Beginners and Beyond

Catching Fire WednesDAILIES (Read 40 times)


    Catching Fire is the sequel to The Hunger Games. I bought them both to finally see what all the hoopla is about FFS. I watched 1 last night, and will watch 2 tonight.


    Also, after seeing Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation a couple of weeks ago, I ordered that movie series on DVD as well. It was another franchise that I missed out on.


    Mostly because I thought Tom Cruise was washed up, but he was awesome in Rogue Nation, and the general consensus is the previous four are on par with it.


    Anyhoo, I have 7 today. You?


      I will not run today. I earned a SRD.


      delicate flower

        Headed home from Canada today with the Ironwife.  I'll run an hour or so tonight.



        Super B****

          I ran 7, too... because it's a disgusting soupy mess outside (as in, so humid you could drown in it), I decided it's a brilliant idea to run a mile TT!  That was not fun.


          Also, I'm all for being kind to animals and everything, but I'm getting kind of tired of providing mosquitoes with a buffet breakfast.

          chasing the impossible


          because i never shut up ... i blog

          Half Crazy K 2.0

            Morning. I hate that the sun is coming up later each morning, I drag in the am anyway, this is not helping. More than likely a rest day, in-laws are coming for dinner.


              Hola my peeps,


              Huge congratulations to Baboon's wife! I read all about her exploit and I am soooo impressed. Bravo, woman!


              I've been running. Slowly and not many miles, but consistently. 45 miles last week. This week hopefully 60. Average pace about 8:20/8:30. That's all I can do. Average temperature for my runs early in the morning is around 88F, with near 100% humidity. In the afternoon, the temperature goes up to nearly 100F, but humidity always goes down. Damaris can explain why, probably.


              Okay, going for my run now. 6 or 7 only. Our Mexican neighbor invited us on his boat and I have to be ready for it in 2 hours.


              Have a great day!







              PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                      Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

              18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                Good morning peeps!


                Great 8.9 miles this morning, would have been 12ish, but I had to cut it short due to some GI issues (hence leaving that .1 out there lol).  It was still a great run, form felt on point, nice and smooth, last mile or so wasn't so great as I detoured back home. LOL  Might do a quick double before dinner this evening. Smile


                Lily, I'm jelly, looks beautiful, have fun!


                My running blog

                Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


                  Hola my peeps...


                  Hello dear. You and your honey look great, as usual!


                  Were those Baboons in the tree?

                  From the Internet.

                    Heading to the pool in a few minutes, hoping for 80-90 minutes there. Off to the beach for the afternoon and oyster bar for dinner with boss and co-workers.


                      Looking good lily! Keep on having fun on your vacation. Empty your mind Smile


                      Baboon, have a nice trip home.


                      Former Bad Ass

                        Morning.  I twisted my ankle yesterday morning and ouch, it hurts today.  I have 11 with 2 X 3 miles but we'll see about the foot.  Damn torn ligament, bugging me even after 25 years.


                        I have never seen a bad Tom Cruise movie, and after Oblivion and Edge of Tomorrow, I think his movies are just better than ever.


                        In Court all morning and to boot, RWOL forums are down so we cannot even run the results of the 2015 in 2015 game.  Yay Wednesday.


                        Lily, nice pics.  Glad you are having tons of fun.



                        Super B****

                          lily, I am jealous.  Even with those temperatures!

                          (Far as I always understood it, humidity goes down during the day because the heat from the sun allows the moisture to evaporate.  But I'm not a meteorologist.)

                          chasing the impossible


                          because i never shut up ... i blog


                            RWOL forums are down so we cannot even run the results of the 2015 in 2015 game.  


                            So surprised.





                            Former Bad Ass

                              lily, I am jealous.  Even with those temperatures!

                              (Far as I always understood it, humidity goes down during the day because the heat from the sun allows the moisture to evaporate.  But I'm not a meteorologist.)


                              Yes, technically, that's what happened.  Mornings are actually the worse for high dewpoints.  In most countries near the Equator, you can see the dew most mornings (we called it rocio in Puerto Rico).  But when your dewpoint is 78 in the middle of the day, it is still stinking humid all day long (as is here).



                                I've been running. Slowly and not many miles, but consistently. 45 miles last week. This week hopefully 60. Average pace about 8:20/8:30. That's all I can do. Average temperature for my runs early in the morning is around 88F, with near 100% humidity. 



                                You normally run faster than that??


                                Looks like you are having a great time. Enjoy.