Beginners and Beyond

DTR Endurance 50K: Docket's First Ultra (Long with Pics).... (Read 197 times)


delicate flower

    Congratulations, Docket!  Sounds like a pretty brutal race.  Heat, pounding sun, black flies, sand in shoes, tough dunes, river crossings.  Can't say I envy that!  LOL



    flashlight and sidewalk

      Nice work!  That's a lot of asthma symptom free miles...maybe you are on to something!  I've heard 50 milers can cure asthma Joking.  Congrats on the first ultra...definitely a nice addition to an already impressive running career.


      **Ask me about streaking**



        What a race!   Congrats, Damaris!!!    That course sounds awful, but you SUCCEEDED!!   Way to go!!

        But The Smile That I Sent Out Returned With You.


          ...Heat, pounding sun, black flies, sand in shoes, tough dunes, river crossings.


          To a Bad Ass such as D though that reads as; pink hearts, yellow moons, orange stars, green clovers and blue diamonds.  It just made her hungry - lol!


          Former Bad Ass



            I am already looking at options for next April....



              I believe it!


                I hate flies ... that is all I have to say about that one.


                Awesome job on a brutal day and course. Congrats on the first (of many) ultras!

                Train smart ... race smarter.

                  Crazy awesome girl!!! I am very impressed!

                  Completed my first half marathon 2:09:04!!!


                  Caretaker/Overlook Hotel

                    Crazy awesome girl!!! I am very impressed!




                    Damn, D you are definitely off to the races.  You've got some kind of endurance gene that I just definitely do not have.  That's a long jaunt from the corn cob / watermelon wars!


                    Big grin



                    Chasing Rainbows

                      Wow, sounds like a tough course.  Congratulations on finishing your first ultra!

                      The obstacle is the path. - Zen proverb


                      Former Bad Ass

                        Haha.  I wish Van would do one of those monthly challenges again!





                        Damn, D you are definitely off to the races.  You've got some kind of endurance gene that I just definitely do not have.  That's a long jaunt from the corn cob / watermelon wars!


                        Big grin



                        Former Bad Ass

                          Thanks, guys.  I'm still pumped.  And Banshee's RR is not really helping, bahaha.


                          redrum, I've know about my endurance for quite a while.  So long as I run slow enough that my asthma does not rise, I can run for hours.  This race just proved it, ha.


                            Congratulations, D.  What an adventure that must have been.  I can't imagine running an ultra through terrain and conditions like that, something right out of an Indiana Jones movie.


                            Great job being tough the whole way.


                            Seven Deadly Shins

                              congrats on making the cutoff and your first ultra!


                                Awesome job!


                                I think on our Fast Company race schedule, it says this is the "DTF" Endurance Run.

                                Which made me laugh every time I saw it, because I have the brain of a 13 year old.