Beginners and Beyond


IMT Des Moines HM - October 19, 2014 (Read 33 times)


Return To Racing

    Short Version:

    This FM/HM starts and ends in downtown Des Moines.  4,959 runners in the HM, 1,583 in the FM.


    This was our 5th HM.  We chose this one as DW's nephew/wife live in Des Moines, and they were going to run this race for their second HM.   We previously ran with them in our Debut HM last year in Knoxville, so we wanted to give them a second chance to beat us (not to mention putting us up for a couple of nights)


    Our Goal:  2:19:36,  1 second PR.


    Time:  2:17:46 for both of us (apparently joined at the hip)


    Me:   OA 3055/4959, G 1377/1754, AG 43/66

    DW:  OA 3056/4959,   G 1679/3205, AG 44/117



    PR's:     1:50 for us.

    20 minutes for the niece.

    40 minutes for the nephew (didn’t run with his wife this time)



    Longer Version:

    Until maybe a month ago, we hadn’t even considered  a PR.  I was struggling on my long runs with achy knees and ankles.  So,  I started doing more leg exercises at the gym and did some 1 legged standing at home.   Well, the LR pains improved and the cooler temps really speeded up our pace (probably we just started out fast to keep warm and never slowed down).  We had never run in a pace group before, so we thought it would be fun to try either the 2:10 or 2:20 pace team and take a shot at a PR.  At the race expo on Saturday, we decided to go with the 2:20 and go for a “fast” finish.


    Our nephew got us to the race in plenty of time and there was only a short wait for the POP’s.    There didn’t seem to be any assigned corrals so we made our way  through the crowd and found our pace team/leader (Kaiti).  It was nice being in a group to help relieve the pre-race anxiety.  The Nephew/niece were on their own somewhere behind us.  The race started late at 8:10 on the Grand Avenue bridge.  The FM and HM started together for 3 miles and the full broke off until mile 18 (our mile 5).


    Miles 1-3





    It was very busy going through downtown Des Moines, and it was a little difficult staying with Katie, but we felt great and always kept her in sight and occasionally passed her.  We thought our nephew was going to run with his wife, but apparently changed his mind and caught up with us at mile 3, and continued on ahead of us.  We were a little concerned since his wife really struggled in her debut last year.  Katie kept up a steady pace and was a lot of fun to run with.  She let us know each mile how much time we had banked.


    Miles  4-6





    This part of the race was in Waterworks Park and we soon had the HM leaders passing us on their way back.  With the fall colors at their peak, the park was picture perfect, sunny and about 45F.   It stayed fairly congested throughout.  I’m not sure if runners tend to gravitate around pace groups when they see them, because our original group was not all that big.  Although it was a little frustrating at times trying to get around runners, it just makes it a little more interesting and I was less likely to worry about getting tired or how far we still have to go.  It also made it more of challenge to stay with DW (always a problem for me) as well as our pace team leader.  As you may have read in a separate thread, I needed a throwaway shirt for the start, so I decided to wear my zippered Chicago Marathon volunteer jacket, so I could at least open it to show the race bib.    I ended up keeping it on for most of the race as did DW.  I noticed my HR was running about 150 instead of the usual 140, so I figured it was just the excitement, but was getting concerned that it might affect the finish.  Around mile 6, DW decided to hit the POP and took off like a shot to pick up some time.  Of course, I when I passed the POP, I gave her a big shout out, which she really appreciated !!!


    Miles 7-9





    Soon after DW caught up with me (didn’t take long) I had to tie my shoe.  These were fairly new shoes and I did notice them loosening the last few weeks, so I should have figured this out.  So, we fell back a bit, but quickly caught up with the pace group.  About another mile and the stupid shoelace lace untied again.  Now we are playing catch up again and it was a little harder this time (for me anyway).  Another mile goes by and it was time for another shoe tying exercise!!!  Triple tied them this time and finally ditched my jacket as well and I had to play catch up for the 3rd time.  This time, the Blerch was attacking and I had doubts whether I could ever catch up to Katie and DW, much less break away from the pace group at the end.  It was really getting hard to pass at this point and I did have to run on the grass when there were breaks in the spectators.  I didn’t even bother looking at the HRM anymore.   We’re still running in Waterworks Park and we can hear the sirens for the Marathon coming up behind us.  As if the path wasn’t narrow enough, now we only had half a path to run on and even worse we came up to an aid station just as the first marathon runner was sailing through.  I think he had to run on the grass.  After that, the path for the marathoners was pretty much closing up, so I don’t know what they did.  I pretty much was focused on trying to keep up with the group.


    Miles 10-13.3






    We finally got out ahead of the pace group with a couple of miles to go and I’m surprised that the knees and ankles are holding up.   We are out of the park and back on the streets getting back into the downtown.  Lots of room to run and we’re passing lots of runners.  Just when I thought I saw the finish, it was just a big sign and we had another turn with the finish line on the bridge that we started from.   We did finish as usual holding hands and happy for the PR.  We made our way to the next bridge for food and the lines were long, but thankfully  Jimmy Johns people were walking around  passing out sandwiches.   We got our results printed out, hit the POP’s and found our niece and nephew who were very happy with their times as well.  Everyone felt good and we walked maybe a mile to the car and drove over to a downtown brewpub to celebrate.  Went back to the house to shower and we drove up to Ames to visit ISU where I and both of them went to school.  Campus is so beautiful in the fall.



    While I’m happy with the PR,  I continue to be disappointed with the AG place.  I would happily settle for average.  I would have to get to 2:10 to get to the median of my current AG.  OTOH, I will age into the next AG in 2 weeks   So what’s the median for the next AG?  It’s still 2:10 !!!   What’s going on?  Maybe it’s those super motivated/healthy Baby Boomers.  Or maybe it’s just survival of the fittest.  Guess I better go for the 2:10 Pace Team, next race.    That will be in Salt Lake in April, unless it’s another crappy winter and we need to find another winter warm weather race.   I will also will need to improve my shoe tying skills.


    I’d recommend this race to anyone, except maybe fast marathoners that might conflict with the slow HM’s.  Although it’s good to have a majority of the race in the Park, it does cause some congestion problems.  The HM does not go through any residential areas, but there were still lots of spectators cheering the runners  in the park.  There’s several hotels near the starting line and the downtown is clean and gentrified (breweries and brewpubs).   Airport’s not too far away.  Overall, it was a terrific weekend and we are looking forward to our next race.  Hopefully we will have a better winter for running outside and staying in shape.

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    Former Bad Ass

      Great RR and job!  Congratulations to all!



      Seven Deadly Shins

        congrats on the race and all of your your PRs!


        Family running is fun


          Congratulations on the PR, despite the shoe problem.  I have the same luck with shoe laces, they seem to untie much too easily and always at the wrong moment. With a less crowded event, and shoes that stayed tied, you probably would have cut a couple more minutes off your time.


          I noticed that there were a lot more women than men in the race, any idea why?


            Very nice J!  A family that runs together stays together...or something like that.  Big grin


            Strong legs and cooler temps do make for PR's, congrats!


              Congratulations, Jerry! And to your wife and nephew/niece as well! I think you and your wife ran great splits and I'm sure that next year, if you remain uninjured (and you will if you keep up the leg exercises), you can hit sub-2:10. I know how frustrating laces can be, the same thing has happened to me in the past. Grrr... I enjoyed your RR very much and, out of curiosity, I went to read about Des Moines, on Wikipedia. Richest city in America in 2014, according to NBC. Also, the word Moingona may be from mooyiiinkweena, a derogatory name which translates roughly to "the excrement-faces." The name was apparently given to Marquette and Joliet by a tribal leader to dissuade them from doing business with a neighboring tribe. So my people were called shitfaces. Sounds appropriate. 

              PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                      Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

              18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                Nice RR. Thanks for sharing.

                Jack K.

                uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                  Congrats, Jerry and Mrs. Jerry.  It's great that you two run together and have fun at it. About the age group, some friends and I say the same thing. It seems that the older we get the faster the groups get. At one 5k we were at the start chatting with a guy who looked like the Crypt Keeper and he ran an 18 something. Keep at it, you'll get there!