Beginners and Beyond

ThursDAILIES: The straw that broke the camel's back (Read 43 times)


Super B****


    <==============  yep, hence the tag line.


    But I have to BQ and run Boston first.


    I so wish that doctor had never told me I couldn't run a marathon!!!!

    chasing the impossible


    because i never shut up ... i blog

    No more marathons

      With less than 2 weeks to go before my goal races at the senior games, my schedule is short distances with fartlek and strides mixed in.

      Today called for 3 miles (I did 3.6) with 1 X 800 @ 1500 race pace.  WTF?  That would be like 2 miles @ 5K pace.  OK, not really, but it was a bitch.  Didn't quite make it - but got close.  Went for 6:20 pace and got 6:30.


      #sigh.  It's a good thing they have age graded time calculators, and age group awards for OldPharts.   Otherwise the times this PhatOldMan is able to churn out would be very depressing.

      Boston 2014 - a 33 year journey

      Lordy,  I hope there are tapes. 

      He's a leaker!




        I actually am running a half marathon on Sunday.


        Maybe start with the 10x400m with 90 second recoveries part of it or, looking back at last year's log, Addie gave me almost the same workout the week of the race but a shorter wu/cd:


        1 mile at 10k pace

        4 minute recovery

        8x400m w/ 90 sec recoveries


        So you could do that variation too


        See I was going to ask about the 90 seconds, I figured they were for recoveries. Yeah I would definitely tweak the 400m part lol, 10-12 just is a lot... although I think I've made the mistake at least once and ended up with a 9 mile run on the track that would've been 10 had I done a 2 mile cool down instead of choosing to cut it to 1.



        Would it make any difference or benefit me more or hurt more if I were to do something like this..

        2 mile warm up

        1 mile at 10k pace

        4 minute recovery (or 2 laps....?)

        5x800m at 5k pace with the 90 second recoveries (or 1 lap recovery......?)

        2 mile cool down


        I'm still learning these things, and one lap at 5k pace... or should I say the pace I'd love to have for a 5k seems easy enough if I do it 8 times (I've done it, accidentally). Or would it have about the same effect?

        *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


        5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

        10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

        15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

        13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

         26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)

        No more marathons


          But I have to BQ and run Boston first.



             Hee.  That (Boston) was my last one.  That's why I can confidently say "no more"

          Boston 2014 - a 33 year journey

          Lordy,  I hope there are tapes. 

          He's a leaker!



            See I was going to ask about the 90 seconds, I figured they were for recoveries. Yeah I would definitely tweak the 400m part lol, 10-12 just is a lot... although I think I've made the mistake at least once and ended up with a 9 mile run on the track that would've been 10 had I done a 2 mile cool down instead of choosing to cut it to 1.



            Would it make any difference or benefit me more or hurt more if I were to do something like this..

            2 mile warm up

            1 mile at 10k pace

            4 minute recovery (or 2 laps....?)

            5x800m at 5k pace with the 90 second recoveries (or 1 lap recovery......?)

            2 mile cool down


            I'm still learning these things, and one lap at 5k pace... or should I say the pace I'd love to have for a 5k seems easy enough if I do it 8 times (I've done it, accidentally). Or would it have about the same effect?

            5x800 w/ 90 would be harder than 10x400 w/ 90...


            Super B****


                 Hee.  That (Boston) was my last one.  That's why I can confidently say "no more"


              I mean, I COULD suddenly decide I like them after that, which would be fine.  I just don't see the point in running them just to say I did, when I don't particularly care for them.  But I have a feeling it's going to take me a while to get that BQ, so... I will be racking them up.

              chasing the impossible


              because i never shut up ... i blog

              Half Crazy K 2.0

                2 miles easy, then 3 x ( 1 min, 2 min, 3 min, 2 min, 1 min) 1 minute rest between each interval and 2:30 rest between sets and 2-ish miles cool down. I used a route that had a lot of uphill for the intervals, they were all over the place. Plus it was only 73 degrees, which felt amazing after 90+ earlier this week.



                  5x800 w/ 90 would be harder than 10x400 w/ 90...


                  Would that be stupid this early on?

                  Isn't 90 second a minute and 30 seconds? I'd probably bump it to 2-2:30 minutes for that workout.


                  I just can't seem to hold a sub 8mm pace beyond the 1st mile damn it, and I am not sure if it has been the warmish weather or if I haven't been doing enough speed training to benefit. I just feel like I burn myself out in that first mile, but that is the pace I want to hold..... anything under 8 mm, even a 7:59mm pace would make me happy for distances like the 10k and 15k. I'd like to get my HM time down too, but I seriously doubt that'll be happening two weeks from now. I do much better in very cold weather, and one can never be sure about Evansville's weather.

                  *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                  5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                  10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                  15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                  13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                   26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)



                    Would that be stupid this early on?

                    Isn't 90 second a minute and 30 seconds? I'd probably bump it to 2-2:30 minutes for that workout.


                    I just can't seem to hold a sub 8mm pace beyond the 1st mile damn it, and I am not sure if it has been the warmish weather or if I haven't been doing enough speed training to benefit. I just feel like I burn myself out in that first mile, but that is the pace I want to hold..... anything under 8 mm, even a 7:59mm pace would make me happy for distances like the 10k and 15k. I'd like to get my HM time down too, but I seriously doubt that'll be happening two weeks from now. I do much better in very cold weather, and one can never be sure about Evansville's weather.


                    I would try doing some of the workouts you've done already with shorter recoveries. The recoveries shouldn't take longer than it takes to run the interval (for example if you run an 800 in 3:30, you shouldn't take more than 3:30 in recovery time.



                         I would try doing some of the workouts you've done already....


                        This is especially good for form/stride/muscle memory, and plus, the intervals should either be faster, or not as hard.


                          2 miles easy, then 3 x ( 1 min, 2 min, 3 min, 2 min, 1 min) 1 minute rest between each interval and 2:30 rest between sets and 2-ish miles cool down. I used a route that had a lot of uphill for the intervals, they were all over the place. Plus it was only 73 degrees, which felt amazing after 90+ earlier this week.


                          If you run after work, that is as good as it gets.




                            I would try doing some of the workouts you've done already with shorter recoveries. The recoveries shouldn't take longer than it takes to run the interval (for example if you run an 800 in 3:30, you shouldn't take more than 3:30 in recovery time.


                            Well that's not good, looking at my last speed workout - my intervals were 1 lap and around 1:30-1:40 while my recovery was 2 laps around 4 minutes 

                            I did 8x400m with 8x800m recoveries, fuck it all.............. motherfucker man.


                            The week before that I did 4x800m with 4x800m recoveries - the intervals were around 3:20-3:30 and the recoveries were around 4:10-4:30........


                            I have an excuse damn it, I am new to this  AND I am trying not to do anything stupid...........

                            *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                            5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                            10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                            15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                            13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                             26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)



                              I mean, I COULD suddenly decide I like them after that, which would be fine.  I just don't see the point in running them just to say I did, when I don't particularly care for them.  But I have a feeling it's going to take me a while to get that BQ, so... I will be racking them up.


                              Well, we know where my money is.



                                Well that's not good, looking at my last speed workout - my intervals were 1 lap and around 1:30-1:40 while my recovery was 2 laps around 4 minutes 

                                I did 8x400m with 8x800m recoveries, fuck it all.............. motherfucker man.


                                The week before that I did 4x800m with 4x800m recoveries - the intervals were around 3:20-3:30 and the recoveries were around 4:10-4:30........


                                I have an excuse damn it, I am new to this  AND I am trying not to do anything stupid...........


                                It's fine. Don't get your knickers in a knot.