Beginners and Beyond

2020 Dailies #118 (Read 28 times)





    Coach gave me plan for 60 miles which is super helpful (2x doubles). Following that, I'll have 7-day total of 70 miles on Saturday. I will add in extra to try to hit ~70 for Mon-Sun if I feel ok. I've been running around 35-45 mpw for last 4 months so I think hitting 70 is a worthy but not incredibly stupid goal.


    Former Bad Ass

      My marathon got repostponed.



        Starting May 1st in my county: anyone leaving their house must wear a face covering whenever you are within six-feet of a non-household member. Fine is up to $1000 or 6 months jail.


        Sigh. I run almost entirely on routes where I pass no one. Or it'll average 1-2 people per mile and I run out into the street so like 15 ft away. But I think I need to start carrying a mask so I don't have people yelling at me.

          3 flat, mostly elevated... that’s all the legs had.

          The good news is I  found that they have paved a little section of the cross county trail only about 3 miles form my house.  The section is only .6 mi long but that’s fine for my shorter workouts.   Finding flat, paved, no-tilt is hard to come by here... I also saw no evidence that it floods there.



            Coach gave me plan for 60 miles which is super helpful (2x doubles). Following that, I'll have 7-day total of 70 miles on Saturday. I will add in extra to try to hit ~70 for Mon-Sun if I feel ok. I've been running around 35-45 mpw for last 4 months so I think hitting 70 is a worthy but not incredibly stupid goal.


            Lock & Load!


              Starting May 1st in my county: anyone leaving their house must wear a face covering whenever you are within six-feet of a non-household member. Fine is up to $1000 or 6 months jail.


              In theory, that shouldn't happen. Or am I missing some unique situation?


              Former Bad Ass

                Agree with LRB. Bring a buff on you pocket or bra and only put it on on those rare times. That’s what I do.




                  In theory, that shouldn't happen. Or am I missing some unique situation?


                  Basically it is now required (not just suggested) that everyone wear a mask when you leave the home and are close to others. I can already tell by conversations on NextDoor that people will go crazy if they see me running without one, even if I'm a half mile from another person.


                    Agree with LRB. Bring a buff on you pocket or bra and only put it on on those rare times. That’s what I do.


                    Yeah, I just ordered a few online. If the buff is soaking wet, can you still breathe through it?



                      In theory, that shouldn't happen. Or am I missing some unique situation?


                      I was just thinking this. I could see at a crowded store though

                      Half Crazy K 2.0

                        I cut up a strip of an old t-shirt that I can tie around my face if needed. Basically it's in case I need to use a public bathroom.


                        I ordered buffs for when I actually go out



                          Basically it is now required (not just suggested) that everyone wear a mask when you leave the home and are close to others. I can already tell by conversations on NextDoor that people will go crazy if they see me running without one, even if I'm a half mile from another person.


                          I was concerned about something similar when this all went down, so I empathize with you.



                            I was just thinking this. I could see at a crowded store though


                            Sometimes briefly for a millisecond here and there yes. We are under orders to wear masks in all interior spaces now, although because of politics, some people aren't abiding by it.



                              If it’s a pull, don’t stretch it!


                              Wish I could afford to find out... ugh... with a possible injury meaning weeks of no running, the only thing that could make me feel better is closed until further notice 😭😭😭

                              I'm slowly becoming a depressing basket case... and this beautiful day sure doesn't help!!!!😫😫😫

                              *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                              5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                              10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                              15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                              13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                               26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


                                Ran about 9, with Monday hill sprints