Beginners and Beyond

TUESDAILIES - bust out your Jazz Hands! (Read 227 times)


    Bob: Hi!!!!  Have a great 11 hilly ones this AM!


    I completely miscalculated the training schedule for Carmel.  I don't start training 12/10, it's 12/17, so I just earned myself a bonus week.  Crazy.  Anyway, I'm in the middle of a cutback week b/c my legs are trashed, so I've got some easy miles set for tonight.  Less then 10 and more than 5.

    not lazy, just tired

      Good morning, runners!  7.2 easy miles for me last night.  I dressed way too warm on that run.  I've just sort of gotten on auto-pilot and dressed like it was 35 degrees.  It was 55 when the run started though.  It's supposed to be even warmer today.  I won't make that mistake again.


      Lazydog, where in Vermont are you skiing?  And they actually have snow?  DW and I have Mount Snow season passes and things are not looking good there right now.   


      Have a great Tuesday! 


      Baboon, we're at Stratton. Last week it was like winter here - skiing was great and they were making snow like crazy. Also had a couple of inches of real stuff. It's really warm today with a chance of rain, so I'm not sure how it will be. I'm heading up to Killington this afternoon to see a boot fitter at Basin.

      Not if it makes sense.


        Good Morning Friends!


        It's disgustingly warm for a December morning here in Texas too.... I sure hope we get some kind of winter to get rid of the mosquitoes.


        Weezer – Hope you had a nice run this morning!


        Gustav – Sounds like you did a lot of working out yesterday! Love that you and your DW have such a nice singing arrangement worked out!


        Eddie, Robert – Enjoy your rest day!


        Kay – It sure is hard to stay inside when it's nice outside. I think you're making the right call by running instead of Pilates (not that Pilates doesn't have it's place....)


        Tom – Congrats on hitting 1000 for the year – that's impressive!


        Bertha – Hope you can get some XT in today, but if not, I'm sure you'll figure it out. Enjoy the tree decorating with the kids!


        Angela – I hope that you are able to find something that you enjoy more than elliptical. Good luck on your test tomorrow!


        SLD – Exactly! Where has winter gone? I want a refund from Mother Nature!


        Baboon – Oh! I hate it when I dress too warmly! Great job on your run last nigh!


        Onirocdarb – Congrats on getting the 30 you wanted last week! Have fun with your 6 today!


        Bob – Which is more difficult – getting the kids to school or the 11 hilly miles? ;-) Enjoy your run!


        Dave – Wow! That was a speedy run this morning! I couldn't run that fast even with someone chasing me!


        I ran 6.51 last night and really felt good while doing it. It was probably the first run in more than a week where my knee didn't bother me the whole time. And, as an added bonus, I thoroughly enjoyed all the neighbors Christmas lights as I ran past them. There were a few Grizzwold type set ups that made me glad that I don't live next door to or across from them, but overall, I loved them!! I'm going for 8-10 today – probably at lunch.


        Happy Tuesday, Runners! May today's run be simply Pinktacular!!


        - Sarah


        But The Smile That I Sent Out Returned With You.


          RMT3B - Ooohhh!  An extra week - that's fabulous!  I can always use an extra week, especially at this time of the year - way too much to do!  I'm sure that you'll figure out a way to fill up your time.    ;-)   Enjoy your run later!

          But The Smile That I Sent Out Returned With You.


            Morning, folks! Dropping DS off at school, then running 5-6 miles and doing a strength training class. Tonight, DS has his school Christmas concert, which I think I'm more worried about than he is.


            Oh, and Bob, the important thing is proper footwear. It's warm today, so Crocs without the fuzzy lining would be appropriate. Wink

            20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


              Good morning all...


              4 slow and easy recovery miles last night.  Plan is for 6 after work today. 


              delicate flower

                Baboon, we're at Stratton. Last week it was like winter here - skiing was great and they were making snow like crazy. Also had a couple of inches of real stuff. It's really warm today with a chance of rain, so I'm not sure how it will be. I'm heading up to Killington this afternoon to see a boot fitter at Basin.



                Oh gear!  Have fun!


                Word is, Mount Snow has run out of snow making water.  Combine that with rain and warm weather and I'm thinking DW and I will stay home this weekend.  They only had limited runs open to begin with.



                Former Bad Ass

                  Morning! I'm alive! SRD for me. Long day at work.



                    Hey guys! MRI today than I'll get the all clear to go running next week. I'm 100% better at rest and walking fast, so I'm ready to go. I've decided on a March 10K for fun. The race is a big one and is really fun for St. Pats day. I'm looking forward to "jogging" it this year all decked out in green. It attracts about 4000 runners each year. Lots of fun and a nice goal to look forward coming back. 

                    Running is my mental-Ctrl-Alt-Del. 


                    Not a dude

                      Bob! Hi! Damaris, it must be hard to get back in the swing of things after what you dealt with this weekend. Ugh! As for me, 3.5 miles on the treadmill according to the screen thingy, but I felt like I was moving much faster and therefore did a bunch more miles. Anyway, I tossed in 5 x 2:30 hill intervals a la Pfitz to add some quality to the run. I'm tossing in some of the easier workouts in his plan now before I start my next official training cycle January 21st.

                      Wickedly Average


                        Oh, and Bob, the important thing is proper footwear. It's warm today, so Crocs without the fuzzy lining would be appropriate. Wink


                        Extra credit if they're bright orange!

                        Tom (formerly known as PhotogTom)

                        5K - 25:16, 10K - 55:31,  15K - 1:20:55,   HM - 1:54:54

                        Jess runs for bacon

                          Good morning everyone! Rest day for me today, everyone enjoy your runs! It's beautiful here.


                          delicate flower

                            Hey guys! MRI today than I'll get the all clear to go running next week. I'm 100% better at rest and walking fast, so I'm ready to go. I've decided on a March 10K for fun. The race is a big one and is really fun for St. Pats day. I'm looking forward to "jogging" it this year all decked out in green. It attracts about 4000 runners each year. Lots of fun and a nice goal to look forward coming back. 



                            HOORAY!!  Good luck with the MRI! 



                              HOORAY!!  Good luck with the MRI! 

                               Might I convince you and your wife to come up to Holyoke for the Holyoke St. Pats race. Its so much fun! 

                              Running is my mental-Ctrl-Alt-Del. 


                                I know this sounds like something a teacher would hear from a student, but the dog just ate one of my heel cups that I use in my running shoes!!   No time to get new ones before I run today and today was going to be my last run of any decent length before my HM on Sunday.   Very frustrated!!  And, now I can't decide.....   Do I get out the for the full 8-10 that I was planning on without the heel supports and "hope" that my feet don't have issues or do I go for something shorter or do I not go at all?   


                                It's a good thing I love the dog......     Oiy......

                                But The Smile That I Sent Out Returned With You.