Beginners and Beyond


Flexuose Friday Penguins (Read 27 times)


Barking Mad To Run

    The "Penguin" daily threads were originally conceived to emphasize that all members of the community have a place on the boards. Encouragement, motivation, a little love nip (you will love one, give it a try!) or even a little kick in the pants when needed -- it can happen here.


    Basically, we celebrate just getting out there and moving our tails!What is "slow"? "Slow" is a perception but one of the common benchmarks is the 10:00/mi pace; but there's no firm line. In fact, there are many of us that have slipped past this, and just hope that no one notices and revokes their "igloo privileges."


    It can be confusing for the forum newbies, but we're not one of the teams in any of the fine games. It's a totally open group, so stop lurking, post an introduction of yourself dive in and join the fun! No application necessary! There might even be a lovely picture for Scotty (we love pics!) ShyShyShy

    "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


    Barking Mad To Run

      Flexuose:  full of windings and turnings; undulating.


      Hope your Friday is fun-filled and the only windings and turnings you  encounter are in your running miles!


      Today is July 12th.   Bizarre Holidays for today are Pecan Pie Day and Different Colored Eyes Day!










      "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


      Former Bad Ass

        Morning.  SRD for me.



        Barking Mad To Run

          Scooby-Dooby-Doo Penguins, Where Are You?
          We got some work to do now.
          Scooby-Dooby-Doo Penguins, Where Are You?
          We need some help from you now.

          Rest day for me today.  After work will be picking up my packets for my 8K event on Saturday morning and my 5K event on Sunday morning.  Saturday race predicted weather:  79 degrees at 8 a.m., 76 percent humidity, and a dew point, thank goodness, under 70, at 68.     Sunday will be better, only 77 degrees, 67% humidity and dew point of only 64.

          "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt

          Bin Running

            Scotty, enjoy the RD and good luck with the double race weekend.


            Damaris, enjoy the RD.


            3 easy miles on kinvaras. I am quietly confidence I might be able to race a 10K in them for my next one.

            2015 Races

            2XU HM - 29 Mar


              Good morning Scotty, Bin, and DR.  Either the penguins are lazy today, or all too busy to post.


              3 miles easy recovery jog this morning.


              We're going to the Phillies game tonight!


              Return To Racing

                Morning Pengs.  Early workout at health club with the weight machines and got my morning stretching done. Now for ice and coffee.   Getting DD2 ready for bachelorette party she is hosting for DD1.  They rented a condo...oh oh ???   Guess this is official start of wedding activities over next 2 months.  Have a great weekend.


                Jack K.

                uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                  Hi Pens...


                  Docket: Enjoy your rest.

                  Scotty: pulling a double this weekend!!

                  Bin: my headband and Hulk Hogan mustache are ready for Sunday. Smile

                  PF: have fun at the game. I hear that is a gorgeous stadium there, way better than the old Vet.

                  Jerry: rented condo? Good luck. Smile


                  Five more hours of driving today an we will be in Missoula. We have four easy miles on tap for later and tomorrow is the race expo and packet pickup.

                  Bin Running

                    Jack, go rock that race!

                    2015 Races

                    2XU HM - 29 Mar


                      Jerry -- I  foresee Chippendale dancers visiting the condo...


                      Jack -- Yes, Citizen's Bank Park is much nicer than the Vet was.  We would go to more games in person if it weren't not such a hassle for us to get there (60-90 minutes travel time each way).  We get lazy about going since we can see every game on TV.


                      Baconista -- I say go for it regarding the shorts. You will probably feel cooler.  Which reminds me..


                      Zel -- Did you don the tank tops yet?  If not, you should.  You are a thin lady now, and thin ladies wear tank tops with confidence.  Plus it will be much cooler for running.


                      Return To Racing

                        Jerry -- I  foresee Chippendale dancers visiting the condo...


                        Close Margo,  They are going to the dancers at the Sugar Shack in Lake Geneva..... gag



                          Jerry, sounds like a lot of good memories are gonna be made at that condo!

                          Jack, scotty, good luck with your races!

                          Phillie is going to a phille game!

                          Bin, Im a big kinvara fan now.

                          Dam, enjoy the RD.

                          Jimmy, welcome back


                          I ran 4.5 miles last night.  4mi on kinvara and last 1/2mi barefoot.   Gonna rest today although I will do some easy strength stuff for ITB and shin splint prevention.




                          From the Internet.

                            Morning pens! Water running intervals, after which I got totally bitched out by an older woman for leaving my water running belt on the bench/shelf thing in front of the lockers while I jumped in the shower to rinse off the chlorine D: I blame it on the fact that A. I look young for my age without makeup (seriously, I sat in the emergency row of a plane in June and the flight attendant asked how old I was to make sure I was over 15!) and 2. have a tendency toward chronic bitchface - I guess I just look like someone who needs a good talking-to instead of asking me in a civil manner. I only brought one towel and was going to mop it up after drying myself off, just bad luck/timing that she happened to come in and have her stuff in the locker next to mine. I apologized profusely, hid in the little girls' locker room to dry off/get changed, and mopped up the puddle before racing out the door. Ugh. Going to start bringing a second towel to avoid future confrontations.


                            Coffee and breakfast mostly fixed my mood after that unpleasantness, getting some work done now, then having my car inspected this afternoon and picking up ribeyes for dinner tonight - DH's and my 5th anniversary!


                              Good morning friends!

                              *raises hand*  She PeCan here!


                              Hi ya Scotty, Bin, Damaris, Margo, Jerry (them girls better behave themselves!),


                              Jack-- yay@ almost being to Missoula!  I just so imagine a Montana race being absolutely gorgeous.



                               Zel -- Did you don the tank tops yet?  If not, you should.  You are a thin lady now, and thin ladies wear tank tops with confidence.  Plus it will be much cooler for running.

                              for sure Zelanie...You're such a cutie pie... you can rock it.  Heck, I may be too scared to run in a bra, but I think I'd be miserable in the heat without my tank tops.


                              Lauren-- ahhhh@ being bitched at.  I probably would have handled it like you, and been a bit shaken up.  Can't take things like that too personally though.  Glad your mood is back up now.  Have a lovely anniversary dinner with your DH!  Congratulations for making it 5 years. Cool


                              I was surprised to get in 8-1/2 today.  I'd slept late and then when I went out, I was sure the clouds were going to burn up within minutes, but nope, stayed nice and overcast the whole run!   Okay, now for a little ego strutting... apparently a customer where my son works seen my son and I out the other day, and told my son, "I saw you and your pretty, little gal out and about."  He said he used to feel so mad when people would say things like that, but he said now he just feels proud to have pretty, young looking mom.  Blush Gosh, I love him!


                              "We do not become the people who this world needs simply by turning our backs on anyone we don’t like, trust, or deem healthy enough to be in our presence. "  ---- Shasta Nelson


                                Happy Anniversary Lauren.  I hope the rest of your day goes better than your morning.


                                Scotty - I hope your races are good ones this weekend.  Enjoy your RD.


                                Damaris - enjoy your RD.  Do you have any races in the near future, or are you waiting for cooler weather?


                                Bin - I take it Kinvaras require a pretty good break in to get used to them?  What happens if you don't start slowly?


                                Margo - enjoy the game.  I haven't been to a live game in many years, but I remember how fun it was to be part of an enthusiastic crowd.


                                Jerry - sounds like your daughters are going all out for this wedding.  Is she the first to get married?


                                Jack - I'm sure you'll do well at the race Sunday.  Have fun.


                                Traci - it's so great that you're able to run again without problems.  You've done a good job of being careful but consistent.


                                AFM:  it's cool (76) and cloudy today, so I'm looking forward to a good run after yesterday's hot and humid slog.  Next week we go back to the 90's, so I want to take advantage of this respite.
