Beginners and Beyond

Labor DAILIES (or Labour depending on your persuasion) (Read 42 times)


Super B****


    Marathon training can be great for 5Ks.  I ran my PhatOldMan PR 4 weeks after Boston in 2014.

    Just sayin  


    I wish this would be the case for me!!  (Except for the part where I'm not exactly TRAINING for a marathon, just running one.  Semantics.)

    chasing the impossible


    because i never shut up ... i blog

    No more marathons


      I have read that, but it hasn't proven the case. For me anyway.


      Did it happen more than once for you?

      Yeah, now that you mention it.

      I checked back and my all time 5K PR was exactly 4 weeks before Marine Corp. In 1982.   So I was heavy in the middle of my all time highest mileage.

      And a week before the 5K I ran what was probably a 10K PR (to be broken a few years later).

      Boston 2014 - a 33 year journey

      Lordy,  I hope there are tapes. 

      He's a leaker!



        Marathon training can be great for 5Ks.  I ran my PhatOldMan PR 4 weeks after Boston in 2014.

        Just sayin  


        I'm thinking of Rupp in that last lap of the Olympics 10K this year.  He was right there, then just did not have the kick at the end.  I was thinking "that's what marathon training does to you right there."


        Are we there, yet?


          Marathon training can be great for 5Ks.  I ran my PhatOldMan PR 4 weeks after Boston in 2014.

          Just sayin  


          I've found the opposite to be true. I've run some of my best marathons off 5k training.

           2024 Races:

                03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.








            5 miles in 82F and 78% humidity. Blerg.


            Great word. lol



              Are you doing Monumental? When are your HMs?


              The first is in 2 weeks and then the half at Monumental.  And then CIM on Dec 4th


              Barking Mad To Run

                Tomorrow is definitely a rest day after this holiday weekend.  Saturday, Tutu Dash 5K, Sunday, 3.5 miles with friends at Lackland Air Force Base; Labor Day 4 miles at Randolph Air Force Base followed immediately by my full-body weight training circuit.


                Also, a lot of football watching - I love football!  And the majority of my teams won: Virginia Tech, Texas Longhorns beat Notre Dame in double overtime - great game!; and my university, UTSA, won its opener under its new coach.

                "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt



                  The first is in 2 weeks and then the half at Monumental.  And then CIM on Dec 4th


                  Cool. I didn't remember that you were doing CIM. That is supposed to be an awesome race. I thought someone else from the forums was doing it too, but I can't remember that either. 




                    Cool. I didn't remember that you were doing CIM. That is supposed to be an awesome race. I thought someone else from the forums was doing it too, but I can't remember that either. 


                    That's me!


                    Former Bad Ass


                      That's me!


                      I think LRB as well or did he just looked at it?


                      I'm going to kill my husband if he does not take me out to lunch soon.  He apparently does not understand the hunger after a 20 miler day.




                        Cool. I didn't remember that you were doing CIM. That is supposed to be an awesome race. I thought someone else from the forums was doing it too, but I can't remember that either. 


                        You were probably on vacay when it came up.  I didn't feel I'd be ready for a November marathon so was looking for something in Dec and my coach highly recommended it.  Plus travelling to CA sounded like more fun than the one I was considering in Alabama.



                           Plus travelling to CA sounded like more fun than the one I was considering in Alabama.


                          You're pretty smart, y'know, for a runner. 

                          Also doesn't hurt that it's noted as one of the fastest courses out there.

                          FE with Zel?




                            I think LRB as well or did he just looked at it?


                            I'm going to kill my husband if he does not take me out to lunch soon.  He apparently does not understand the hunger after a 20 miler day.


                            I never said that.


                            You should eat him then, that'll learn his ass. lol


                              Speaking of food; I just incinerated some Orzo salad. Damn that was good!



                                FE with Zel?

