Beginners and Beyond

TUESDAILIES Are Up Way Too Early Today (Read 49 times)

From the Internet.


    You're smart, just concerned.  Better to have it checked, than to tell her to rub some dirt in it!


    That was my husband's response, lol. I didn't Google until after I called her doctor, mentioned the limp, and they said she should be seen ASAP.


      I'm not a doctor person (which is not necessarily a good thing). I tell my kids "yeah, yeah, it's gonna pass" and it does. My son did a physical test at school where he had to run as many laps around the gym in I don't know how many minutes. He has calf pain since (3-4 days). It's normal as he insists on using stupid soccer shoes instead of proper shoes. The claf pain will pass, and hopefully he'll learn to listen to his pop!


        Oh yeah, 8 easy miles this morning.  I was worried how it would go, because we took the kids swimming at my sister's house yesterday, and I had to help drag a sewing machine up a flight of stairs, and my lower back was killing me all night.  No issues during the run, but sore when I have to bend down to pick something up.


        5k - 20:51 - 9/5/15

        10k - 47:00 - 5/25/15

        15k - 1:10:19 - 11/21/15

        13.1 - 1:42:25- 4/25/15

        26.2 - TBD (someday)



          That was my husband's response, lol. I didn't Google until after I called her doctor, mentioned the limp, and they said she should be seen ASAP.


          One thing I've learned after having kids, is one of the hardest things (at least so far) is to figure out when there's really something wrong and when they're just crying wolf.  Sounds like you are doing the right thing.


          5k - 20:51 - 9/5/15

          10k - 47:00 - 5/25/15

          15k - 1:10:19 - 11/21/15

          13.1 - 1:42:25- 4/25/15

          26.2 - TBD (someday)


            'Sup, team.


            I looked at my work ID this morning for the first time since Thursday and was like "REALLY??" lol


            Four days off were really nice but it's back to the grind, sigh.


            Oh well, it beats being a toad waiting on a kiss from a princess that's never coming. Not that I would know anything about that. Big grin






              That would have been the smart thing to do - I am not so smart!


              I love waiting to hear what my doc has to say on a given issue then immediately follow with "Oh really? Well that's not what google said."


              He falls for it everytime. lol


                hopefully he'll learn to listen to his pop!


                LOL, good one.


                +whatever we're at right now for crap sleep last night. I was up half the night sneezing and blowing my nose. A bit better this morning, hopefully just an allergy thing.

                6 miles.



                  Good morning!!


                  Easy 7 this morning, might do some more later.


                  Yay for a short week! Smile


                  That was a helluva weekend you had running son! Not sure I could pull that off for all the artichokes in, I am sure. Sure that I couldn't!



                    LOL, good one.



                    I know. Not gonna happen 


                    delicate flower

                      I ran.

                      25 minute warm up (3 miles)

                      5 x 5 minutes at goal HMP (6:55...a hair fast) with 1:30 walk recoveries

                      3 slow, hot, and tired miles uphill back home


                      90 minutes, 10.9 miles, 8:14 avg pace.  86 degrees with 68 dew point.  Not good weather for quality work but I got 'er done.



                        Not that I slept, anyway.


                        I also barely slept so I am already at the office.


                        I saw midnight, 2:30 and 4:30.


                        Another "slept like crap" here.


                        +1 slept like crap.


                        +whatever we're at right now for crap sleep last night.



                        So I take it this is the theme of the dailies today? Should be a real snoozer. lol

                        From the Internet.

                           So I take it this is the theme of the dailies today? Should be a real snoozer. lol


                          I actually slept great for the first time in a few days! Allergies have been killing me, took Sudafed before bed and could breathe all night long.


                            Hmmm, and doctors say running makes you sleep better.



                              I actually slept great for the first time in a few days! Allergies have been killing me, took Sudafed before bed and could breathe all night long.


                              My problem is I took some drugs when I was up in the middle of the night, which tends to make me pretty sleepy. I still got up to run, but thought I was going to fall asleep on the drive to work, and feel like I'm going to fall asleep at my desk right now. Gonna be a long day.


                              MTA: also on an unrelated note, my computer is not recognizing my Garmin.  Maybe one of them didn't sleep so well last night either.



                                Hmmm, and doctors say running makes you sleep better.


                                Are these the doctors IRL or the Google doctors? Anyway clearly none of them stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night.
