Beginners and Beyond

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    Plan is to have solid mileage this week because I leave for Japan on Sunday. My work schedule there is very busy so it will be hard to get many miles in. Hopefully I can figure out how to use a TM that's all in Japanese. Coach is a coworker and is also going on this trip so at least she's on top of my schedule. She's also running CIM (but will finish an hour earlier, lol) so has similar mileage to get in while we're traveling.


    Not sure where you'll be, but I have managed to find places to run outside most places I've traveled, Japan included. And always did early morning before any work stuff started. Good luck!



      7 easy miles. Had to start at 515am and then loop around the neighborhood a million times because MrW worked early


      Plan is to have solid mileage this week because I leave for Japan on Sunday. My work schedule there is very busy so it will be hard to get many miles in. Hopefully I can figure out how to use a TM that's all in Japanese. Coach is a coworker and is also going on this trip so at least she's on top of my schedule. She's also running CIM (but will finish an hour earlier, lol) so has similar mileage to get in while we're traveling.


      Worst case scenario you can go by the time on the treadmill and guesstimate the distance based on how you feel. 👍



        I have the Garmin 235 and don't see any of those messages. You have to pay extra for a watch that is mean to you?


        Exactly. I'd rather pay less for indifference. lol



          I ran 16 on the TM. Too hot and humid to do it outside, especially with no clouds. I did 4 x (2 MP + 1 easy). It sucked. I got my ferritin tested last week and it is down a bit, despite being really good about taking the pills. Currently I'm at 23, with normal starting at 22 according to the new test (used to be 15 I think?). I know it's too low for me. I don't know what to do next  because it is really affecting my ability to run, as well as the way I feel when I'm doing it.


          What mg are your pills? I noticed a lot of them are quite low. I looked til I found a "high dose" and then doubled that. But now that I'm not training for anything I keep forgetting to take them. 



            I really think I should start looking into what I eat. Maybe half a family size bag of chips the evening before a race does influence the next day's performance, even if you had pasta for supper. I'm almost 50, ffs 


            I started noticing the nutrition impact way more this year.


            UM 45 Ohio 23

              ran 3 easy followed by 20 minutes on the stationary bike. run felt ok; hammy thing still there, and can feel it while sitting at work today, but I think it's getting better...still hoping to do Free Press marathon in October but beginning to think peeling off half way is more likely.


              LRB - nice run this weekend! That's a race I was hoping to do for the first time this year but...definitely a difficult course


              Former Bad Ass


                Worst case scenario you can go by the time on the treadmill and guesstimate the distance based on how you feel. 👍


                ^ This.  At least for easy runs this will work.




                  Plan is to have solid mileage this week because I leave for Japan on Sunday. My work schedule there is very busy so it will be hard to get many miles in. Hopefully I can figure out how to use a TM that's all in Japanese. Coach is a coworker and is also going on this trip so at least she's on top of my schedule. She's also running CIM (but will finish an hour earlier, lol) so has similar mileage to get in while we're traveling.


                  Also, FTR - my last trip to Japan was 3 weeks out from a marathon, so I was pretty concerned. Ended up getting all my scheduled runs in, though not without some challenges. I left home on Sunday, but needed to get up super early to squeeze in a 22-miler before going to the airport. And thanks to the international date line, on my log it looks like no runs on the outbound travel day and 2 runs on the return travel day. The latter was one run in Japan in the AM, one run in the afternoon after getting back home, which was a miserable jet-lagged slog. Anyway, long story short, that marathon ended up being my PR and Boston qualifier. YMMV. 


                  From the Internet.

                    Yesterday's run was a menstrual cycle issue - so now the last 2 cycles have been shorter than usual, which likely means I've put myself into an energy deficit. Gonna cram in the calories and spread out the hard days a bit more for the next 4 weeks and hope I can correct it before race day. I am figuring I'll attempt club workout tomorrow, run MLR Friday, last 20+ next Monday, and taper roughly as usual from there.


                      I ran 8



                        Worst case scenario you can go by the time on the treadmill and guesstimate the distance based on how you feel. 👍


                        My watch will help me with pace, I'm more concerned with turning it on! The last hotel room I stayed in there had a toilet with probably 16 buttons and I never did figure out which one was just "flush normally".



                          Not sure where you'll be, but I have managed to find places to run outside most places I've traveled, Japan included. And always did early morning before any work stuff started. Good luck!


                          That's what I did last trip. This time, my days are scheduled starting at 6am. Japan is pretty safe but I don't need to be running outside in the dark at like 4-5am in a unfamiliar city.



                            My watch will help me with pace, I'm more concerned with turning it on! The last hotel room I stayed in there had a toilet with probably 16 buttons and I never did figure out which one was just "flush normally".


                            lol - That's hilarious...well, you know what I mean. 😂


                            delicate flower

                              Still no news on Boston for us folks on the cut line.



                              Super B****

                                Still no news on Boston for us folks on the cut line.


                                Didn't find out until late Thursday afternoon last year. Settle in.

                                chasing the impossible


                                because i never shut up ... i blog