable.  The jacket and vest stayed on the whole way.  I ended up with an 8 minute PR, 2:00:50, but missed my long reach goal of breaking 2 hours. I went out way too fast, but have better endurance so it didn't hurt me as much as it did last year at my first half..


            LRB, you could always spend 2 hours on a treadmill to avoid the eskimo layers. Wink


            I'll take the igloo thanks. lol I miss the birds singing.


            'Sup Pens! Nice running!


            PAD that pic is funny!


              I ended up with an 8 minute PR, 2:00:50


              That is awesome! Well done, you have come a long way to get to this point!


                Ginny- Fantastic race!  In those conditions and with such a crummy winter, that's fantastic!  Are you going to do another one this year to try to break 2:00?


                WW meeting done, walked to lunch, went to the store, now about to get back out into the sunshine (it's  70 degrees, folks) to walk the dogs.  It is almost criminally nice outside today.


                  My phone locked up and lost my post


                  congrats to Ginny and Lauren for 13.1.


                  Way to go Ginny on your race! big PR for you.


                  Just realized yesterday was my runiversary and I missed it.


                  I got in an easy 4 this morning.  Shooting for 11 tomorrow.





                    Just realized yesterday was my runiversary and I missed it.


                    On the old BF that thread would have went 4 pages long. lol


                    I never did one but I did not mind them, I always thought they were fun.


                      Ginny, wow so awesome. Congrats!!


                      Woohoo Lauren on the 13.1


                      I put a few pics on FB and will put the rest when I get back home. A RR will follow too, but might be a day or two on that. I finished the half in 2:12. Me and Amy pushed Hank to his first HM. I know some of you would have liked to help with the TJ event last October, and a couple did, but if you want the time of your life, find a way to push a child that can't walk. It's more rewarding than words can explain.


                        Wow, Penguins have been busy today!


                        Mitch, that sounds super fun and you finished great considering you were pushing someone!!


                        Lauren, nice running on your distance record. No worries on the MP; you'll get some runs in at MP.


                        Ginny, imagine how fast you would have been if you weren't running in such awful conditions!  I'm sure you can beat 2:00 on your next try.


                        I need to stop checking the weather forecast every few hours; it's just depressing me.  I have not run in heat much at all - my runs are all in the morning, so even on hot days (90 today!) I got my run done before it reached 65.  I've decided that for my three 4-milers planned for this week, I'm going to try to wait until afternoon to run them.  I know it's a little late in the game to try to acclimate to heat, but I figure it's worth doing at least those few miles in the heat.


                        Former Bad Ass

                          I read and commented on your RR< but congrats again, Ginny!




                            It was so nice outside that we stopped by the dog beach on our walk.  That's usually a summertime thing!  Zoe and Mia had a blast.


                              Chocolate labs?  Great picture.  Ben loves water, but not as much when it's cold (or salty).

                              Amazonian Princess

                                Happy weekend!


                                Ginny - Nice job on your HM! I can't imagine running in cold like that with such little sleep - WTG!!


                                Brilliant - you're gonna do great next weekend, I'll be cheering for you from NorCal 


                                Hey, LRB!


                                Nice job on the springtime run, Kathleen!


                                Funny picture, PAD!


                                Jerry - how are fish fry's for carb loading? 


                                Hello, Texas_CPA!


                                Cutie pups, Zelanie!


                                Good luck on your Sunday HM, Jack! I'm cheering for you, too!


                                Hi, Docket, hope your weather isn't terrible!


                                Ermagerd! Lauren's got a new distance PR 


                                Traci - Happy Runiversary + 1 day!


                                Looking forward to pics and RR, H4L!


                                AFM, 5 miles on a gorgeous sunny day and passed by three shirtless guys who smelled nice, so yay!

                                I can. I will. I am. 
