Beginners and Beyond


Recovery run Sundailies (Read 41 times)


delicate flower

    Wakey wakey!  I've got an easy run on tap this morning.  I'm surprisingly achy after yesterday's race.  I woke up a few times last night thinking "wtf ouch."  Heh.


    What do all you fine folks have scheduled today?



      I'm surprisingly achy after yesterday's race.




        Damaris is running 26.2 miles this morning. That's a lotta gumbo!



          Good luck DR!


          I ran 3.2 miles this morning.  I think the legs appreciated it after it was over, but they didn't like the first mile at all.


          I hope everyone has a great day!

          Runner with a riding problem.


          delicate flower

            7 flat miles done on the rail trail.  I was achy but felt ok.  8:10 pace.  I'll tag along with DW to the pool later and get in a swim.



              Wakey wakey!  I've got an easy run on tap this morning.  I'm surprisingly achy after yesterday's race.  I woke up a few times last night thinking "wtf ouch."  Heh.


              What do all you fine folks have scheduled today?


              News flash! Baboon is human!


              Medium-long run In a little while. It's a cutback week.




                I had 10 miles planned today, but I am not sure if it is going to happen. It would appear that I've been dealt the same stomach bug/issue that Dorian was dealt, although I've only puked once but I've had the "other" issue and I've been sick to my stomach since last night shortly after going to bed.

                I will say the Ceasar Salad at Logan's Roadhouse was not good, it was drenched in dressing and just didn't taste right. We ate there last night around 9 PM, I also had a Filet Mignon but it tasted good. We got home around 9:45 or so and then went to bed shortly, I don't think I got food poisoning because I am already starting to feel better but it sucked tasting that crap coming back up 

                *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                 26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


                  17.7 miles with 2 x 4 MP, with 1 mile Easy between the two.

                  Became more and more difficult as the run went on because of the snow that fell continuously during the run.

                  Managed to only get 50 miles in this week with this trip to Seattle, but with close to 32 miles in two days, I'm still beat.


                    I ran 10 x 2 minutes in the wind at the track, and it SUCKED. There was a portion of the track that was covered with snow, but it wasn't bad. My problem was that I went out way too hard for the first half, then carried my ass under my arm for the rest of it.


                    9.5 miles total.


                    Despite the pure misery I was in, today was a good day.


                      I ran 10 x 2 minutes in the wind at the track, and it SUCKED. There was a portion of the track that was covered with snow, but it wasn't bad. My problem was that I went out way too hard for the first half, then carried my ass under my arm for the rest of it.


                      Heh, quite a range in splits. But nice work and your longest run in awhile. Smile

                      Half Crazy K 2.0

                        10+. 2 easy, 2 @ HM pace, 2 min recover, 2 x 1 mike @ 10k pace with 2-3 min recover, 2 miles @ HM pace, then easy miles to finish it off.


                        Freesoul, hope you feel better.


                          I ran 10 x 2 minutes in the wind at the track, and it SUCKED. There was a portion of the track that was covered with snow, but it wasn't bad. My problem was that I went out way too hard for the first half, then carried my ass under my arm for the rest of it.


                          9.5 miles total.


                          Despite the pure misery I was in, today was a good day.

                          You certainly have a way with words. That cracked me up. Nice workout too.


                          I still feel like total crap but need to run/walk/crawl through 3 miles to hit my mileage goal for the week so that will happen at some point.


                          Good luck on the race, D!

                          Jack K.

                          uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                            I just ran 9 miles with wife and now we are off for eating eggs and pancakes and stuff.


                              I ran 10 x 2 minutes in the wind at the track, and it SUCKED. There was a portion of the track that was covered with snow, but it wasn't bad. My problem was that I went out way too hard for the first half, then carried my ass under my arm for the rest of it.


                              9.5 miles total.


                              Despite the pure misery I was in, today was a good day.


                              Great workout, dude! 10 x 2 minutes out of almost 10 miles means recovery to me, doesn't it?


                              MTA: What I meant by recovery is not like a recovery run, but recovery from injury. When I re-read my post, I said WTF?


                              Super B****

                                The world is back in proper alignment -- 13.15.  (Because Strava.  And I didn't run that far this month since my body was busy being a shit.)

                                chasing the impossible


                                because i never shut up ... i blog
